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- This topic has 54 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 2 months ago by qwertyuiop.
December 31, 2008 11:25 am at 11:25 am #589020RBS_gimmelParticipant
For those who may not be aware, there’s a war going on in Eretz Yisroel right now.
Instead of adding z’chusim to the Yidden who are in need of them most, people are shmoozing about:
1. Free Phone Rings
2. Zoos
3. Plans For Winter Vacation
4. How Many Sufganiyot Did You Have Tonight?
5. Fave Foods
6. BREAKING: Lipa to do another concert – “The Event”?
These are all the “HOT” topics updated during the past few hours.
Last night (here in EY) my wife calls me that I should say public Tehillim in shul, as her friend tells her that rockets have landed near her home in Moshav Tifrach (a very frum yeshivishe village near Netivot and Ofakim) – and people are still shmoozing about stupidities.
Please, please! – let’s do what we REALLY have to do!
December 31, 2008 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm #629758AliyahLiftParticipantHazak U’ Baruch !
we as a people are all in these events together – the situation is serious
December 31, 2008 5:47 pm at 5:47 pm #629759oomisParticipantTrue, many of these topics are lighthearted shtuyos, to some degree. But somehow I think that it is cathartic for many of us to be able to blog anonymously, venting when necessary, giving chizuk when we can. And that does NOT preclude us from saying Tehillim several times a day, as I do anyway. You are right, however, that we should make it our business to put our minds and hearts in E”Y right now, and daven for the safety of our brothers and sisters there, who are fighting a milchemet mitzvah on our behalf as well as theirs. hashem should keep them all safe.
December 31, 2008 6:34 pm at 6:34 pm #629760intellegentMemberYou are definitely right. I should probably be saying tehillim all day and not wasting my time doing silly things one of which is checking up the coffee room. hm.
December 31, 2008 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm #629761jphoneMemberThe National Council of Young Israel has an SMS alert program in place that will alert you when the sirens go off and the residents of Sderot have a minute to make it to their bunkers. It is to alert you to say Tehilim for the safety of Acheinu Beis Yisroel who are in harms way.
You can sign up for these alerts at http://www.youngisrael.org
December 31, 2008 9:14 pm at 9:14 pm #629762CuriousMemberI agree with OP, however there is a positive side to this room as well. As a matter of fact, after reading the above messages I stopped to say tehillim and davened mincha with more kavanah. Also, take a look at the Shmiras Halashon thread, the tehillim campaign, mishnayos for the Mumbai kedoshim, etc.
Hopefully we can do more good here and help outweigh the not-so-good here.
December 31, 2008 11:01 pm at 11:01 pm #629763shindyMemberKitzur- I agree with you. Coffee Room is not very interesting to my tastes lately anyway.
January 1, 2009 12:39 am at 12:39 am #629764Bais Yaakov maydelParticipantthank you jphone that is very helpful.
i agree with oomis1105 i havent been on in a few days and i felt i had to check up on the CR now just to see peoples reactions, talk about things anonymously…if used in the right way it can help
January 1, 2009 11:01 am at 11:01 am #629765Itzik_sMemberBS”D
Sorry, but closing this is exactly what the terrorists want.
They want to disrupt the normal flow of life, and for people to live in the fear that they propagate. They are all about control through intimidation, and we cannot be intimidated by them. Hamas are nothing but a band of miserable rats, and in due time they will be exterminated like the rats that they are.
The oil price is falling every day now, and between the military action against the rat nests and economic troubles for the Iranian government that sponsors Hamas, this will come to an end very quickly.
On the other hand, if people who are living through the situation in E”Y posted about what is happening from a personal perspective, it would help those of us whose place is elsewhere to really understand what is going on and to think of more ways to help begu”r.
Of course we need to do what we can, but we cannot let the terrorists consume our lives. When Scuds fell during the Gulf War, some Breslov Chassidim danced on the rooftops, to show that the forces of evil cannot stop Yidden from being besimcha. While that is a bit extreme, so is surrendering to evil and letting it run our lives.
January 1, 2009 6:54 pm at 6:54 pm #629766brooklyn19ParticipantItzik_s
you could say it’s what the terrorists want. or you could say it’s Hashem who is trying to disrupt normal flow of things. depends how you look at it.
January 1, 2009 11:09 pm at 11:09 pm #629767Itzik_sMemberBS”D
The terrorists are from the lowest klipa; Hashem does not want us to give into them even as He tests us.
It is one thing to perhaps start a couple of learning threads here to bring the level up for the zechus of the matzav in E”Y and another thing to close down altogether.
January 4, 2009 6:25 pm at 6:25 pm #629768Yanky55ParticipantAccording to R’ Joseph’s opinion that the Israeli army is completely un-Jewish, there should be no need to change anything about the way we go about our daily lives, and no need for any special tefilos.
Funny thing, I saw a picture of some members of this un-Jewish army wearing tefillin. Never saw a goy in tefillin before.
Also, the National Council of Young Israel has an ongoing appeal for sifrei Torah that are needed for the army. They have sent over 150 seforim in the past few years as many small units want to have their own sefer. Now why would a non Jewish army need sifrei Torah?
January 4, 2009 7:04 pm at 7:04 pm #629769JosephParticipantDon’t you love it when the R’ Yanky55’s of the world can’t sleep at night because of “R’ Joseph” and they mention him in threads he hadn’t even participated in? 🙂
Not that a response is needed, but to humor him, the Army has fooled innocent Jews into it. So it is true some of its members are practicing Yidden. But you also are aware that Reform/Conservative folks also have “Sifrei Torah”‘s, yet that doesn’t kasher them at all.
January 4, 2009 9:08 pm at 9:08 pm #629770yashrus20MemberFirst off women need a hobby they cant sit and say tehillim all day. Its not like learning where you get a g’shmack out of it. Someone onced asked my rebbe what his wife should do during free time, so he answered (she should never have free time lol jk) she should get a hobby (this was early on in marriage).
Secondly, (To Joseph) Your right they have crum shitas and they act like goyim, but sof kol sof they are yidden and if anything should R”L happen to them we should feel as if our brother has passed on. They are decendents of yaakov avinu just like us. I know you didnt mean anything against them and you were just trying to prove your point. As for yanky wtvr, STOP WITH THE SINAS CHINAM. We are at war we need hashem’s midas hachesed!
Thirdly, as for us men weve got the real war in our hands were in the army of god, SO LETS ALL GO SHTIEG AND SAVE OUR BROTHERS WITH ARMS.
January 5, 2009 12:15 am at 12:15 am #629771Itzik_sMemberBS”D
It is PRECISELY because the army (and the medine which is behind it) have no intrinsic kedusha that its success depends on our Torah so that Hashem sees that we TRULY deserve ERETZ YISROEL under malchus beis Dovid!
That is why we DO need to put on tefillin with soldiers, send them sifrei Torah, learn in their merit and in the merit of the Jews whom they are physically defending.
And B”H so far, compared to the last military action, bnei Yisroel are way ahead. Let this be the very end of all wars and let the klipa of Hamas disappear for all time while the klipa of Zionism is replaced with the ultimate kedusha of Moshiach!
January 5, 2009 2:12 am at 2:12 am #629772Bais Yaakov maydelParticipant“Thirdly, as for us men weve got the real war in our hands were in the army of god, SO LETS ALL GO SHTIEG AND SAVE OUR BROTHERS WITH ARMS.”
well then, in accordance with yashrus20’s post, i would propose that all the men on YWN go and “shteig” instead of posting whether you think tzahal is Jewish or not.
January 5, 2009 1:19 pm at 1:19 pm #629773yashrus20MemberIn accordance with the pasuk “b’chukosai teilaichu” Rashi- amailus b’torah, we should go shtieg.
Day one of operation “cast torah”: The enamy is strong and determined! i woke up today at 7:30 b/c my alarm broke. I needed two coffe’s to stay awake during seder, but BH i was prepared and ready due to what ive learnt from previous sedarim. Rosh “This is going to be a long haul, THE YETZER HARAH BELEIVES (it actualy is) HIS WHOLE EXITANCE IS FOR ONE THING TO DEFEAT US!!
I propose the women make a tehillim session for us that more ppl start learning.
(oh yeh if you do this JOSEPH can be general lol)
One last thing: If we were actualy soldiers would you (women) call us to come home or tell us to run an errand in the midst of a war, SO AL ACHAS KAMA V’KAMA WHEN WERE IN THE ARMY OF HASHEM.
(Ii know i know im a shouvanist lol)
January 5, 2009 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm #629774jewishfeminist02Memberyashrus20, did you mean “chauvinist” rather than “shouvanist”?
Women who ask their husbands to run errands do so because they genuinely need their help in keeping the household functioning. Do you want to have clean shirts to wear at yeshiva? Do you want to have nice food for Shabbos? Do you want your children to get to school on time? All of these things are necessary in order to do mitzvot, so women are no less “in the army of Hashem” than men are.
January 5, 2009 3:59 pm at 3:59 pm #629775intellegentMemberjewishfeminist02
Wow! You are 100% correct! 🙂 You don’t sound like much of a feminist in that last post of yours!
January 5, 2009 4:25 pm at 4:25 pm #629776yashrus20MemberJewishfeminist-i was kidding, and your answer should have been its not bitul torah b/c torah maviu l’deh maasah. So me doing work when i get marries is b’chlal talmud torah. So yes your right but it was a joke. And im willing to make a bet b’ezras hashem when i get married (even though im a “chauvinst”) ill still treat my wife better than most non chauvanists. And your right women are in the army of hashem, there uniform is an apron hehehe jkjk.
January 5, 2009 4:35 pm at 4:35 pm #629777tzippiMemberThere was a wonderful article on aish.com by Shula Whisper about the wonderful work of Rav Grossman in Migdal HaEmek. Sorry I can’t come up with the URL. It is magnificent and should be required reading.
I am sure that if these soldiers would know how much we are davening and care for them, it would make one of the greatest kiruv impacts ever.
January 5, 2009 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm #629778Yanky55ParticipantSo according to Joseph, since only SOME of the Israeli army are practicing yidden, then the army as a whole is still considered un-Jewish.
By that logic, Jews as a whole must be considered non-religious, since only a very small minority are practicing yidden.
Yashrus- I think you have things twisted. When Joseph spews venom towards yidden that are moser nefesh for the sake of you, me and anyone else who wants to live in or visit E”Y , then THAT is sinas chinum.
When my brother, brother-in-law, and numerous nephews put their lives on the line to protect E”Y and at the same time do their utmost to adhere to halacha, then I will not sit quietly and read the garbage about an un-Jewish army without protesting.
January 5, 2009 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm #629779havesomeseichelMemberWHY ARE YOU NOT LEARNING AND POSTING IN THE CR? hello? start doing what you are saying! If you are not learning what right do you have to not help your wife?
January 5, 2009 5:47 pm at 5:47 pm #629780AnonymousInactivecmon if they close the cr how many people are going to sit down and learn?
January 5, 2009 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm #629781yashrus20MemberYanky-both are sinas chinam
havesomewtvr-Notice last night was the first time ive been on in a while. And the only time i do post is bein hasdorim, except lunch when i have a chavrusa in another yeshiva……whats your excuse?? (unless your a girl lol)
January 5, 2009 7:31 pm at 7:31 pm #629782havesomeseichelMemberI also just restarted after a very long absence… but you werent on here to notice that!
January 5, 2009 11:37 pm at 11:37 pm #629783JosephParticipantYanky, my sincere condolences over your liberal uber-modern orthodox sensibilities that are offended by the truth that the zionists are the cause of the death and destruction in the Holy Land.
January 6, 2009 1:54 am at 1:54 am #629784squeakParticipantThe functioning of an army all comes down to the orders it is given. Therefore, the “Jewishness” of an army depends on who is giving the orders, not who is carrying them out, IMO. So without offense to Yanky or any of the fine Jews who serve, Joseph’s characterization seems correct to me.
January 6, 2009 2:08 am at 2:08 am #629785mazal77ParticipantI am davening for ALL our soliders and on what ever level they may be at. It’s time to get together. I just read a story about the army radio(secular) reading tehillim on Sunday. It brought tears to my eyes. I was so impressed. Maybe they will finally get it. Hashem is the one to turn to. There is no one else. The whole world is against us. Let the Jewish People unite.
January 6, 2009 3:19 am at 3:19 am #629786just meParticipantYashrus, I am happy for you that you are still single. You have the chance to grow up and improve before inflicting yourself on a woman. Even if you are only joking and don’t believe the stuff you wrote, it’s still disgusting. Grow up, Sheifele. It’s cheaper than a divorce.
January 6, 2009 3:47 am at 3:47 am #629787Will HillParticipantyashrus20, you have a very good sense of humor. And you comments are appropiate. Pay no heed to ahem.
January 6, 2009 9:51 am at 9:51 am #629789jewishfeminist02Memberintellegent, what was “un-feminist” about what I wrote?
yashrus20, I realize you were joking, but comments like “there uniform is an apron” are neither amusing nor appropriate. Making light of serious subjects diminishes their importance to the reader. Also, your (joking, I assume) comment about only women having an “excuse” to post here ignores the fact that talmud Torah is not a mitzvat aseh she’hazman grama. So even if you belong to the camp that forbids women from learning Gemara, we still can and should learn Tanach.
Yanky, my sincere condolences over your being attacked by a man who apparently thinks that the Arabs launching rockets at us are Zionists.
January 6, 2009 11:51 am at 11:51 am #629791yashrus20MemberJust Me-Im glad its just you, My rebbe makes these jokes and he treats his wife better than any guy you’l ever know, so do everybody a favor dont go into marriage counseling you’l save everyone a whole lot of money.
havesomeseichel-srry should have been dan l’kaf zchus
Will Hill-You da man finaly someone to appreciate a lil humor.
January 6, 2009 12:45 pm at 12:45 pm #629792tzippiMemberNot sure about closing the coffee room, but can we put the parties on hold?
January 6, 2009 3:07 pm at 3:07 pm #629793intellegentMemberjewishfeminist02
“So even if you belong to the camp that forbids women from learning Gemara, we still can and should learn Tanach.” There is not the same chiyuv for women to learn torah as for men to. That is a fact.
January 6, 2009 3:20 pm at 3:20 pm #629794Yanky55ParticipantJoseph- Thank you kindly for your condolences. You cannot imagine how much it means to me.
JFem- Thank YOU for your backing. It’s good to know that some people on this site are intelligent…..
January 6, 2009 3:59 pm at 3:59 pm #629795SJSinNYCMemberYanky, I support the Israeli Army. I think that Hashem started by giving us back Israel to see if we could unite as a nation. I think we are proving ourselves unworthy of Moshiach with all the hatred going around.
I appreciate everyone who risks their lives everyday just by living in Israel – the army, the civilians…its because of Jews like that, that I can go to Israel any time I want to visit. They have already stamped out the path for me. [my grandfather literally helped build roads in Israel in the 1930s]
January 6, 2009 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm #629796Josh31ParticipantBiggest problem with this coffee room is there is no coffee!!!
January 6, 2009 7:11 pm at 7:11 pm #629797YW Moderator-72ParticipantJosh31 – what do you expect? It’s Asara B’Teves. Come back this evening.
January 6, 2009 7:36 pm at 7:36 pm #629798jphoneMember#72. I’ll take mine with 2 splendas and a little skim milk. Of course, I expect a cheese danish too.
January 6, 2009 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm #629799jewishfeminist02MemberThe fast is over is E”Y, so those of us living here can have coffee!
intellegent, if the argument was that men should be learning Torah as part of their regular chiyuv instead of posting on the CR, that would be one thing. However, the purpose of this thread was to encourage users to learn Torah in the zechut of our brothers and sisters who are currently in danger. Doing so rather than posting in the CR is a better use of time, and those living in the affected areas of Israel need all the help they can get. This therefore has no relation whatsoever to the Jews who are actively doing the learning and everything to do with the Jews who are running to shelters every other minute. It doesn’t matter what a person’s natural tafkid or chiyuv is; we all need to do what we can to help out. For some women, this will mean learning Tanach or saying Tehillim rather than learning Gemara. But we all need to be doing something.
I just came from a funeral on Har Herzl for one of the soldiers who died this morning. It was such a beautiful thing to see hundreds of people gathered there in solidarity. After the eulogies were over, it took my friend and me about twenty minutes just to push through the crowd to see the grave properly. Many people, including relatives, were crying unashamedly. This is, I think, what the intent was behind this thread- that we shouldn’t just continue living our lives as if nothing had happened. For me, attending the funeral just meant taking a fifteen-minute bus ride, and I’m grateful that I live in E”Y and have access to this kind of stuff. But everyone can help in his or her own way. Spending all of one’s free time in the CR may not be harmful, but there are other positive things that one can be doing instead. Let’s try to keep that in mind as the war progresses.
January 6, 2009 7:52 pm at 7:52 pm #629800AnonymousInactiveNO SUGAR
January 7, 2009 12:18 am at 12:18 am #629801Josh31ParticipantFast is over, where is the coffee?
At this hour I will take a decaf with extra creme and sugar.
January 7, 2009 1:59 am at 1:59 am #629802BogenParticipantjf2, Until a month ago you never drank coffee, now you can’t wait till the fast is over to drink it?
January 7, 2009 2:14 am at 2:14 am #629803mazal77ParticipantWell, with the abundance of Torah CD’s out there, you could listen while, you’re in the coffee room. While doing dishes or laundry as well, while driving in the car. Opportunites abound. All that is considered learning Torah as well.
January 7, 2009 2:19 am at 2:19 am #629804qwertyuiopMembermod72, can i get you a coffee-2% milk, no sugar
January 7, 2009 9:36 am at 9:36 am #629805jewishfeminist02MemberThat’s perceptive of you, Bogen! You’re right, I never used to drink coffee, and now I have a cup or two every day- but don’t worry, I’m not addicted 🙂 I just like the taste of it- decaf is fine too.
January 7, 2009 2:03 pm at 2:03 pm #629806YW Moderator-72Participantqwertyuiop – I’m still waiting….
January 7, 2009 7:07 pm at 7:07 pm #629807Itzik_sMemberFor me, attending the funeral just meant taking a fifteen-minute bus ride, and I’m grateful that I live in E”Y and have access to this kind of stuff.
You are grateful that you can go to levayas?????????
Why go? To make YOURSELF feel like you are doing something?
The soldiers’ families do not need you there; you could spend the time learning or volunteering or just living your life. The soldiers are private people who were killed in performing government mandated service. Their families are private people. They don’t necessarily need or want you there in their moments of horrible grief.
January 7, 2009 7:23 pm at 7:23 pm #629808SJSinNYCMemberItzik…I don’t think thats what she meant.
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