OK, so this has been bugging me for a bit, and I just decided maybe I could try my luck posting on here, and seeing if someone could help me.
I dont really know the sitch with all the different nusachos… So, firstly, would someone mind explaining it to me?
In the case where theres 1 or 2 words different in a tefilla, Why is that?
And if there are whole tefillos that can be different/ added, why do some people say these extra things and some not?
Now, another question for the general public of the CoffeeRoom.
Its happened before, and is bound to happen again:
If I’ve gotta daven, but dont have a siddur on me, but I find a siddur of a different nusach, should I rather
1- use the siddur as a guide, but really say the nusach that I ‘know’ by changing words here and there,
or 2- daven completely from the other siddur, just have a different ‘minhag tefilla’ for that particular time.
I KNOW that the CoffeeRoom isn’t a posek, but is there anyone who knows what is the correct thing to do?