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- This topic has 146 replies, 52 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 6 months ago by yitzy99.
August 1, 2008 12:28 am at 12:28 am #620673insuranceguyMember
people listen to yourselves, who cares about the crocs B H people are going to minyan. how many yidden are sitting at home now on the computer rather than going to shul in crocs? lets give chizuck ! not put people down.
August 1, 2008 12:48 am at 12:48 am #620675JosephParticipantWearing a hat and jacket is a sign of Kavod.
August 1, 2008 1:24 am at 1:24 am #620677favishMemberto pashuteyid..so as one can call the president all kind you dirty names even 3 +1 letter words ,(remenmber 2-3 years ago the kid who came to school with sweat shirt and picture of pres. bush with wording “bush is a terrorist”..so follows we can do the same?..so the reyou we think is shvach…but one can say since its the derech in those particular shule to daven just with yarmulka so is not showing lack of koved(dont know halcha so , just museing ). It is mentoined in shulchen urech one should have double head covering when making brocha…
August 1, 2008 4:00 am at 4:00 am #620679ZalmanParticipantIf someone who comes from a background of wearing a jacket and hat does not wear it in shul, he is showing deep disrespect for Hashem. OTOH if someone doesn’t come from such a background, it is fair to assume he is tinuk shenishba in this matter, and we must be him dan lkav zchus.
August 1, 2008 4:30 am at 4:30 am #620680lgbgMemberbugnot
again, my point was not to bash you, my point was just to tell you that these men or boys who come to shul in crocs, look at it, atleast their coming to shul for minyan.
and keep up the great work im sure hashem is really proud of you!
August 1, 2008 4:56 am at 4:56 am #620681just meParticipant“Ehrlicha Yidden always wear, barring extenuating circumstances…” Tell that to people in Israel who don’t always. Seems to me that wearing a hat and jacket doesn’t make you “ehrlich”. There is a difference between frum (religious) and ehrlich.
What about a man who doesn’t wear a white shirt and black jacket to work (i.e. a repair man or electrician)? If he makes time from his busy day to daven with a minyan, do you want him to go home to change into clothing that would make him look more like you in order to daven? Or do you concider a man who does blue collar labor not really an ehrlich frum Yid anyway?
Like many people here said, keep your eyes in your siddur. What kind of kavana do you all have when your eyes are busy checking out who is frum enough. Your clothes may make you look frum, but when this is what is bothering you, I don’t concider you very ehrlich.
August 1, 2008 4:58 am at 4:58 am #620682cherrybimParticipantWearing a stylish hat and jacket is a sign of Kavod for a melech. When you see photos of bochrim in Europe, whether in Mir or Slabodke or other famous yeshivos- they wore the fanciest styles in hats, ties and suits. Never dark. In addition, you never see beards except for the Roshei Hayeshiva.
August 1, 2008 6:54 am at 6:54 am #620683Think BIGMemberPoshut, I understand a little more where you’re coming from, somewhere in between two different worlds, perhaps, not fitting in with either. (Though I don’t know if you grew up in this way as well or you evolved thus over the years.)
I hear what you have to say about chareidim, but let me try to explain why I think you have such a low opinion of chareidim.
I think you don’t really underdstand where they are coming from, and your perceptions of their motives are just that- perceptions. You perceive them through the eyes of someone who is not really part of them, and therefor you misunderstand alot of what makes them tick. (You can argue that the same is true of Chareidim not really understanding secularists. This is true. But we are not trying to say that we understand them or are part of them. This is a chareidi site after all)
Take for example the issue with the state of Israel. You write “…and the chareidim show true overflowing ahavah and thanks towards the soldiers, with gedolei yisroel making speeches of thanks (and possibly apologizing as well for the historic negative attitude towards the state). ” You say this because you feel there is what to apologize for. Go and study the writings of the gedolim and their opinions and maybe you’ll understand how the chareidi “negative” attitude towards the state was based on their daas torah! Maybe the Zionists should apologize to the Torah world for the way they treated us??? Go research for yourself about the tremendous abuse the early Zionists afflicted on the frum survivors of Europe after ww2. and how they kidnapped the yemenite children, and covered up their tracks. And read up about the massive sin’a they continue to harbor against the chareidim. There is enough written evidence and proof to these things. You write about chareidim “They either deny the existence of things they don’t want to hear, or else ban them.” this perfectly describes those that defend the zionists. (Do you know that the book “perfidy”, which exposes zionists shocking betrayal of the Jewish plight during WW2 was banned from being sold in Israel for many years?? If you havent read it–you must)
So what should the chareidim apologize for exactly? And none of this even touches upon the core issues of whether or not we may recognize the state of israel, whether taking eretz yisroel by force was halachically permissible, which is too complex to go into now. But do your self a favor and OPEN your mind and go learn about why chareidim hold the positions they do. Why the gedolim of yesteryear, from the satmar Rav to the brisker Rav and everyone in between, held the way they did. You may be surprised at some of the assumptions you have that are based in a fallacy.
I say this based on your comments about the chareidi world in many of the posts. I feel, by reading them that you really are a sincerer Jew who loves Hashem, and much of what you write displays a strong feeling for yiddishkeit. But you are living in a world of ditorted reality (vis-a-vis chareidim) You are like on the edge looking in, but not really grasping what you see, just coming up with your own conclusions.
You remind me a bit of a Shabbos guest we used to have. He was ostensibly “frum” but his hashkafos were so out of whack, it was incredible. He didnt necessarily believe in Torah Shebaal Peh. He once said to me, “I feel I really got a well rounded education. For elementary school i went to a yeshiva day school, and for high school i went to a prep school. So I know both Torah and secular knowledge, as opposed to yeshiva guys who “only” studied Torah.” He fancied himself more qualified and intelligent because he was in both worlds.
If it wasn’t so sad, i would have laughed out-right. He thinks he knows Torah because he learned until 9th grade?! But the point is he truly felt he was a part of our world, and therefor could make judgements. In fact he hadn;t even gotten a taste.
I don’t mean to compare you to him exactly, because you obviously know more Torah than he does. But as far as thinking you understand the chareidi situation, there the similarities lie.
I can’t help but wonder if you don’t find it frustrating to communicate with chareidim in this website and what you gain by it?
There is alot to comment on your letter, as you are probably wondering why I decided that you don’t undersatand chareidim, but i will limit myself to one more thing you wrote because it is late and i need to go to sleep.
You write, “They are afraid of secular knowledge,… So when I hear a chareidi knocking science, which is quite common, I think he must be from another planet.” This line is so obtuse! Firstly, the science community themselves don’t agree on alot of things, For example Global warming is to some a fact and others a contrived fantasy. I dont know which camp you’re on and neither do i care, but there are legitimate respectable scientific minds that hold either way. Same thing in the medical world. I recently heard from a promenant frum doctor the following, “As a doctor, I have very little faith in medicine. I have faith only in the RBSO. The doctors know less than one percent of what there is to know wbout the human body. ” I could go on and on, but what emerges is that ALOT of what we call sciense is only theory, not fact. The best example of this is the Theory of Evolution which is the only one taught in schools across the country. If you want to somehow fit evolution into the Torah account in Bereishis and say it’s not a contradiction, thats your choice (some have done so), I have no problem with it. But you can hear why we Jews, who are known to be the most cynical of peeople are not ready to swallow any theory in the name of science. it doesnt make us backwards or deniers. That being said, I think that all chareidi schools teach science so it’s not like its a “chareidi shitah” to abolish any learning of science.
If you don’t undersatnd why the Gadol you mentioned doesnt use daylight savings, be humble about it (your trademark, RIGHT?) and know that you just dont understand, but do not judge by saying where is it geting us? what do YOU understand about why a tzaddik does what he does??
If you want to know the meaning of true ahavas yisroel, you will only find it by the chareidim. Did you ever hear of stories of secularists coming out and doing chessed with people? There was a beautiful story written by Nachman seltzer and published by the hamodia recently (do you read that chareidi paper?) about a rabbi Dovid Goldwasser (I Think)who heard there was a army camp of some 600 soldiers not far from his moshav who had no food or adequite supplies. When they had a day off, he invited them to his moshav, gave them a pool to swim in, gourmet food, provided music, etc then gave them beds with quilts…in the morning he presented them with a new change of clothes (600 sets!) and new army equipment they were lacking. This was a very moving story about a CHAREIDI displaying ahavas yosroel to SECULAR chayalim without any motive of being mekarev them, simply because they were jews. These storie are not always publicized, but they are out there.
Remember this: what we are against is the zionist philosophy, and the secular ideas. NoT the people themselves, who by and large today are in the category of tinok shenishbu.
I hope i have not offended you in any way with my long post. It was not my intention. Rather, you seem to be a sincere chap who deserves to know the truth. If I did, I ask mechila.
August 1, 2008 10:17 am at 10:17 am #620684Feif UnParticipantThe big one: so if you’re not wearing a hat and jacket, you’re automatically wearing shorts and crocs? What about someone who comes in wearing a nice pair of black pants, and a blue button down shirt? I think he’s more ehrlich than you are, even with your hat and jacket. You know why? Because he’s dan lekaf zchus, and doesn’t think a person’s davening is based on what he wears.
August 1, 2008 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm #620685Chuck SchwabParticipantThe better question to ask is, Why would someone NOT wear a jacket or hat?
Is there a 2,000 year old minhug to not wear a jacket or hat that we missed somehow?
August 1, 2008 3:30 pm at 3:30 pm #620687feivelParticipantFeifun
“Does it say in the Shulchan Aruch or Mishna Berurah that you MUST wear a hat and jacket to davening? “
yes, in the Mishna Berurah.
also by bentching.
August 1, 2008 3:50 pm at 3:50 pm #620688lammed heyMemberB”H they daven!
August 1, 2008 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm #620689Pashuteh YidMemberBTW, WolfishMusings, I have often thought of your sevara of familiariy, as well. Here is a limud zchus on those who don’t wear the full ragalia when davening, auch as the times when people are about to fall asleep at night and realize with a scream that OY VEY I DIDNT DAVEN MAARIV. How many can say they get fully dressed? (BTW, once heard from a yeshiva bochur that he saw his roommate davening in his pajamas and hat.)
Here is the limud zchus: We are supposed to dress like standing before a king. However, what if you are the son of the king, or the wife of the king. Does the king’s 5 yr old son dress in his suit every time he wants to speak to daddy? Same for his wife.
Klal yisroel are hashem’s children. Banim atem lashem elokeichem. Also we are compared to the betrothed of the king. So for a family member the halacha is different. 🙂
August 1, 2008 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm #620690BogenParticipantThank You Feivel.
Now that we have the Mishna Berura, this debate is over. Put on your jackets and hats, please. (And if you don’t, please don’t spread your rebelliousness to others by commenting AGAINST Mishna Berura.)
August 1, 2008 9:47 pm at 9:47 pm #620691I can only tryMember>> couldn’t resist <<
August 1, 2008 9:55 pm at 9:55 pm #620692favishMemberto pashute yid page 4..so the halchos of tfila, among them,that we stand with aimoh v’yirah before the riboni shel oilom like before a king to who is this haloche is refered to? moav, christians,bnaei eisav, etc ?
August 1, 2008 10:16 pm at 10:16 pm #620693mdlevineMember1) HaShem does NOT need are Tefila – we need it in our aspirations to become close to HaShem and to recognize that HaShem is the source of all Brocha.
2) HaShem wants our prayers so that we can can draw close to Him.
3) HaShem wants us to show a proper Kavod to Him – not for His beneift but for ours – once again as in all Mitzvahs, this is for our benefit in order to get close to Him.
4) HaShem wants us to show Kavod to each other and to our Shuls – not because he needs it, but because we need it.
5) jackets, hats, slacks, shirts, footwear (ties???): these items of clothing are all items that are for Kavod HaShem and for Kavod of the Tzibur and the Shul. Many of these things have changed over the generations (ties? short vs. long coats? styles of turbans as opposed to fedoras).
I posted previously in this thread that people should be glad that people are coming to shul and should not chase them out because of their shoes.
Now, as a part of the Tzibur, I will overlook the kavod of how people are dressed and perhaps HaShem will overlook that:
my hat needed to be brushed, and
my jacket is missing a button.
My shirt was not spotfree, and
my tie is on my dining room chair.
my trousers were wrinkled,
my shoes weren’t shined, and
I have a hole in my sock.
Maybe even HaShem will overlook my lack kavana in my Tefila.
Wishing everyone of my friends a good Shabbos and a good Chodesh and may this Chodesh turn to a time of Simcha Gedola for all of Israel.
August 1, 2008 10:23 pm at 10:23 pm #620694Will HillParticipantHere is the thing:
Okay so for whatever reason you DIDN’T wear you jacket and/or hat by davening as required per mishna brura. Nu. 99.9+% of the time no one is going to come over to you and critique you, even though mishna brura says you should be wearing it.
August 3, 2008 1:56 am at 1:56 am #620695Chuck SchwabParticipantPahuteh yid, Its perfectly right to be limud zchus on someone who doesn’t wear a jacket/hat (just as it would be for anything else wrong he did). But it isn’t right to promote not wearing a jacket/hat if shulchan orach says one should always wear a jacket/hat by davening (and bentching).
August 3, 2008 3:03 am at 3:03 am #620696bugnotParticipantWhere is the kovod for Hashem. Im not talking about a hat and jacket, im talking about looking like a mentch (ie: shirt tucked in, SHOES) and one more thing – WHY CANT EVERYONE TURN OFF THEIR RINGER BEFORE THEY WALK INTO THE BEIS MEDRASH?
August 3, 2008 4:04 am at 4:04 am #620697TOHIGHSCHOOLGUYMemberyou can do whatever you want … but why must you (publicly) start judging everyone else on there attire or lack thereof during davening?
you work on yourself, and stop involving yourselves in other peoples business
August 3, 2008 5:15 am at 5:15 am #620698just meParticipantA friend of mine was newly BT when he went commited the sin of going into a very “frum” shul wearing a blue shirt and no hat. Someone came over to him and yelled at him for his lack of proper atire and threw him out of the “frum” shul.
To all of you so sure how to be a proper frum Yid: was this proper? What do you think this new BT got from this? Certainly not to dress like those people.
August 3, 2008 5:55 am at 5:55 am #620699Think BIGMemberjust me: that is a very simple question. Of course it was not proper. But it probably is NEVER proper to yell at ANYONE in public, or even private without knowing who he is. That doesn’t negate the responsiblity of every frum yid to adddress his own attitude on this important inyan and see if it’s lacking. Just because one time, one person did something wrong by yelling at someone for something he did, doesnt mean it’s okay to do that thing…
August 3, 2008 10:35 am at 10:35 am #620700lesschumrasParticipantI agree with just me. Too much emphasis isplaced on dress, not behaviour. Three recent incidents:
1. I was at a yeshivish chasuna 3 weeks ago at the hall on 14th ave and 53 st. When it came to daven Mincha at the tish, about 50 men, who had already davened, continued to shmooz while eveyone else was davening. My chavrusa, the father of the chasan, later told me that he personally makes sure he davened Mincha before coming to a simcha because of this .
2. I was at a Pidyon, also in Boro Park, two months ago. Again, every one was properly attired in black hat and suits. While the baal simcha attempted to give a dvar Torah, about 8-% of the olam continued to talk .
3. My great-nephew, a student at a yeshiva in Brooklyn, was recently bar-mitzvahed.
His classmates who already bar-mitzvahed, were shmoozing during davening, but wearing their brand new black hats.
August 3, 2008 1:33 pm at 1:33 pm #620701favishMemberto think big page 3..ysher koach for that “v’da mah shetoshive l’apikorsim”..also that story whiththos 60 soldiers was RABBI GROSSMAN of midol ohoirhe discorabbi..a tzaddik of our generatio and dont be impressd by his ‘torah’ as he mentioned one of his posts he uses a cd from bar ilan univercity…reminds me of story..a maskil came to town of the n’tziv and wanted to darshen , and told netziv “i’ll only qout medroshim etc..so the netziv told him ‘even kosher meat that is cooked in treife pot becomes treif’ (sefer torah s’kosvoi min yisoref’ so here its doble, from bar illan, and throug ..(after all he keeps admitting he is uncharedi, as he keeps on hockin on charedi
August 3, 2008 2:18 pm at 2:18 pm #620702favishMemberto just me.. we dont even start to believe this story..have been to all kinds of ‘black hatters’ shule and seen plenty times when such tiere yidden dressed like that(blue shirt, small kippah etc,{shorts havent seen, but if yes and were asked to leave is understandable..) were there , and were treated with utmost respect, so either he is lying, or you’re makeng up this story or there is more to it then meets the eye..(yes we consider them heilige tiere yidden…what all these posters are against is guys like rabbi of maskilim, cantor esg, “not so’ pashute yid, less chumres,sinisent etc (b’h havent heard from him awhile so we dont have to put up with another un- chareidi, but we REALLY wish him health and gut yohr) who knimrod gibbor tzeid, come on ehrliche toireh site and mock when heilige gedolim talk about tznoius etc., or when meran hagoan hatzaddike elishev issues issur to certain weeklies (article chareidy weeklys may 3 ,08) they mock..(because truth hurts) and so with every issue that they give hisoirrous drasha…
August 3, 2008 2:45 pm at 2:45 pm #620703ujmParticipantWhats the heter for not wearing a jacket and hat during davening, as required by mishna berura?
August 3, 2008 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm #620704Feif UnParticipantInstead of just saying “Yes, it’s in the Mishna Berurah”, can you please show me where exactly?
August 3, 2008 10:46 pm at 10:46 pm #620706JosephParticipantFeif Un:
Regarding the halacha requiring a Yid to wear a jacket and hat for davening and bentching, I believe it is derived from Chullin 138, from a discussion of the Kohein Gadol’s turban (the mitznefes). Also see the Shulchan Aruch O”Ch 282:2. Mishnah Berurah 8:4, citing the Ba”ch, requires two head covering for all of davening.
(Rav Herschel Schachter cites the Pishchei Teshuvah who in turn cites the Shlah that it is necessary from the point of view of atifah, being cloaked while being aware of G-d’s presence.)
August 3, 2008 11:12 pm at 11:12 pm #620707I can only tryMemberFeif Un –
“Instead of just saying ‘Yes, it’s in the Mishna Berurah’, can you please show me where exactly?”
Hilchos Tefiloh, siman 91, sk 12(megulah)
August 3, 2008 11:19 pm at 11:19 pm #620708I can only tryMemberCorrection: sk 4, mb 12
August 4, 2008 12:42 am at 12:42 am #620709favishMemberto feif un, page 4.the mishne berureh is in s’u orach chaim 91 seuf katen 12..but like we mentioned,, he sais if the derech is to go with hat…see ibid.so thats why we mentioned in uor post ,since those yidden go wiyhout hat so its permisable for them,but we no poiseck.
August 4, 2008 1:23 am at 1:23 am #620710KlerrMemberLoi ALeinee some Frimme Yiden Blog witout Het and Jeket.
August 4, 2008 2:16 am at 2:16 am #620711cherrybimParticipantAnother concern of the modern orthodox is that the hat will be blown away by a strong wind (happens all the time) and will cause the carrying of the hat in reshus harabim.
Also, what happens to the requirement of hat when using a tallis for davining in the morning? Do we also see a king with a tallis over our heads?
Let the terutzim role in!
August 4, 2008 4:23 am at 4:23 am #620712Pashuteh YidMemberThink Big, just saw your long letter now. Don’t have time to respond to all of it, but will at some point. I appreciate your arichus and patience. One point is that that was a gevalidgeh story about Rav Grossman, and that type of behavior is exactly the type I am trying to encourage. Yirbu kmoso byisroel.
To all those quoting the MB about hats. What you fail to see is that the mechaber says even a straw yarmulke is sufficient, but the MB says if the derech to walk in the street is with a hat, then that should be worn. Over and over he says the criteria is what one wears in front of chashuva people. Since hats are out of style today, a hat would seem not to be required. The claim that it is a minhag is incorrect, since the minhag was based on the styles of those times.
Doesn’t Rashi in Shabbos somewhere mention a special suddar (handkerchief) that was worn around the neck only by talmidei chachamim? Is there any reason today that we should revive such a minhag? Clearly not, as dress has changed. Am I a bad American since I don’t wear a long flowing white wig like George Washington used to?
I am not addressing jackets for now, just hats.
Jent, are you serious that you have a problem with the Bar-Ilan CD? All it is is a database of shas, meforshim and poskim. Don’t worry, there is not any secular studies in there.
August 4, 2008 3:25 pm at 3:25 pm #620713sesMemberdoesnt hashem accept all our tefillos, whether black hat, kippah serugah, or bareheaded?
if hashem can accept tefillos from someone who cant even read hebrew but pours his heart out to the Almighty, why cant he accept tefillos of people wearing crocs?
what do shoes have to do with it? granted, i wouldnt wear crocs on shabbos, but i see plenty of bachurim wearing NAOT slippers are they any better, only because
they are leather?
August 4, 2008 6:14 pm at 6:14 pm #620714jphoneMemberI think I am going to go out and buy a silk turban with nice flowing caftan and daven dressed the same as the Rambam. Hopefully, I will have even 25% the Kavanah he did.
August 4, 2008 7:30 pm at 7:30 pm #620716noitallmrParticipantjent1150- Maskim!!! (please dont use caps lock its an eyesore)…I’ve heard from very chashuver people that the author of any book puts all his/her ideas into your head when you read it even if they didn’t actually write anythig treif or Kefira…
August 4, 2008 8:50 pm at 8:50 pm #620717Feif UnParticipantThe MB says if the custom is to daven with a hat, you should. In many communities, the derech is not to wear a hat. So according to the MB, in those places, it’s fine not to, right?
Personally, I wear a hat on Shabbos, but not during the week. In my community, the vast majority of people don’t wear hats – many don’t wear white shirts on Shabbos either, but I do that.
August 4, 2008 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm #620718Native IsraeliMemberis this really whats impt in life? crocs?
please, as long as its tzniyusdig what really is the problem? its not like its assur or s/t?
are we trying to run away from subjects that are really impt in life?!
August 4, 2008 11:41 pm at 11:41 pm #620720Pashuteh YidMemberJent, The CD is called the Responsa, and it is distributed by TES software, based in Monsey Ir Hakodesh, with a branch smack in the middle of MEAH SHEARIM. Now how much more kosher can you get than that?
BTW, because Bar-Ilan didn’t want to be somech on scanning, I was told by founder of project many years ago, they would hire educated kollel wives who knew how to read rabbinic Hebrew to type every word in letter by letter. This gave parnasa to kollel families.
Of course, Jent, I am not even going to bother refuting your assumption that the word Bar-Ilan makes something equivalent to kefira, as it is too silly.
August 5, 2008 1:21 am at 1:21 am #620722Think BIGMemberCherry bim: you are funny. You are deciding what the people in Europe looked like based on the photo! They posed for their once a year yeshiva photo! we also get dressed up when we take photos. doesnt mean we look like that all the time.
I think the points we can all take out of this, in summary :
1. each person should, on his level, try to make davening more meaningful and respectful. For some it may mean remembering to wear their hat, for others, to BRUSH their hat or shoes. For those who dont wear hats, surely there is a way for them to upgrade their tefillah.
2. Not to judge others. Maybe they have a reason for doing what they do.
3. when you are in shul, concentrate on your own tefillah, not on the next guys
4.Familiarize yourself with the relevant halachos of tefilla and dont take it from the guy on the internet. Not even me.
August 5, 2008 1:33 am at 1:33 am #620723Think BIGMemberTO JENT, thank you for the correction to my story that it as rabbi Grossman. The name slipped my mind at the time, but I chose to repeat that story specifically because he is very famous and it underscores the point so well, better than if I would have just used some “nameless chareidi rabbi”. That way all the “sceptics” of fanciful stories wont have a pesach.
August 5, 2008 2:30 am at 2:30 am #620724Think BIGMemberJent: Firstly, thank you for your kind words. Secondly, you tell me not to be impressed with his Torah, its all from the cd. But you also need to know where to apply what you learn, so he seems pretty learned to me(I am not very learned myself). But, besides that, it seems to me that he is more “areingetun” in the sources than the other anti-chareidim out there, so i give him credit for that. As for the treif pot analogy, it is a point well taken.
However the only reason i bothered answering him is because from the way he writes, he does seem to have a more refinement than many others. His usual way is not to attack, but rather to state his views in a bachovidik manner. It seems to me that he practices what he preaches in regards to Ahavas yisroel. So while I feel he is misguided and living in a dangerous dream world, and i don’t necessarily appreciate his posting anti-chareidi thoughts on this chareidi website, i feel he is a mentch and should be treated like one.
also, about the bar ilan cd, are you sure there’s something wrong with it? i know several talmidei Chachamimwho use it as reference. Of course, having all the info in your head is infinitely better, but not everyone has your fantastic recall memory, which really is quite astounding (in my opinion)
Poshut yid: I’m still waiting for your response
August 5, 2008 3:32 am at 3:32 am #620725ujmParticipantAnd whats the excuse for those lacking a JACKET by davening? NONE.
And this is especially problematic during SHACHRIS when some yodles put on a talis without any jacket.
August 5, 2008 1:22 pm at 1:22 pm #620726favishMemberto pashute yid page 5 RE:your 2nd post…wish you’d do it to all my postings
August 5, 2008 5:23 pm at 5:23 pm #620727I can only tryMemberFeif Un –
“The MB says if the custom is to daven with a hat, you should. In many communities, the derech is not to wear a hat. So according to the MB, in those places, it’s fine not to, right?”
Actually, I think he says it’s because that is the way one would present oneself before respected people.
source: http://www.dailyhalacha.com/MBerura/Images/383.jpg
If you are not sure (which I am inferring from “right?”) you should ask your Rov/Rabbi.
August 5, 2008 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm #620728Will HillParticipantujm, it bothers me very much as well when I see mispallelim lacking the proper decorum when they fail to wear a jacket under their talis.
August 5, 2008 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm #620729tzippiMemberYou know, it’s all well and good to say that a hat and jacket is a lechatchila according to our particular derech. As a parent though, I long decided that this could not be a yehoreig ve’al ya’avor. I’d seen enough other kids to think, what if my son for whatever reason is chafing at the bit? Should he feel disenfranchised if he comes to shul without a hat or jacket? They always knew that the line was not hat and jacket, or not, but kempt vs. unkempt. You daven, you look like a mensch. Interestingly, they have no problem with the hat and jacket and bli ayin hara are doing quite well in the system.
But we have to loosen up a bit.
Or maybe I’m missing some kana’us gene.
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