- This topic has 33 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 11 months ago by Shopping613 π .
January 13, 2014 9:14 am at 9:14 am #611837Shopping613 πParticipant
I never realized how much politics there are here. Even for the year and half that I was a regular user, I happened to miss all the politics , either I didn’t understand it, it wasn’t interesting,or I didn’t see it until it was closed because the whole thing happened in one day on american time zone so I was either asleep or at school.
I look at these threads now…and I think
Personally, I’m friends with modern, chareidi, chilluni, modern orthodox, orthodox, ultra orthodox. And I accept each one of their lifestyles and opinions even if it’s not mine, and I get along great.
Maybe I sound really little by saying this, and your’e all thinking: “WOW, wait till this kid meets the real world”
Maybe I’m just a teen and too little to “understand” that you can’t like not bash at someone. But even if I’m a “little” teen, I still have a perspective, maybe you haven’t tried seeing it, but I have a perspective.
Let’s not judge by what “type” a person is, you CANNOT CATEGORIZE A PERSON! He is a human, with inner comflicts, feeling, doubts….
January 13, 2014 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm #1011511Shopping613 πParticipantSo I think we should all work together to have some more ahava in the CR, you can have different opinions and argue over them, but there is no reason to insult others or what “type” they are.
The Beis Hamikdash was destroyed by Sinat Chinum.
Come on, lets all learn to love each other!
January 13, 2014 2:09 pm at 2:09 pm #1011512Bookworm120Participant+1, Shopping! Achdus among the Jewish people keeps this world running smoothly. Just imagine how creaky and rusty it’s gotten in the last couple thousand years….
I think that you’re doing fine to interact with what people see as “different” Jews. You seem like a strong individual who isn’t easily peer-pressured; they can’t make you change your lifestyle and they are probably glad that you aren’t just there to “mekarev” them or otherwise try to change
lifestyle.January 14, 2014 11:44 am at 11:44 am #1011513Shopping613 πParticipantThanks, its very true, I think this should have gotten more hits with the recent politics around here….of course I’m not, I have friends who are “frummer” than me and they don’t give me mussar or try to change me….
Mods, could you add to the title -Why can’t we all just have Ahavat Yisroel????
January 14, 2014 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm #1011514badchradyjewParticipantIts lovely to talk about ahavas yisroal but what happens when one jew jouns the army to try and save jews everyware and solders of the same army are aresting jews for following there ravs psak halacha by not responding to army letters
January 18, 2014 6:12 pm at 6:12 pm #1011515Shopping613 πParticipantyes, but that means we need to not only bash so called “types” but certain people themselves?
You can’t just define someone as a type and say he is like everyone else of “his type” so let’s go out and bash him for dressing that “type”. Just because one of his “type” or a few did something, so we need to bash out every jew, all; those hundreds or thousands of jews that we beleive fall into that category.
Who is the judge of these categories and type? Who DEFINES what you are??????????????
It shouldn’t be the public, it should be YOU!
I don’t agree with politics here, usually I ignore them, like all you members are ignoring this plea for Ahavat Yisoel in the CR. I am standing up, and entering these politics to send a message anyone can see but no one wants to say.
MEMEBERS OF THE CR, I BEG YOU!!! LISTEN TO YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about this and that and bash others.
It isn’t right! I came back after 4 days and expected much more than 2 responses, I expected this to be one of the hot topics…..
I see how important you think this is, that it dosen’t deserve more than 2 responses?????????????
January 19, 2014 11:12 pm at 11:12 pm #1011516King19MemberThere isn’t much to say. You are obviously 100% right. Therefore everyone on their own accord has to look at themselves for ways to improve. Not too many options to comment…emes is emes. you expected people to argue?
January 20, 2014 1:30 pm at 1:30 pm #1011517Shopping613 πParticipantI expected people to come and agree, or is everybody ashamed to say that they are wrong and I am right? Again?????
And seeing politics haven’t stopped, I expected people to argue, or they are to embarrassed seeing that even though they know it’s wrong, they are continuing…?
January 20, 2014 7:21 pm at 7:21 pm #1011518oyyoyyoyParticipantwhat happens when someone starts attacking your rosh y/rebbe/principal/rav etc?
January 20, 2014 9:02 pm at 9:02 pm #1011519King19MemberIf they wanted to disagree, trust me you would have already seen it… everyone is maskim: ????? ??????
January 22, 2014 1:39 pm at 1:39 pm #1011520Shopping613 πParticipantoyoyoyoy, Well if everyone listened to the great and smart Shopping613, He would’nt be bashing your _____________ in the first place!!!!!!!!!!1
See how it all works out!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe not disagree, but the politics haven’t stopped have they???? Are people too scared to even open this thread?
March 25, 2014 4:18 pm at 4:18 pm #1011521LogicianParticipant“And I accept each one of their lifestyles and opinions even if it’s not mine”
this is not necessary (nor desirable) in order to reach
“and I get along great”
March 25, 2014 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm #1011522akupermaParticipantAnswer to your initial question: Since the political party in Eretz Yisrael that is the de facto party of the Modern Orthodox/Religious Zionists has made destruction of the Israeli Hareidi community into a primary goal. In the past they were more concerned with the Dati Leumi Torah institutions (such as hesder yeshivos) or support the settlements, but they sacrifice that to concentrate on trying to banish the hareidi instituitons.
Your question would be like an American asking the Japanese why we can’t get along on Dec 8 1941.
March 25, 2014 8:57 pm at 8:57 pm #1011523apushatayidParticipantIt would be great to have a big love fest and sing kumbaya around the bonfire. But koheles tells us, “es lisno”. It would be foolish to look at every situation and say, lets all just agree to disagree and live happily ever after. Perhaps it works that way in the fairy tales, not in the real world.
March 25, 2014 9:05 pm at 9:05 pm #1011524charliehallParticipant“they sacrifice that to concentrate on trying to banish the hareidi instituitons”
I’m not defending the Jewish Home party, as I disagree with much of what it stands for, but they did not start the “war” with the charedim. Review the rhetoric of the last election campaign; the Shas party in particular was way out of line. The charedim lost and they should not be surprised that the Jewish Home party isn’t interested in helping them.
March 25, 2014 9:08 pm at 9:08 pm #1011525jewishfeminist02Memberakuperma, you are responding to the question (which, incidentally, was rhetorical) on an institutional basis, when it was clearly meant for individuals. There’s a lesson here– let’s not miss out on it by getting sucked into politics (as seems to happen here, over and over and over…)
March 25, 2014 10:18 pm at 10:18 pm #1011526OURtorahParticipantshopping- first of all, shkoyach to you on noticing these ideas at an age where your heart and mind are open to so many new ideas. This is something that is important and missing in many people because as we age, we simply become hardned to what we belive in and think “its too late to change”. It is neevr to late to change.
Keep these ideas through your life, because this is whtat Hashem is looking for, people with baseless love-AHAVAS CHINAM.
That being said- to all you haters on shopping, I speak from personal experiance. Just today I was sitting with a friend who is struggling to with hilchos tznious, in the case of wearing pants or skirts. And Simply, you cannot just say “your not frum” or “Your not doing the right thing”. The ONLY way to solving our disagreements is through love. Everyone has their challenges. Everyone. You cannot say that someone is modern orthodox is less frum than you because you dont have a TV in your house and they do. It could very well be that when he learns his torah, it is much more serious than when you learn yours. CHAS VESHALOM i am not assuming, im only saying that we do not know “who has richer blood” therefore who are we to hate. Yes we disagree, but at the end of the day, since we do not know who H|ashem thinks is wrothy and who Hashem doesn’t think is worthy, it is baseless hatred. We are learning the same Torah.
shivim panim leTorah.
March 25, 2014 10:44 pm at 10:44 pm #1011527πRebYidd23ParticipantPeople like to feel superior.
March 25, 2014 10:51 pm at 10:51 pm #1011528HaKatanParticipantShopping613:
I appreciate your perspective. And achdus is a wonderful thing, as was recently demonstrated when hundreds of thousands of Jews worldwide davened for the physical and spiritual safety of our brethren in E”Y.
First, one should be careful who they are friends with. Friends have tremendous influence on people in many ways, subtle and otherwise. Being respectful or associating in various contexts is one thing; being friends with them is quite another.
We daven each day to be saved “meChaver ra”.
As others have pointed out, there is an eis lisno. Dovid HaMelech also wrote “Misanecha Hashem esna…”
Hashem created this midah, like everything else, for a purpose.
Besides for this point, there is a difference between the sinner and the sin. To respect the sinner despite their sin is one matter. But in no way can this extend to respecting the sin itself.
edited for extraneous, derogatory political comments of the very nature that posters in this thread were asked to refrain from (in this thread)
March 26, 2014 1:37 am at 1:37 am #1011529OURtorahParticipanthakatan are you telling me that before I became more frum I was a sinner? you know its people like you that almost turned me away from becoming this frum.
when I was baruch Hashem in a growth phase I had a friend who told me I was not frum enough because I had not started wearing tights. meanwhile she was wearing very tight revaeling clothes with tights. i was almost turned off from becoming as frum as I am by being looked down upon and being told I was simply not doing things right.
please look at the other perspective.
March 26, 2014 3:33 am at 3:33 am #1011530Patur Aval AssurParticipantayin haamek davar pesicha l’sefer bereishis
March 26, 2014 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm #1011531Shopping613 πParticipantI mean at least on the CR, can’t we just not bash other users and their types, or at the worst if you bash a certain “type” don’t bash someone because they happen to be in that “type” so they have to be as bad as the rest of that so called “type”
March 26, 2014 5:07 pm at 5:07 pm #1011532apushatayidParticipant“shivim panim leTorah.”
unfortunately, none of those panim condone dressing in a way halacha forbids or viewing things halacha forbids. this entire discussion smacks of the very xtian concept “let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone”. I am not saying one should react violently, or throroughly embarrass or otherwise ridicule someone doing something that is against halacha, but to smile, shrug ones shoulders and say “shivim panim litorah” and “who am I to judge” is also a distortion of yiddishkeit. As in all things in life, when you encounter a situation and are unsure how to proceed, consult a rav/rebbe/madricha/rebbetzin or whatever it is you call this person.
March 26, 2014 5:30 pm at 5:30 pm #1011533besalelParticipantshopping: at its root, the problem is one of intolerance. if you believe that zionism was right and there is no way rabbi tietlebaum was right then you come to be intolerant of the other. if you believe rabbi teitlebaum was right and there is no way in the world rav kook was right you come to be intolerant of them. when you start to believe that somehow your group has figured out exactly what hashem wants and that your group has some sort of special connection to gods truth it precludes tolerance of anyone else’s belief. After all, would anyone be tolerant of a view which is opposed by god himself?
some believe that not only does god want everyone to learn (and not work) but to only learn gemuru and not only gemuru but only learn pilpul and not only pilpul but the pilpul my yeshiva espouses (outside in, inside out, brisker, etc) and that everyone else is not doing the right thing because we have the only way – direct from god – because my rosh yeshiva knows what god wants.
when people change their perspective and say “i believe in what i do but i am not foreclosing the possibility that the other maybe is also right” you have tolerance.
March 26, 2014 7:26 pm at 7:26 pm #1011534OURtorahParticipantapushtayid- I completly agree. but dont you guys want peace with people who arent like you. I still live in the community I grew up in as I am not married but I have plently to do with the charedi community. you must hear how both communties speak of each other. its so sad.
im not suggesting you shrug off when someone is doing something wrong. im saying watch how you speak about them. watch how u feel about them. if your goig to end up wih negative views you will treat them negativly.
you think im able to tell my parents they are living sheker. no. chas veshalom I would never do that. you set by example. if you show that you love each jew but you hold certain beliefs very seriously people will want to be more like you. not if you harden your shell and keep yourself in a closed minded box and tell people they are sinning because hey simply never learned your side of the spectrum. is that heir fault? its just as much their fault is your fault for not learning their side of he spectrum.
March 27, 2014 1:01 am at 1:01 am #1011535the-art-of-moiParticipantOURtorah-
Ashrecha. You are an amazing person.
March 27, 2014 3:03 am at 3:03 am #1011536oomisParticipantOurTorah… well said.
March 27, 2014 1:53 pm at 1:53 pm #1011537gavra_at_workParticipantthis entire discussion smacks of the very xtian concept “let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone”.
We had it first and they stole it from us! See Bava Basra 15B.
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To the OP: The reason people fight back is because it affects us personally. Like Oomis said in the Tefilin thread, once someone starts a Chumrah, it becomes mandatory or your child will not be able to get married. So you have to fight just to make most of the Klal’s current position acceptable.
On the other side, if a foreign idea is seeping into Yiddishkeit (the classic example is Toeivah), then we have to fight the intrusion so that our children don’t grow up thinking that it is acceptable.
March 27, 2014 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm #1011538apushatayidParticipant“but dont you guys want peace with people who arent like you.”
Who is “you guys”, doesnt sound very inclusive, or friendly.
“im not suggesting you shrug off when someone is doing something wrong. im saying watch how you speak about them.”
I didnt say anything differently. Like I said before, there are ways to disagree with someone, and when unsure how to proceed, consult a Rav.
“if your goig to end up wih negative views you will treat them negativly.”
What you are really saying is that one must learn how to separate a person from their actions. not every mechallel shabbos (i picked an example of a mitzvah, could have picked any other as well), does so because they are looking to throw off the yolk of hashem. It could be they simply dont know any better. There are ways to be (for lack of a better word) mikarev someone to mitzvos that dont include insults and hatred.
GAW: not sure that gemara refers to what I was saying.
March 27, 2014 4:18 pm at 4:18 pm #1011539gavra_at_workParticipantAPY: It doesn’t exactly, but conceptually it is the same. One who rebukes but has their own sins should expect the rebuked to throw those sins back at the rebuker, and therefore ignore the rebuke.
March 27, 2014 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm #1011540OURtorahParticipantApushtayid thats exactly what im saying! I was sitting in the car with someone once and the car in front of us kept making lane changes without warning. She said something like “that guy is so stupid” and started honking. I stoped her and said look, what he is doing isnt proper, he could get someone into an accident but you never know why hes doing it. Maybe his mother is vey sick and hes rushing to see her. Therefore his actions are to blame not him himself.
Its easy to judge others than it is to judge ourselves but the farther we tell ourself that jews are sinners if they don’t act like us the worse off our ahavas yisroel is going to be!!
March 30, 2014 6:14 pm at 6:14 pm #1011541Shopping613 πParticipantOURtorah:
That was my point, we don’t have to go say it’s your fault you never saw our side so since you are going along with ____ you must be horrible….
Sometimes other people say “you aren’t the right type of Jews and you are going to die/go to gehonim/Hahsem dosen’t love you….”
Who is to judge what is the right type of judiasm and what is not?
Everyone for themselves!
So please don’t tell others what to be…
March 30, 2014 8:18 pm at 8:18 pm #1011542OURtorahParticipantShopping- you are a special person. There arent many people who are trying to bridge the gap like you.
Its funny because its so scary for people who are very frum to see people from their community say well maybe we shud try to become more connected to other types of jews. As it is with the MO community. Hey dont like when people become too machmir. I know these are general statments so dont take then oht of context but in general this is causing an even farther push to either end of the spectrum to get as far away from the other group as possible. But neither of these lifstyles are sustainable.
April 13, 2014 8:43 am at 8:43 am #1011543Shopping613 πParticipantThank you…
It’s chaval more people don’t think this way….if everyone got along the world would be a better place..
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