Davening a Long S"E

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  • This topic has 56 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by mik5.
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    twisted – Which yeshivas daven a 30-minute S”E on weekdays?


    And how come some people daven SE in 30 seconds, literally? And how come even when I am davening as fast as possible for whatever reason, there are still people who finish before I do?


    “And how come even when I am davening as fast as possible for whatever reason, there are still people who finish before I do?”

    Maybe they’re davening faster than possible


    It’s inconsiderate to the shatz and the mispallelim, especially in a weekday minyan.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “And how come some people daven SE in 30 seconds, literally?”

    How is that possible? Even on Erev Shabbos right before shkiya, I don’t think I can manage to finish Shemone Esrei in less than 2 minutes.


    The following question was posed to HaGaon HaRav Avigdor HaKohen Miller, zecher tzaddik l’vracha:

    Is it better to daven a long Shemonah Esrei and to therefore miss kedusha?

    The rav, zecher tzaddik l’vracha, responded:

    Absolutely! But it depends however on what you’re thinking. If you’re thinking that I’m davening a long Shemonah Esrei in order to make a “hit” with those around me, then absolutely not. Some people do that, by the way. I see people doing that. But if you’re doing it because you want more time to think about what the words mean, then there’s no question that it’s a very good investment to daven with kavanah.


    I saw in the biography of the Gaon and Tzaddik, HaRav Yechezkel Levenstein, zatzal, that the Alter of Kelm had a 1-hour long S”E.

    The Mashgiach himself took 10 minutes to say “Ezras Avoseinu” etc. in Birkos Krias Shema. Nevertheless, the Mashgiach said that if davening long will cause him to space out, he should not do so, as he will be dreaming instead of davening.

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