Conversion and Chasidism and Parnassa

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    I’m considering conversion and I think becoming and joining the Chasidism is the proper way to go. But I have some questions..

    1. I wonder how Chasidism in Europe can make a living? There is so much racism and bigotry! I’m afraid I will become jobless, homeless and kicked out of the orthodox community. Considering I’m just a ger, I won’t have any help from anyone.

    2. What is the best location to live in Europe as a Chasidic Yid?

    3. Will my very goyishe first- and surname be a problem?

    4. Will a ger be ever allowed to marry?

    YW Moderator-007

    You are asking great questions. We suggest you consult with a local Orthodox Rabbi, and he should be able to answer all your questions.

    Bet of luck.

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