David Amess (fatally stabbed by Islamic b) accused the BBC for anti-Israel bias

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee David Amess (fatally stabbed by Islamic b) accused the BBC for anti-Israel bias

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    BBC, 7 September 2011

    Conservative MP David Amess attacks BBC pay and ‘bias’

    ‘Consistent policy’

    Mr Amess, MP for Southend West, accused the BBC of bias on several issues, including the reporting of events in Israel, which he claimed was covered in a “highly disproportionate manner”, showing the state in a “poor light”.

    Shimon Nodel

    He was trying to be a sanegor Yisrael. He died because of it. We can assume he made it to gan eden


    “Fatally Stabbed”
    When will the Western World, esp. Europe, learn Not to consider them as Refugees?!?
    Part of their Religion is Not to assimilate.
    Therefore a lot of them believe in Jihad.


    Health, part of our religion is not to assimilate.

    ☕️coffee addict


    We don’t believe in jihad (fighting)


    it depends what you mena by asimilating ujm/health


    tuna: to the point that we’re not allowed to even drink wine with goyim.


    CA – You’re the one that got the point of my post.


    Muslim would not be drinking with goyim, or Jews, or Muslims


    AAQ: Muslims are goyim. The difference between them and Christians, is that they are not baalei avoda zora whereas Christians are. You can daven in a mosque but you cannot even enter a church.


    AAQ: Muslims are goyim. The difference between them and Christians, is that they are not baalei avoda zora whereas Christians are. You can daven in a mosque but you cannot even enter a church.


    UJM -“AAQ: Muslims are goyim. The difference between them and Christians, is that they are not baalei avoda zora whereas Christians are.”

    I love the Internet, where everyone can be a Poisek or a doctor.
    Btw, Mr. UJM maybe you should spend less time on the Internet and More time in the Basis Medrash?!?
    It’s btw, a Macklokes Rishonim whether Xiantins are AZ or not!


    1. The Remah holds that today’s Chrstians are not ovdei avoda zara.

    2. Rav Y. Zilberstein (of Ramat Elchanan) explains that a radical mosque whereby they teach jihadism, is resl Avoda Zara.


    Remah lived when Protestantism was just emerging, so we may want to look at later poskim also. One possible hiluk may be that it is avoda zara for Jews, but not for non-Jews. A book by two experts says so, but when I asked the first author, he said this was only because his co-author insisted so much, so I don’t know whether this is a strong shitah.

    Islam was not considered avodah zorah in some of the times when they were even crazier than now, what changed now? Who said that only idolworshippers can be crazy?


    Shituf is not osur for aku”m. It has nothing to do with Remah’s definition regarding how WE treat their Knesiyah. And no one has made the protestant point. Which means his statement stays


    The Noda B’Yehuda explicitly rules that shituf is pure Avoda Zora when practiced by a gentile.


    The list of those who think it is avoda zara is long and includes most modern authorities, and the list of those who think it is not for non-Jews is shorter but also long (starting w/ Meiri), and it s very annoying when people quote sources from one side only, as if this is a football competition.

    should we treat them as sofek?

    I do not see anyone differentiating between different groups? Are they all the same indeed?

    How do we treat individuals, who might be clueless. Anecdotally, one ger reports that when he started explaining to a devout relative why we don’t think that 3=1, the relative admitted that she never really understood why 3=1 herself …


    To Shalom & UJM –
    You’re both right. It’s a Machlokes Rishonim.
    But it seems it goes down to the Achronim.
    Mechaber holds like the Rambam. (Osser)
    And the Rema holds like Rashi. (Mutter for a Goy.)


    The Moda B’Yehuda says those who read the Rema as permitting shituf for Goyim are misreading the Rema as the Rema only permits a Goy to swear for a contract using as such. But the Noda B’Yehuda states that the Rema does not permit belief in shituf even for Goyim.


    Ujm -“But the Noda B’Yehuda states that the Rema does not permit belief in shituf even for Goyim.”

    Ok. Look at the Meforshim on the Side.
    They hold the Rema does hold it’s Mutter.
    Like I said – you can pretend to be a Poisek or a Doc on the Net.

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