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- This topic has 150 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 7 months ago by aussieboy.
August 19, 2009 3:23 am at 3:23 am #590213JaxMember
So the CR has been around for over a year and we’ve all got great memories, of all the craziness that goes on here on a daily basis!(ok fine yes the CR is slow now in the summer!) We’re always talkin about the good ‘ol CR fun times and about the old posters who were a blast!
This thread is the place to post all the fun stuff, that you remember of the wonderful times you’ve spent here!
August 19, 2009 3:25 am at 3:25 am #655944AnonymousInactive:}
August 19, 2009 3:25 am at 3:25 am #655945JaxMemberwow thank you mod for that fast thread approval-in just one minute!
Any time !
Mod-55 :}
August 19, 2009 3:28 am at 3:28 am #655946JaxMember55: the :} reminds of brooklyn19! talk about a CR memory there!
August 19, 2009 3:36 am at 3:36 am #655947AnonymousInactiveHmmmmm…
August 19, 2009 2:23 pm at 2:23 pm #655948mepalMemberHey! Nice idea, jax!
I remember when asdfjkl…qwertyup…brooklyn19…..curious….mod99…. (although I think I’m beginning to sound like your list in the ‘Come back to the CR thread’!)
Aaaah, the good ol days….
August 19, 2009 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm #655949mchemtobMembermoish01 passing his road test, and his artwork
August 19, 2009 7:15 pm at 7:15 pm #655950mepalMemberand recovering from his broken foot.
August 19, 2009 8:40 pm at 8:40 pm #655951areivimzehlazehParticipantJax- did mod 72 put you up to this thread? We were just remembering this crazy stuff.
I remember….
– when qwertyuiop & asdfghjkl were blocked! 🙁
– when qwerty & asdf were brothers
– when brooklyn19 was found out by Joseph(f) and went MIA
– when brooklyn19 got engaged
– when Curious got engaged (or was it beacon??)
– when moish broke his leg
– when qwertyuiop broke his hand (was it his hand?)
– when asdfghjkl & another member (?) thought up the ‘nail salon attached to the CR’ idea
– when yours truly had a tri-colored beard
– when squeak flipped my screen up-side-down
– when ames was being arrested for avoiding jury duty
– when yours truly was the CR shadchan and mistakenly matched up 2 girls
– when Charlie Brown’s child threw his shoe behind the fridge right before d’zman
– moish getting his license
– the CR band
– too many donuts and couches
– ROTFLMKO at every squeakish post
– when the CR had a Rosh Yeshiva! (shlita)
– when ames and then squeak “left” the CR
– when Itzik left, but B”H came back as kilobear (where is he???)
– looking for Charlie Brown in the homeless shelters
– going to the Sheraton to check out the dates
– moish’s “I don’t lie…” tirade that’s been quoted and re-quoted
– moish being accused of impersonating brooklyn19 (or the other way around)
– discussing what we’d do if we met someone from the CR
When more pops into my head I’ll post….
August 19, 2009 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm #655952squeakParticipantI think I’m going to cry….
August 19, 2009 8:47 pm at 8:47 pm #655953mepalMembergosh areivim, I think that one wins the POY contest!
August 19, 2009 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm #655954areivimzehlazehParticipantYou wait till Jax does his list- his memory far surpasses mine…
squeak- it’s really good to see you… even if you’re crying (somehow I can’t pull up such an image- it don’t fit!)
(psssst- that’s point #4… squeak is back :))
August 19, 2009 9:01 pm at 9:01 pm #655955areivimzehlazehParticipantsqueak: big shkoiyach from the manager!
August 19, 2009 9:03 pm at 9:03 pm #655956I can only tryMember.
< {>
| | <--- For "squeak"
|Tissues |
P.S. – is Arnold Fine aware of this thread?
August 19, 2009 9:07 pm at 9:07 pm #655957squeakParticipantThanks ICOT. I keep taking and taking, but the box never runs out! You must be a descendent of Eliyahu. I say a descendent because while it never runs out, I am unable to sell any.
P.S. I have never really gone anywhere. I simply retired this sn because too many people figured me out. It got to the point where I would post something and I’d get a half dozen emails in the next 20 minutes asking me if I noticed that I had posted.
August 19, 2009 9:11 pm at 9:11 pm #655958YW Moderator-39Memberwelcome back squeak
August 19, 2009 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm #655959areivimzehlazehParticipantsqueak- very good one(re: the descendent)
Real life ppl found you out?? What an experience… so- tell us all about it (there are more tissues where those came from)
August 19, 2009 9:57 pm at 9:57 pm #655960I can only tryMembersqueak-
You do realize that the “CR detectives” will now try to figure out your new SN.
August 19, 2009 11:00 pm at 11:00 pm #655961JaxMemberareivim: well done there!
tissue box?! Rosh Yeshiva’s tissue box—> Turnpike Barrier—> CR Michitza
August 19, 2009 11:23 pm at 11:23 pm #655962areivimzehlazehParticipantha- how can I forget the turnpike?!
nu- what else?
August 19, 2009 11:48 pm at 11:48 pm #655963JaxMembernow to for some more:
-when..all the CR Members with injuries(there were 3)!
-when it was areivim vs moish
-when it was squeak vs ames (some vote better then the squeak vs jphone duo!)
-when areivim was the CR Shaddchim
-informing a member that oomis is female-with grandkids even!
-how many Josephs can the CR handle at one time?!
-when mdlevine matched up moish & brooklyn19(before the HUGE reveal!)
-when me and all my ”!” was still allowed(watch it before the ”!” button brakes!
-my green hair
-when we had CR Board meetings! (are we still in the mist of that meeting?!)
-when we had a CR Rosh Yeshiva & CR Rav(Yashrus20 with his DT’s-motzei shobbos drashas!)
-donuts vs latkes & hamantashen vs latkes!
–noitallmr being names ”Biggest Poster” (with the most posts in threads!)
-when we shut threads down….anyone see Joe?!
-when squeak & joseph were mikvah buddies!
-hang man games at night with moish, aob, kapusta, me, mepal, anoynomiss ect…!
-when the CR was a happening place way past 3am!
-getting areivim to FINALLY give a DT! (that is an exemption for a long time!)
-”Moish’s Milkshake Room!”
-CR Lunch-Rosh Yeshiva’s Lunch hosted by squeak!
-Ireland! (need i say more!)
-moish’s artwork!
-ames & her threads!
-ames and her CR Espionage! (+ Mishpacha Magazine obseesion!)
done for now!
August 20, 2009 2:54 am at 2:54 am #655964JaxMembersome more CR ”I Remember When….”:
-squeak the CR Psychiatrist
-CR shrink
-”pulling a Charlie Brown!”-where is Charlie Brown?!
-5 cent Therapy Booth artwork!
-Joseph the poster eater, Charlie the ego booster, moish the ghost, areivim the CR shadchin & curious the CR’s first artist! (well Charlie’s donut was an attempt!)
-the CR ”Attendance Taker” (reason behind why the ”post here” thread was made)
-the CR Chanukah Party thread! (the reason behind how the artwork all began!)
-the Mogan Av ”private” thread!
-kapusta & 72 with the cabbage! (had to add that for her, since she’s away now!)
-snow crisis & rain crisis!
August 20, 2009 3:09 am at 3:09 am #655965JaxMember& some more CR ”I Remember When….”: (yes i can go on & on & on…..)
-CR Anonymous Meetings! (all addicts, just admit it already!)
– Anonymous is really spelled as ”anonymisss”! (well at least was according to moish!)
-aob with moish’s line ”i’m not a lair….” (besides for when you lie in bed playing hang man at all hour of the ”night/ early morning!”)
-when the CR Rules were written out! ”CR Bill of Rights for Posters!”
-when ”Random Questions” got to 1,000 posts! & squeak winning big time by being the poster as post 1,000 in that thread!
-all Will Hills threads! (want our shoe size too buddy?!)
-when there was only 30 threads on the page! (how we managed beats me! yes i learned how to spell beat as in not the veggie beets!)
August 20, 2009 3:57 am at 3:57 am #655966JaxMember& some more CR ”I Remember When….”: (yes i can & will go on & on & on………!)
-ICOT teaches artwork!
-squeak teaches ames yiddish!
-ames hosting the BBQ in her backyard for the CR! + the CR Band starts up there!
-CR turns one! Happy Birthday to the CR!
-CR Trivia (this is all it yes!)
-General Shmooze! (not Shnoooooze! got loads of posts in that thread!)
-computer tips thread-qwertyuiop’s laptop almost goes up in flames! Joe offers to bring marshmellow’s to the laptop Bon-Fire!
-CR WPP- ”Witness Protection Program”!
-when it was just mods 72 & 99! (oh ya and ”86”-detective indercover on a classified mission! but Sir Editor said he mods at times too!)
-oomis & squeak walking the street in the times of dinosaurs!
-CR Chulent & kugel parties Thursday night!
-forcing ames to make chulent for the deprived hubby!
-mine & Rosh Yeshiva’s chulent making contest for best chulent! (never happened in the end, only spoke about it bunch of time!)
-Sir Editor is here….everyone down….behave….!
August 20, 2009 2:18 pm at 2:18 pm #655967mepalMemberahhhh, jax, the nostalgia…
ames, NO. Now please dont go to rehab. We still need you here 😉
August 20, 2009 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm #655968JaxMembermepal: yes going down memory lane is loads of fun!
ames: i won’t answer that one!
please others post some more!
August 20, 2009 7:46 pm at 7:46 pm #655969areivimzehlazehParticipantthat was great Jax- some of those really came from way down in my brain and got a good laugh…. like:
-forcing ames to make chulent for the deprived hubby!
-oomis & squeak walking the street in the times of dinosaurs!
-CR WPP- ”Witness Protection Program”!
-squeak teaches ames yiddish!
-Joseph the poster eater
They sound like 1950s comedy titles- ha!
August 20, 2009 7:49 pm at 7:49 pm #655970JaxMemberareivim: so well said, hilarious!
August 20, 2009 7:52 pm at 7:52 pm #655971noitallmrParticipant“–noitallmr being names ”Biggest Poster” (with the most posts in threads!)”
Oh yeah- won’t forget that in a hurry! Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhs- I miss those grand days…Ill soon be names “Biggest Lurker”…
August 20, 2009 7:53 pm at 7:53 pm #655972mepalMemberNO WAY! You gotta post!
August 20, 2009 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm #655973JaxMembernoitallmr: buddy that day better not came that you get named ” “Biggest Lurker”!
August 20, 2009 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm #655974noitallmrParticipantThanks people!!! Will try NOT to ever get named that!!!
Hey I LIKE these quick conversations!!!
August 20, 2009 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm #655975AnonymousInactiveme too 🙂
August 20, 2009 7:56 pm at 7:56 pm #655976JaxMembermod26: thank you for making it all happen! your speedy!
August 20, 2009 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm #655977noitallmrParticipantYeah- Round of applause for 26
August 20, 2009 7:58 pm at 7:58 pm #655978mepalMemberAugust 20, 2009 8:08 pm at 8:08 pm #655979areivimzehlazehParticipantthis is a public service post
I think you broke some serious records there
August 20, 2009 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm #655980JaxMemberand big thanks to mod80 as well! don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings here! 😉
August 20, 2009 8:12 pm at 8:12 pm #655981mepalMemberYes, yes! Thanks 80 AND 26!!
August 20, 2009 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm #655982AnonymousInactiveyou’re very welcome, but why’d you guys slow down? that was such a thrill…
August 20, 2009 8:14 pm at 8:14 pm #655983mepalMembercoming! coming!
August 20, 2009 8:15 pm at 8:15 pm #655984mepalMember26, my finga’s are starting to hurt! Gotta let ’em breath!
August 20, 2009 8:15 pm at 8:15 pm #655985AnonymousInactive80, looks like they can’t keep up with us 🙂
August 20, 2009 8:17 pm at 8:17 pm #655986mepalMemberaaaaah, that’s more like it, 26!
August 20, 2009 8:17 pm at 8:17 pm #655987areivimzehlazehParticipantno- it’s just that we (temporarily) lost a serious posting member just now 🙁
This is a combined effort
August 20, 2009 8:30 pm at 8:30 pm #655988JaxMemberi have lots more to add to this thread, yet gatta run……so stay tuned!
August 20, 2009 8:37 pm at 8:37 pm #655989mepalMemberJax, looking forward to your next list!
August 20, 2009 8:43 pm at 8:43 pm #655990noitallmrParticipantareivimzehlazeh- that would be me- sorry guys had to run out for a few…
August 20, 2009 8:44 pm at 8:44 pm #655991mepalMemberahhhh, good. So long as you’re back 😉
August 21, 2009 2:42 pm at 2:42 pm #655992JewessMemberI remember when…
Our username would post with our posts, instead of our screen name.
There was no link to enter the CR on the homepage. It could only be accessed via a link on an article.
There were so few people here, I’d recognize everybody’s name.
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