Davening from a Siddur

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    Git Meshige

    Why do people close their eyes during shemoney esray as opposed to davening from a siddur? Is the concentration not better when you see the words in front of you? I find myself spacing out when I dont daven from a siddur. Is there a source for not davening shemoney esray from a siddur?


    Why do people close their eyes during shemoney esray as opposed to davening from a siddur? Is the concentration not better when you see the words in front of you?

    in my experience , there are moments where I am davening for something and my concentration is better if I close my eyes to focus on nothing but the concept and thing that I am davening/praising hashem for.

    I find myself spacing out when I dont daven from a siddur

    When you don’t daven with a siddur do you close your eyes? or are you spaced out?

    Is there a source for not davening shemone esray from a siddur

    from my point of view , whether or not it has a scriptural source is immaterial, as it helps me daven plus I don’t remember seeing anywhere that you cant close your eyes. so I don’t need a source for it


    Once upon a time siddurim didn’t exist.


    Is the concentration not better when you see the words in front of you? I find myself spacing out when I dont daven from a siddur.

    So, for you, strictly davening from the siddur works best. For other people, they may find it easier/better to close their eyes. To each their own.

    The Wolf


    ??? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????


    Look it up!

    Mishnah Berurah (93:5 – on seif 2)

    The achronim write that whoever does not close his eyes when he pray the shemoneh esrei will not earn the privilege of seeing the countenance of the Shechinah (l’ros pnei hashechinah) when his soul departs. Notwithstanding, if one prays from a siddur and his eyes are open so that he can see what is written in it, there is no objection in doing so. {Says to be see the M’B 91:6 that brings a scary Zohar about looking around during shemoneh esrei] (Translation mostly from Feldheim)

    I believe the Ari Z’l davened from a siddur so as to be careful to pronounce the words correctly.

    In conclusion, both closing eyes and looking at a siddur are viable options, looking anywhere else is not during shemoneh esrei.


    anywhere else is not but not quite so; How about “Otzar Kuntras haTeffiloh”? and how about my Machzor?


    I believe he meant any where besides a siddur or object that will aid in the quality of ones davening

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