Where is a good place in NYC to take a girl on a date? This is not the first date nor the second. We have eaten in many places throughout Brooklyn and Queens but not the city. And it is also not a shidduch date.
I just find it so odd to read so much gashmius talk from people who normally espouse the importance of ruchnius and the sheker of gashmius. And for what???? A place to talk for a couple of hours?????? Incredible!
(Although I’m kidding, oomis, I am making a point. Having a conversation about something doesn’t mean it’s a priority.)
OK. I should have clarified: We are going to eat. I do like the comment about going to Pomegranate. Unfortunately, I do not like their food too much. And it is not a shidduch date in that we are going out seriously but we were not set up by “the system.”