Cry No More…

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  • #602222
    its emes

    Anyone watch the new music vid cry no more? I love it and think it’s really professional, but can someone please explain to me what exactly is going on with the pesach seder, the sick child, the kid coming back to life at the end etc. it just doesn’t add up!?! any suggestions?

    ☕️coffee addict

    Its emes,

    New to the scene or just another troll?

    Before you start a thread look it up in “searching old threads” first


    its brought down that on pesach its likely mashiach will come. so mashiach came and the sick was healed and there was techias hameisim.

    thats just my humble opinion.


    well the sick child and coming back to life is what is projected for when moshiach comes and that is when we will cry no more…

    ☕️coffee addict

    its brought down that on pesach its likely mashiach will come.

    It is? where?

    as far as I know the Gemara says B’NISAN negalin B’NISAN asidin L’goel

    and please don’t tell me that that means Pesach

    its emes

    Ya but what about the guy who is making the seder on the hill top, who was also evacuated from gush katif, and is also visiting his sick son in the hospital…


    I think we are ascribing undue teefkeit to mr. yaakov shwekey.

    baron fritz

    his son was sick with cancer and later you see the kid walking with a full head of hair fully cured

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