Davening At Anothers Expense

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    When davening (with Kovunah) please be careful that your Kovunah doesn’t disturb or bother someone else.I’ll give some examples:

    1.Davening to loud

    2.If you daven a long Shmonei Esrei daven in the front that way the guy in front of you doesn’t have to wait till Aleinu to take 3 steps back

    3.Don’t daven Shmonei Esrei in someone else’s ear

    4.Your Teffilin bag and your hat don’t need to take up 4 seats

    5.When putting on your Tallis you don’t have to give the guy next to you a reminder(by wacking him with your Tzitzis) that your sitting there.

    Thank You!


    Ah, when I first saw the thread, I thought it was going to be out davening in situations where, say, you and your friend are both competing for the same job (i.e. where the object of what you are davening for comes at someone else’s expense).

    The Wolf

    (Now that I brought it up, I’m going to have to give some serious thought as to the morality of that.)


    Hayad Hashem Tiktzor?

    minyan gal

    Another thing that I find annoying is when doing a prayer out loud in unison, someone is racing far ahead of whomever is leading the davening. It is distracting and causes some people to lose their place. The next prayer won’t start until the leader does anyway, so slow down.


    HaLeiVi – Hayad Hashem Tiktzor?

    What does that mean?


    That is a response to the Wolf. I’m saying, although you know that someone else wants what you want, can’t Hashem satisfy everyone? this is what Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu when he asked how Hashem can supply a whole nation with meat.


    although you know that someone else wants what you want, can’t Hashem satisfy everyone?

    I never said otherwise.

    The Wolf


    “When putting on your Tallis you don’t have to give the guy next to you a reminder(by wacking him with your Tzitzis) that your sitting there”

    ha ha thanks for pointing this out- i always wondered why the guy behind me yelled OUCH every time I took off my Talis- lol!



    The correct thing to do is Daven that you should get it. Not Chas Veshalom having in mind that your friend shouldn’t. Just focus on what you need. If you are supposed to get it Hashem will give it to you. Don’t worry about your friend, you can Daven for him too that he should have parnassah if you’d like, but Hashem has a Cheshbon for everyone.



    Also, please dont stress the “ches” and “z” “S and” soundsespecially during quiet Shmoine esrai.

    This is most annoying to other mispalelim who are trying to concentrate on their tefila but are being disturbed by “ch”s and “s”s being said so “thick” and loud.

    Generally, think of others. Dont be selfish. In this zechus, your prayers will be answered.


    This reminds me of a joke about someone praying and overhears the next guy asking his Maker for $100. The man pulls out a hundred and hands it to the other fellow. The recipient thanks him profusely and walks out. Now the generous one continues praying, “Now that I have your undivided attention…”



    I agree with you 100%+ (That was part of #3 – Don’t daven Shmonei Esrei in someone else’s ear)


    Forget about taking off your Tallis , when ppl. put on their Tallis they give the guy next to them “Malkos”! (It REALLY hurts , try it , ask someone (or do it by yourself) to wack you with Tzitzis . But DON’T BLAME ME IF IT HURTS. 🙂


    When certain people insist on finishing shema out loud when the shaliach tzibbur has moved on to ve’emuna

    When some people say sorry shout tzeeetzis in shema


    When certain people insist on finishing shema out loud when the shaliach tzibbur has moved on to ve’emuna

    Think that’s bad , what about when your(trying to) davening shmonei esrai & the guy is saying shma – OUT LOUD!



    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “When certain people insist on finishing shema out loud when the shaliach tzibbur has moved on to ve’emuna”

    “Think that’s bad , what about when your(trying to) davening shmonei esrai & the guy is saying shma – OUT LOUD!”

    I would be “dan l’kaf zchus” and assume they don’t realize. My mother told me recently that she had to wait until I finished bentching to bentch because I was bentching so loud. I had no idea I was bentching out loud.


    A lot of posters are awfully cranky about other people’s quirks and breaches of etiquette. The mitzvah of chesed should address most of the issues raised.

    catch yourself

    Lt. Birnbaum related that he once asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky what Kavana he should have when putting on his tallis. Rav Chaim told him he should have Kavana not to whip the person next to him in the eye.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “A lot of posters are awfully cranky about other people’s quirks and breaches of etiquette. The mitzvah of chesed should address most of the issues raised.”

    Huju +1


    What about davening for a job that you are competing with a frum person for?

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    If you really feel you are on the level for such a thing, you can choose not to apply for the job in the first place. But I don’t think that is usually the right approach for most people.

    But if you are already applying for the job anyhow, then you should put in full hishtadlus which would include davening.

    Basically, you have to decide if you are applying for the job or not. If you are, then you are, and you do full hishtadlus.


    When not just daven dutch?

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