Cooking for Yamim Tovim during the Three Weeks….

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  • #598142
    Sender Av

    Inappropriate or okay?

    and no smart remarks. Of course I mean with freezing the food.


    Ask yourself two questions:

    1. Is it from the prohibited activities of the three weeks?

    2. Does it give you excessive simcha?

    If the answer to both questions is no, go ahead and cook.

    The Wolf

    Sender Av

    It leads (contributes)to excessive simcha.


    The Debretziner in a teshuva about swimming on shiva assar bitammuz (I forget the exact mareh makom right now), discusses an activity that is not inherently “hanah” (in his teshuva, he is discussing bathing in cold water), if it is made enjoyable (in his case swimming) is it prohibited as something which is a pleasurable activity. He concludes that it is not (which is why he says swimming on the fast day is halachicly permitted (he adds, that for hashems house, perhaps we can forgo the swimming anyway). I (not the debritziner) would apply that logic here. Cooking is not inherently an activity that is prohibited by chazal during the three weeks, that it gives you enjoyment is not a reason to prohibit it. That you will have enjoyment from this activity in 2 and a half months, is probably not a reason to forbid it either. Of course, I am just apushatayid. Ask a posek.


    I’m confused – What yom tov are you cooking for?


    Why not? You are permitted to cook during the 3 Weeks. It’s not like cooking on Yom tov for the next day. If it makes your yom tov preparations easier to do so, why not? (It IS a little early, though, no??? What do you make that freezes so well for a few months? I’d like to make it, too).

    Sender Av

    Rosh Hashana and Sukkos. I’ll wait to cook for Yom Kippur and Pesach.


    you like cooking that much that you think it will bring you too mcuh simcha? wow you must be a holy jew- just thinking/preparing for a chag brings you such joy


    We dont set the rules the Shulchan Aruch does, there are certein things we are not alowed to do, cooking for Yom Tov is not one of those. Besides what if you enjoy to bake a cake just for shabbos is that forbiden?

    golden mom

    Almost everything u can normally freeze u can freeze from now till yom tov the best is in a good freezer and one that is not constantly opening up for ices. Like challah cakes kugel and then meats….

    Sender Av

    So far I made cakes, pies, tzimmes(with help), Bean Soup, kugels(variety), cookies, collard greens. The oldest thing I have is borscht(left over from Pesach). You can freeze almost anything and it will still be good.


    Sender, you are kinehora a marvel.

    Sender Av

    I forgot…I also already made the meatballs and eggplant italiao. Thanks oomis. Baruch Hashem for the freezer.


    It is to early to place an order for 2 dozen latkes and 4 dozen apricot hamantash?

    YW Moderator-42

    In today’s heat we caan bake matzah on the hood of the car


    AMI Magazines Aim for kids had a project for kids in last weeks issue. Baking cookies in the heat of a car. I’ll let you know in about 5 hours how they come out.


    Hmmmmmm, good question. Can you cook a nice roast for shabbos chazon during the nine days? Obviously yes. I think you may just be looking for issues.

    Sender Av

    RSRH, not looking for issues. I was just thinking along the lines of I am supposed to be remembering the destruction of the Batei Mikdash, the fact that we are in galus and yearning for redemption. If I am cooking for the yamim tovim, does it show I am not yearning for redemption?


    will you bring all the food with you to the banquet that were holding? where the order form? I could use your help in my kitchen

    Sender Av

    I have decided to cook after all, but now I really hope I can serve it at a party to welcome Moshiach instead of for Yomtov. I just made Jamie Gellars potato kugel, a zucchini soup and a chicken soup. Now to go work on desserts….

    am yisrael chai


    I’m sure you were taught that it’s nice to share.

    Please send some over.

    Sender Av

    AYC, come to the Moshaich party.

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