CR ODing

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    ok, so some users are “guilty” of spending time (lotsa time) in the CR…I get that, that’s ok.

    But what about the Onaas Devorim in the CR? WHy is this kosher v’yosher? There are a number of threads dealing with halachic issues and minhogim, yet this ODing seems to be quite prevalent and accepted in this forum.

    I’ve read several in the last few minutes, and several users have “left” & some have returned. A thread has even been just closed cuz it was getting quite “vicious.” I would venture to guess that this has not been a unique experience.

    Frumkeit does not condone ODing.

    Can coffee drinkers be challenged to refrain from such a lav in future? Time will tell…


    Are you accusing me? Maybe you don’t even know cute little me.

    always here

    oy! I thought this thread was on ODing (overdosing) on the CR .. (note: not IN the CR).

    ☕️coffee addict


    me too,

    I thought it was specifically meant for me


    i see that eclipse’s friend took over for her… so now you are the one starting threads? nice to meet you either way and send eclipse my regards. How will her email address help if she got rid of her computer?


    Yeah, I also thought this was about CR overdoing.

    Onaas Devorim is a people issue, not necessarily a CR one. In fact, my experince in the CR has been in many ways more civil than it is in the outside world. (thanks to the mods, and other members, who set a civil tone)

    Spend a few moments on other sites to see what unbridled posting looks like, and I think you’ll agree; the CR is a refuge from the jungle.


    Most of us here are very polite and pleasant even when arguing. The rudeness come from specific posters who think they’re always right and that they have a green light to insult others.

    The overall atmoshphere is pretty friendly I have to say.

    am yisrael chai

    “The rudeness come from specific posters who think they’re always right and that they have a green light to insult others.”

    Do you think those posters challenge themselves to work on their ????? or do they think they have carte blanche to speak however hurtfully they wish?


    AYC- usually, when people tend to be “always right”, they don’t realize it themselves.

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