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- This topic has 158 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by tunaisafish.
November 4, 2021 11:08 am at 11:08 am #2024850Yserbius123Participant
@AvriaDeArah I do believe that Rav Schneerson ZT”L denied being Moshiach on several occasions and I think there’s a letter where he criticizing a Lubavitch rov for claiming that he’s Moshiach. It’s likely that the extent in which people believed him to be Moshiach was kept from him and he simply didn’t know how widespread it is. The last few years of his life, he had a stroke and was unable to communicate much. During that time, the meshichists became a lot more brazen and would openly sing “Yechi” in front of him to the anger of the agudists. His inaction was taken to mean that he accepts their beliefs. I’ve heard that one of his doctors, a frum Talmid Chacham, had a difficult time keeping meshichists away from his bedside. He said that they would ask their Rebbe questions and take every mumble and grunt as they chose to interpret it.
November 4, 2021 11:44 am at 11:44 am #2024894commonsaychelParticipant@apotisheryid, I have a friend who is a hatzola member and they had a call that someone striped and was running around yelling he is Moshiach, does that make him moshicach because he said so?
November 4, 2021 12:28 pm at 12:28 pm #2024880AviraDeArahParticipantAposhitehyid, I’ll explain how your statement doesn’t hold by way of moshol. Imagine i ask you “what’s the best way to let the water out of a bathtub – a cup or a pot?” You might say pot, but the truth is that the beat way to do it is by unstopping it, an option that i neglected to mention. In your question, you are presenting only two options – either it’s against halacha or it just doesn’t make sense to me.
The other option is that it is against daas torah and does not make sense.
That’s unstopping the bathtub.
November 4, 2021 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #2024940AviraDeArahParticipantYserbius – if you can please find documentation of either of those claims, they would be most appreciated. He was famous for being very perceptive. I don’t doubt that he was gifted, and perhaps a genius – I really don’t think they could have kept him unaware of what waa going on all around him…that just doesn’t jive. None of that validates him, even though some will interpret any praise of the rebbe’s abilities as approval of his actions, it ainply isn’t.
He spoke regularly to thousands; he had plenty of opportunities to set the record straight, even if it was a small contingent of followers who thought he was moshiach…that would have been the responsible thing to do.
November 4, 2021 2:12 pm at 2:12 pm #2024945Shimon NodelParticipantIt actually is against halacha. It’s kneged the Rambam and all of chazal. The mashiach isn’t a person who brings the geula. Rather, the person who brings the geula then becomes mashiach. Of course, Hashem brings the geula, but the mashiach will do the necessary steps he needs to do. Also, the Rambam says mashiach must be from Dovid and also Shlomo. Most people today who can trace themselves to Dovid, are not tracing from Shlomo too. It’s very rare actually to find someone who can say he’s from Shlomo, I’ve definitely never heard of anyone. There are probably only a handful of people like this. It’s a peleh because anyone who can trace to Dovid makes a big deal out of it. Maybe this is all part of hashgacha, so that the mashiach will be someone humble and not a big macher. Ani rochev al hachamor
November 4, 2021 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm #2024970GadolhadorahParticipantPerhaps before z’man Moishiach, the gadolim at 770 will provide some musar to their shalichim to NOT daven in the aisles at 40,000 feet when an American Airlines flight attendant is trying to serve what passes for airline meals these days (Read today’s YWN news page).
November 4, 2021 4:01 pm at 4:01 pm #2024997Reb EliezerParticipantAni reflects the hardest meseches, Eruvin, Nidah and Yevomus. Maybe, they are all related to unity where the center is the closest. We find, it says beficha, ubilvovecha laasoso. Says the Rabbenu Bachaya that the sides turn to the center so that the mouth, expression is from the heart and the action is fron the heart. Husband and wife have the closest relationship. Marrying a brother’s wife is somewhat further and bringing people together through an eiruv is even further. They should all turn to center. To understand the hardest meseches we need unity which correct sinas chinam, futile hatred and bring Meshiach in our time, Amen.
November 4, 2021 4:08 pm at 4:08 pm #2024996AviraDeArahParticipantShimon, the maharal, rizhiner rebbe, and many others had a yichus mesorah as being descendents of Dovid hamelech….that part isn’t the difficulty with the lubavitcher rebbe; the main issue, as you said, is that a “second coming” ideology wherein a Messianic candidate who fails to accomplish his mission must return after death to finish the job.
Let’s go through some criteria: rambam in melachim 12:3 says:
כשתתיישב ממלכתו ויתקבצו אליו כל ישראל. יתייחסו כולם על פיו ברוח הקודש שתנוח עליו. שנאמר {וישב מצרף ומטהר} וגו’. ובני לוי מטהר תחילה ואומר זה מיוחס כהן וזה מיוחס לוי
Moshiach will use ruach hakodesh to identify the yichus of the shvatim, starting with shevet levi – he will clarify who is a cohen, Levi, etc. “All of yisroel will gather unto him”.Also in melachim 11:3:
ואל יעלה על דעתך שהמלך המשיח צריך לעשות אותות ומופתים ומחדש דברים בעולם או מחיה מתים וכיוצא בדברים אלו. אין הדבר כך. שהרי רבי עקיבא חכם גדול מחכמי משנה היה. והוא היה נושא כליו של בן כוזיבא המלך. והוא היה אומר עליו שהוא המלך המשיח. ודימה הוא וכל חכמי דורו שהוא המלך המשיח. עד שנהרג בעונות. כיון שנהרג נודע להם שאינו
Here the rambam is clearly saying that moshiach need not do miracles, which goes against a lot of the messianic claims that chabad makes – they say that while he accomplished nothing of the following requirements (see below), he was a baal mofes and therefore a candidate for moshiach.
ואם יעמוד מלך מבית דוד הוגה בתורה ועוסק במצות כדוד אביו. כפי תורה שבכתב ושבעל פה. ויכוף כל ישראל לילך בה ולחזק בדקה. וילחם מלחמות ה’. הרי זה בחזקת שהוא משיח. אם עשה והצליח [ וניצח כל האומות שסביביו ] ובנה מקדש במקומו. וקבץ נדחי ישראל הרי זה משיח בודאי
Here the rambam sets up two tiers – one is “chezkas moshiach”, the presumptive moshiach, and the other is “moshiach vadai”, a certain moshiach. If a KING arises from bais dovid, gets ALL of klal yisroel to keep the Torah, and fights the WARS of Hashem, he is assumed to be moshiach. If he returns all of the Jews to eretz yisroel and BUILDS the beis hamikdash, he is definitely moshiach.There are 13 million jews in the world; 15-18% identify as some sort of orthodox. 94% of American jews are not orthodox. The lubavitcher rebbe accomplished a lot in kiruv – every neshoma is precious – but realistically, only a small fraction of the jewish nation “gathered unto him”, and even when they did, he did not perform this task. Among orthodox jews, the lubavitcher rebbe was one of many influences – rabbi yoshe ber Soloveitchik, rav moshe feinstein, rav aharon kotler, rav Shraga feivel mendelowitz, the satmar rov, the tzelemer rov, rav yosef breuer, the bluzhever rebbe, rav yonasan shteif, the kloizenberger rebbe, and many others all were extremely influential in building American jewry. The fact that the lubavitcher rebbe made headlines sometimes and appeared on television (which chabad makes a huge deal out of for some reason) did not mean that he represented all of klal yisroel. He exerted himself to help russian jewry, but sadly the overwhelming majority remains completely disenfranchised from yiddishkeit, 27 uears after his passing.
They claim that he “fought the wars of Hashem” by doing kiruv. That does not fit with the seder of the rambam, because the following words are “if he succeeds and fights all the surrounding nations”
1. Appointment as king (most of the Jewish people did not accept him as their rebbe, let alone king)
2. Getting all of klal yisroel to follow the Torah
3. Fighting the wars of Hashem
4. Returning HIMSELF all the jews to eretz yisroel, not merely watching the zionists try to do it
5. Building the beis hamikdash bemkomoThe lubavitcher rebbe accomplished none of these whatsoever.
November 4, 2021 5:21 pm at 5:21 pm #2025051Yserbius123Participant@aviradearah I think Rav Schneerson’s letter denying that he’s Moshiach is well known amongst Chabadskers (as all of his letters are). Perhaps someone from Chabad can shed some light on it? All I know is what anti-meshichist Chabadniks have told me, that it exists.
November 4, 2021 5:22 pm at 5:22 pm #2025050Shimon NodelParticipantThe Rambam says the Mashiach must also be from Shlomo. It must be a major secret, because I’ve never heard of anyone claiming to be from Shlomo
November 4, 2021 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm #2025063koltov7ParticipantDovid melech yisrael chai vkayam
November 4, 2021 10:23 pm at 10:23 pm #2025105K-cupParticipant@Yserbus, the Rebbe came up with the “Yechi” chant himself Nissan 5748, and is known Chabad circles. He definitely didn’t try to get people to stop it, maybe once or twice when he needed too speak already and it was too much. He also has many published sichos and speeches referring to himself as Moshiach (Bais Rabeinu She’Bavel, also claiming 770 counts as rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash for example), so it would be interesting to see what he says in this letter.
November 4, 2021 11:43 pm at 11:43 pm #2025108LostsparkParticipantR. Soloveichik z”tl himself signed a letter with the intention of condemning yidden from claiming those who believed the Rebbe was Moshiach as heretics.
Obviously if a chabadnik claimed the Rebbe was HaShem in a guf that is a major problem, to think he was Moshiach is a non issue.
November 4, 2021 11:44 pm at 11:44 pm #2025115Reb EliezerParticipantבית משיח = 412 + 358 = 770
November 4, 2021 11:49 pm at 11:49 pm #2025119🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantLost spark- according to his son he had years of anguish from that letter that he believed he was tricked into signing.
November 4, 2021 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm #2025110AviraDeArahParticipantKcup – i was hesitant to quote the statements that I’ve heard attributed to him, such as 770 being the beis hamikdash, or “the house of moshiach” – can you please tell us the source?
November 4, 2021 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm #2025111LostsparkParticipantWe all can agree Yechi is catchy
November 5, 2021 12:53 am at 12:53 am #2025130AviraDeArahParticipantBaseless as it may be, most poskim hold that it’s not apikorsus to believe that the lubavitcher rebbe – or rav shach for that matter – was moshiach. This would allow consumption of messianic lubavitchers’ meat and wine. Rav Menasheh klein held that it was apikorsus and that lubavitcher meat/wine would be problematic as a result. My rebbe Rav Belsky told me directly that the OU checks every lubavitcher shochet to see if he is an elohist, a believer in atzmus ideology. I hope this standard is still in place 5 years after his petirah.
November 5, 2021 12:54 am at 12:54 am #2025122aposhiteyidParticipantAvirahdarah:
Chabad dosnt way the Rebbe is moshiach vadai
“Moshiach will use ruach hakodesh to identify the yichus of the shvatim, starting with shevet levi – he will clarify who is a cohen, Levi, etc. “All of yisroel will gather unto him”.”
Just interestingly my grandfather once wrote a letter to the Rebbe and he didn’t write hakohen (he is a kohen, so am I) as the Rebbe when he sent the letter back wrote hakohen and underlined it
Common saychel:
“I have a friend who is a hatzola member and they had a call that someone striped and was running around yelling he is Moshiach, does that make him moshicach because he said so?”
But is he for sure not moshiach?November 5, 2021 12:57 am at 12:57 am #2025142🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantHe ran naked in the streets and you ask that question?
November 5, 2021 1:30 am at 1:30 am #2025145aposhiteyidParticipantSyag:
Ever heard the expression don’t judge a book by it’s cover?
Also that’s not the point. The point is that anyone from beis Dovid can be moshiach EVEN if he runs around naked, that doesn’t disqualify himNovember 5, 2021 1:37 am at 1:37 am #2025147🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantYou seem to be unclear about the meaning of that phrase. I’m not judging that man, but I believe we can expect moshiach to be a shomer mitzvos, and possess a level of temimus and tzniyus that far exceed someone who does that.
November 5, 2021 7:18 am at 7:18 am #2025154aposhiteyidParticipantSyag:
Of course, but you never know😉
But do U get my point?November 5, 2021 7:18 am at 7:18 am #2025149philosopherParticipantAvirah, what exactly is an elohist who believes in the atzmus ideoligy? What does such a person believe in exactly?
November 5, 2021 8:10 am at 8:10 am #2025165K-cupParticipant@avirah Bais Rabeinu She’Bavel is the sefer, parshas chaya Sarah 5751 his public dvar torah
November 5, 2021 8:48 am at 8:48 am #2025167🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantIt seems like your point is that if he’s born from bais dovid that’s enough with no expectations that he be a heiliga yid
November 5, 2021 1:18 pm at 1:18 pm #2025297AviraDeArahParticipantPhilosopher, not every cooky perspective is apikorsus…the ones who think that he’s greater than the rambam, still alive, or moshiach would not render their food problematic (though i would not eat in a deluded person’s house). The halachik issue according to most opinions (see above) is the notion that the rebbe is either A) god incarnate B) infinite as god C) controls the world as a partner with god D) divisible part of god (not the “chelek eloka mimaal” that every jew has, the spark of godliness)
Any of the above can be derived from the statement that a rebbe is the essence (atzmus) of god wrapped in a body.
November 5, 2021 2:21 pm at 2:21 pm #2025310AviraDeArahParticipantReb E, 770 is also gematria בית נחש… Not saying he was that, but my point is that gematrios aren’t always significant
November 5, 2021 2:38 pm at 2:38 pm #2025317☕ DaasYochid ☕Participant770 is also gematria חמור בלי דעת (which are also ראשי תיבות חב”ד). Does that prove anything?
November 5, 2021 2:41 pm at 2:41 pm #2025319🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantThat was somewhat unnecessary
November 5, 2021 4:32 pm at 4:32 pm #2025370ujmParticipantSyag, how was he tricked into signing the letter?
November 5, 2021 4:33 pm at 4:33 pm #2025368Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipant> EVEN if he runs around naked, that doesn’t disqualify him
what if he was walking on the street in his golden and purple clothes, got to a wrong neighborhood, not being familiar with NYC, got robed of his clothes on the spot, and now called police? Show some dan zchus ….
November 10, 2021 9:32 pm at 9:32 pm #2026949Ober ChochomParticipantI think every last one of you out to pull out a likutei sichos from the tens of volumes and learn it. Everyone’s wasting their time argueing because nobody on this forum knows everything (including me) about lubavitch. We need to unite כֻּלָּֽנוּ כְּאֶחָד בְּאוֹר פָּנֶֽיךָ and respect each other. Every single person knows that the Rebbe never said he was Hashem That’s a fact. But people for some reason feel the need to bash it because what if maybe Moshiach is a Lubavitcher?
I don’t think I’m able to put on videos, but I would If I could, where the Rebbe CLEARLY says he SHOULD NOT be called Moshiach for there is no way to determine. I simply ignore the fact that a MINORITY of lubavitchers believe in this mishugas. Tell me how many Yellow flags you can see by the simchas beis hashoevah is crown heights. Barely any. Maybe 5 at most. If a majority of lubavitchers were mishichists, then the whole kingston avenue would look like a sheet of yellow flags in the air.I think I may have to write up an article with all the sources, all the videos of the rebbe, all the stuff, and show how even though you can find one lubavitch website which Is a barely-visited website has a video with some meshugene and some text before the video saying a totaly-biased opinion, you will not find anywhere from the rebbe that says he is Moshiach.
Find me a single page on chabda.org or lubavitch.com that says the rebbe is Moshiach and is alive physically. I challenge you.Ein Sof, which can be used to refer to as Hakadosh Baruch Hu, has more than one meaning. The Rebbe was on a higher connection to Hashem. He channeled the will of Hashem from Hashem to us. That doesn’t mean Hashem ‘needed’ him, Hashem doesn’t need anyone or anything. He did connect with Hashem and he was used to channel the Ratzon Hashem to Am Yisrael. He wasn’t ‘unlimited’.
It means he never stopped until his ptirah. He never planned to stop. He was going to continue for as long as Hashem will keep him. And that’s what he did. From the time he became rebbe to his very last day, he worked to strengthen yiddishkeit and our connection to Hashem.Regardless, really picture when you’ll come up to Beis Din Shel Maala after 120 and imagine what questions they will ask you.
Now, what has a bigger chacne of a question they will ask you:
Either: Why didn’t you harass Lubavitch
Or: Why DID you harass Lubavitch? Look at how many tens of Thousands (Yes, tens of thousands) of Mitzvos they have made happen. Look at how much yidden now have a kesher with Hashem because they put on teffilin because of chabad! Look at how many baalei teshuvah were made, and they have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. and all because of CHabad!
Do You seriously in a hundred years think they’ll ask the first option?
And maybe you want to see how Dovid Lichtenstein never stops praising Chabad and The Rebbe. ANd for your information, he is a yeshivishe guy who learned in lakewood.I wish Hatzlachah to everyone, (even the haters), and Moshiach should come Bimeheira Biyamenu Mamosh!
November 10, 2021 9:50 pm at 9:50 pm #2026953🍫Syag LchochmaParticipant“But people for some reason feel the need to bash it because what if maybe Moshiach is a Lubavitcher? ”
umm, no. that is not even on the radar. You seem to have missed the posts on the other thread responding to you and your other name that explained that. You call everything bashing when you don’t like it. If I complain about the way you do something because it is against halacha, I am not bashing you. Lubavitchers (yes farby, this time it is you just on rare ocassion) seem to love the words “bash” and “hate”. I see it over and over whenever someone brings legitimate taainos that deserve responses, not name calling. You don’t just call everyone a hater for finding things wrong. Do you think you are any different? You identify what is wrong in people as well. And you work on fixing it. But it starts with discussions, and arguments (boys are into that) and proofs to support your side. But you cant bring lubavitch sources as your proof of lubavitch legitimacy. That should not be so confusing.November 10, 2021 9:50 pm at 9:50 pm #2026956🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantI live in the land of yellow flags so you guys are a pleasure to hear. But you are a minority in the city I live in.
I hope you will stop and think about the fact that we are harassing and hating and bashing is an invention of your community, perhaps to keep you seperate from us, angry and ready to defend against us, who knows. But if you think and look hard before you let it fly out of your mouth you will see that it is more of an illusion. It was made to create a mindset. It’s like the kvetchy kid who accuses everyone who snaps at them a bully. Eventually you begin to believe it yourself. Perhaps it isn’t all these questioners who are the haters.November 10, 2021 9:53 pm at 9:53 pm #2026961☕️coffee addictParticipantממש= מנחם מנדל שנאירסאן right?
November 10, 2021 11:17 pm at 11:17 pm #2026982AviraDeArahParticipantSyag is right – no one is “bashing” or “hating”. We are bringing up issues that we have either encountered personally or learned about elsewhere (in my case it’s both). Messianics claim that they are the majority, and so-called “antis” claim that they are.
Chabad.org is run by many types of people, it is not monolithic, but even most messianics are smart enough not to advertise their beliefs to people who aren’t frum, that website’s main clientele. Also, I’m sure they’ve come to an agreement whereby they don’t deny or confirm the messianic message on their main website.
Many major chabad organizations are messianic. Can you explain why at the kinnus hashluchim, Moshe kotlarsky (vice president of chabad’s chinuch organization) said a corrupted version of veyehi noam as “”may the Rebbe look upon our gathering favorably, his presence is here with us now and may he grant our requests”
A prominent chabad rebbetzin named Leah Lipszyc said in a 98″ magazine called “horizons”:
“Rebbe,” I thought. “I know you’re here with us. I know you help people in difficult situations. I think this fits the criteria – please help us now. And do it quickly, please, before one of these guys snaps and decides to shoot.”Shlomo cunin, head of west coast chabad, said in a video that the world will see “that it is the rebbe who runs the world”
The lubavitcher rebbe himself writes in toras menachem volume 1 162-163, that one should have no doubt that the rebbe is “the baal habayis of the world, can do anything” and that one should not think that one can “hide from him”. Granted this material is in parenthesis; i do not know if the rebbe himself actually wrote it, or if the man responsible for printing it included it, but either way it is found in the sefer, and not contested – maybe one of our chabad apologists can shed some light on this specific statement?
Either way, go to crown heights and see how many yarmulkahs have yechi on them if the above isn’t sufficient. I also know of chabad expatriates who say that even the “antis” (the fact that they identify themselves based on their non-affiliation with messianism is telling) really think that he’ll be moshiach when he returns, but that people aren’t “ready” for his “revelation”.
November 10, 2021 11:17 pm at 11:17 pm #2026983AviraDeArahParticipantAlso, please give us one – just one – example of a sefer which uses ain sof in any other context besides talking about Hashem, not written by the last lubavitcher rebbe. Not interpretation, actual, clear evidence.
November 10, 2021 11:27 pm at 11:27 pm #2026990🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantAvirah – those tefillos you are repeating are no different than any we would give when asking someone in olam haemes to intervene on our behalf. It is true that if they are davening for the Rebbe himself to assist, ch”v, and not for him to plea to Hashem to intervene than that is a problem. But those words as is are not problematic.
The next quotes you brought up are a different story.
November 11, 2021 12:34 am at 12:34 am #2027002Yukel faceParticipantWhat you are all getting wrong here is you don’t befin to understand (chabad) the basic tenets of kabbala-chassidus-judaisim.
When the lehavdil christians say that g-d is in yoshe afra lepumeihu they mean that their deity is nowhere else. This is avodah zara.
To say that hashem is all over and is revealed in holy tzadikim is not kefirah. Just like the shechina was bein badei haaron etc etc hashem is melo kol haaretz kevodo but there are certain places where the limited physicallity can be a keli to revelation of gds essance (which is a nimna hanimnaos for a finite physical being to have a revelation of infinity)
When they say that the rebbe runs the world, is means that a rebbe is a tzinor for revelation of gdliness in this world through miracles. So to our physical eyes we can see the way hashem runs the world at all times even darkei hateva when there are no miracles. Anyone who thinks that the rebbe is an entity operating with or against hashem is a kofer or just plain stupid.
The rebbe is a place where gdliness is revealed similar to the beis hamikdosh, which can inspire us to serve hashem better.
Veidach zil gmor, vlav beshufteni askinanNovember 11, 2021 12:59 am at 12:59 am #2027005AviraDeArahParticipantSyag, we ask tzadikim (and malachim) to intercede on our behalf TO Hashem, that He should grant our requests. Kotlarsky said that the rebbe should “grant our requests” – him looking down from shomayim is not the issue here, as any good Jew looks down from shomayim at times when they are permitted to do so (a descendent’s wedding, etc). I think you may have missed that part in the statement he made. He also said it in front of thousands of shluchim; representatives of chabad literally all over the world.
November 11, 2021 8:01 am at 8:01 am #2027043AviraDeArahParticipantAnother Interesting quote from moshe Kotlarsky. “Therefore, we are notifying Shluchim, that this year’s Kinus will not be in person and will be entirely virtual. There will not be any in person programming, meals or hosting. In order to avoid any potential of a Chilul Hashem or Chilul Shem Lubavitch, we are asking Shluchim to please not come to New York during the Kinus dates.”
Until now i thought kidush / chilul chabad were colloquialisms that only the hamon am used – i was mistaken. The conflation between the honor of Hashem and the group of chassidim one affiliates himself with are standard even on the leadership level…
November 11, 2021 8:11 am at 8:11 am #2027007AviraDeArahParticipantYukel, telling people who disagree with you that they don’t “know the first thing about (insert topic)” only shows insecurity. Also, chasidus is not part and parcel with “Judaism” or even kabalah. There are hundreds of thousands of jews who practice judaism who are not involved in either. I don’t claim to be an expert on chasidus, but the satmar rov definitely was, and he criticized the lubavitcher rebbe frequently, referring to him as a “shoteh”.
That being said, I believe I know the first thing about judaism, which is that there is one G-d, infinite, non-physical, indivisible, and “one”, with nothing else in the universe comparable to Him. Your words contradict that clarion monotheism one appreciates from having a sound chinuch and keeping away from false ideologies, from within or without.
The fact that you have to distinguish your beliefs from Christianity (or rather, your understanding of Christianity, more on that soon) is telling. I do not have any beliefs on Hashem which run close enough to Christianity that i need to explain the difference. Christianity does not believe that god was “somewhere else” when he was cv”s in yushke. Christianity believes in a Trinity, a god that has 3 manifestations, one being the “father”, the “son”, and some sort of spirit. It’s nonsense, because Hashem’s oneness is indivisible, and they accept that He is one, not three. But lishitasam, the “father” part was there running the world while the “son” part was busy saving humanity from sin by dying on a cross.
What Christianity and neo-chabad have in common is that they are ascribing divinity to something else besides the one true G-d. Neo-chabad saying the words “running the world” are very specific. We don’t say that the area between the badim “runs the world” either. Never in Jewish history has anyone said that something runs the world besides Hashem himself. No one said it about Moshe rabeinu, or any of our other tzadikim.
Hashem reveals himself in many ways. When you see hashgocha pratis in your dealings with goyim, Hashem has revealed himself through the goy – are you going to now look at him as a tzinor for shechina? As someone who enjoys chasidus, it definitely has shown me ways of seeing hashgocha that I wouldn’t have otherwise known – chasidus is beautiful, rebbe-worship is not.
According to your explanation that when you say a man “runs the world” it really means that he is a kli to show the revelation of godliness…what does that have to do with running the world? Tzadikim sit in gan eden and enjoy the ziv hashechina. They’re not any more meyuchod with Hashem than any other neshoma.
November 11, 2021 9:26 am at 9:26 am #2027100K-cupParticipant“When the lehavdil christians say that g-d is in yoshe afra lepumeihu they mean that their deity is nowhere else. This is avodah zara.”
I can’t say I’m am expert in Christianity, but I studied a little in college and Christian philosophy and this is not true, the trinity isn’t so different from what some chabad claim. Christians believe essentially in a paradox, but still hold their diety can not be limited to a body. There are only very very slight differences with how Christians view of God and our view of Hashem, wich is why it’s dangerous to play around with and important to nip wrong views in the bud. It’s so easy start espousing heretical ideas without even noticingNovember 11, 2021 8:44 pm at 8:44 pm #2027278Ober ChochomParticipantI am not farbycoffe. I don’t know what your making up. Why would you think I have a second name?
“Can you explain why at the kinnus hashluchim, Moshe kotlarsky (vice president of chabad’s chinuch organization) said a corrupted version of veyehi noam as “”may the Rebbe look upon our gathering favorably, his presence is here with us now and may he grant our requests”
I promise you he was saying that people feel the presence that they feel when they were by the rebbe when he was alive. He didn’t say that he was alive or even there. He said presence. That doesn’t mean physically. Of course your gonna start being a lamdan but that’s fine because you know your just asking silly kashyas.“A prominent chabad rebbetzin named Leah Lipszyc said in a 98″ magazine called “horizons”:
“Rebbe,” I thought. “I know you’re here with us. I know you help people in difficult situations. I think this fits the criteria – please help us now. And do it quickly, please, before one of these guys snaps and decides to shoot.”
Do you actually think she meant he was “HERE”??? No, if any one has half a brain they will realize it’s an emotional thing. He doesn’t have to be here physically to help people in difficult situations. Iv’e went to his Ohel many times before, and Iv’e been helped. ever heard of kivrei tzadikim? Why would anyone go to a grave? The Answer is, that you can daven there. And the tzadik will help push the message closer to Hashem.Harav Moshe Kotlarsky Shlit’a, the Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, the Flagship Mosad of Chabad, did not say a single word that said the rebbe is still alive b’gashmius. I know who Rav Moshe Kotlarsky is. He is not a mishichist at all.
Avirdera, the satmar rov said that the chassidus of the baal shem tov is no longer!
You believe him more than the Lubavitcher Rebbe?November 11, 2021 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm #2027282AviraDeArahParticipantYehudis – if someone tells me that they think rav moshe feinstein was moshiach, I don’t have to disprove them – i have absolutely zero reason to think that he is. I have zero reason to think anyone today or earlier is/was moshiach. It really doesn’t matter who moshiach is, but putting the lubavitcher rebbe in that equation is effectively saying “well, you can’t prove that he ISN’T, therefore he might be, and really what I’m saying is that i think he is or is likely to be, and you can’t prove me otherwise!”
It’s like saying someone believes in the tooth fairy. Upon questioning, they remark – “sir, you’ve shown me that there’s no oroof to the existence of a tooth fairy, but….can you prove that there isn’t one?” That’s not how logic works. We assume the non-existence of unknown things until they are proven at least to some degree.
November 11, 2021 9:17 pm at 9:17 pm #2027354AviraDeArahParticipantOber chochom – i had no issue with the part about his presence being here in either the statement of moshe Kotlarsky nor the story of the rebbetzin – the same could he said of regular relatives or tzadikim. My issue is that he said that the rebbe should “grant our requests”. It is not implying, it is saying outright, that the rebbe answers prayers and requests and that one should pray to him, as he apparently does. He is known on record as an “anti”, but atzmus ideology isn’t dependent on messianism directly.
Re, the rebbetzin – she was asking the rebbe; not Hashem, to save her. That’s against the rambams ikkarim that we only pray to Hashem. And lest one say that she was davening bzchus the rebbe…she didn’t say “Hashem please save me in the zchus of my hiskashrus to the rebbe”, or even “rebbe please daven for me to Hashem to save me”, but rather she asked the lubavitcher rebbe directly to save her. Moshe Kotlarsky asked the rebbe to grant the shluchim’s requests. That’s the issue at hand, i apologize if i wasn’t clear about it earlier.
November 11, 2021 9:18 pm at 9:18 pm #2027356AviraDeArahParticipantThe satmar rov’s statement about the derech of the besh”t being lost nowadays isn’t so hard to understand. In context, the chofetz chaim said thet the hisnagdus of the Gaon would only apply in his time to chabad and breslov. The rest of the chadidish world adopted a post-kotzk, down to earth approach which emphasized the themes of the talmidei habesh”t without a kabalah centered approach for the hamon am. What the satmar rov is saying is that kotzk, hungarian rebbes, beis Chernobyl, and others are not practicing the original mahalach of the besh”t, and i think that’s pretty universally accepted. He’s adding that those who claim to be a total shalsheles, that the besh”t’s original mahalach is still the way we should “fir zich” nowadays, are mistaken and do not understand the chadidus that they so fervently study. I’m not sure if the statement was meant to be against chabad… it’s entirely possible, as chabad is basically the only group left who emphasizes the study of chasidus as “maskilim” and not “ovdim” to use chabad lingo. They call the last half of the tanya the “poilisher prakim” for a reason.
November 11, 2021 9:19 pm at 9:19 pm #2027358AviraDeArahParticipantAlso, the satmar rov followed a long shalsheles of rebbes without breaking off from their mesorah one iota…the lubavitcher rebbe changed things like shifting from ardent anti zionism to non-zionism. You will see an occasional zionist chabadsker as well, nostly those who are unfamiliar with the writings of the rashab on the matter – they may as well have been written by the satmar rov or the mukatcher rov.
November 11, 2021 10:28 pm at 10:28 pm #2027386Always_Ask_QuestionsParticipantAvira, you are employing circular logic: using your dislike of one group to impute another. What is common here that you dwell on fine theoretical points of mesora to fully disregard reality: Zionists creating a vibrant state with both parnosa and Torah and saving Jews from multiple countries; chabad saving multitudes that nobody else thought of finding. For each of these, you have an explanation why what looks good is bad. I am perusing my Chumash for a mitzvah to judge the world like that, but didn’t find anything yet.
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