Chumash B'Iyun

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    Can anyone recommend any shiurim on Chumash B’Iyun, specifically focusing on pshat in the psukim, what purpose each word is serving, dikduk, etc.

    Tizku l’mitzvos!


    Just to clarify, not interested in anything that gets into bible criticism for inappropriate hashkafos. Thanks


    Interesting question. A couple years back I started learning Ramban in English. I think it was a mistake. I can’t remember what happened but I got very disheartened about the Yidden in the Midbar. I started feeling really sorry for them. Like couldn’t H’ just bring them in without all this?


    ARTSCROLL still has the best way for most of us to learn Chumash.

    It happens that I also attend an incredible women’s weekly parsha shiur on Monday mornings in ny neighborhood. Our teacher is an incredible young woman, well-knopwn throughout the community for the many Torah lectures that she gives for women, and we learn in a chabura-type style where she teaches a concept from the parsha and we respond with our own thoughts and questions. We do topical learning, rather than posuk by posuk. I cannot begin to tell you what personal enjoyment this class brings to me.


    I learn chumash with a sefer called “chok l’yisroel” it has the chumash, targum, rashi. all in 6 portions for each day, friday being the longest. then each day there is a portion from neiviem and ksuvim. then mishna, and gemorah, rambam, zohar and mussar, very interesting way of learning a lot.

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