Chronicle Moderations

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  • #614355
    Patur Aval Assur

    Post here every time you get Moderated (includes unapproved posts, edited posts, and deleted posts). Don’t post what you tried to post; just make a note that you got moderated. It’s therapeutic. (Don’t post about past moderations. Only moderations henceforth.)



    #Great topic!

    I got moderated for a Post I wanted to start…. Although I don’t know why..


    #oops I know you said from here on, But it was two days ago..

    Patur Aval Assur

    Apparently my first post in this thread got moderated. But it might have been a joke so I don’t know if it counts.


    Patur Aval Assur

    #Great topic!



    Hashtag: if I recall, you requested that post be deleted.


    #Yw mod-29 That was a different post ๐Ÿ™‚

    Patur Aval Assur

    I got moderated again.


    So did I.

    kj chusid

    Me to


    #I had a great thread, but was blocked again


    I might agree with you on that one . . .


    #so why?


    Probably too much potential for damage. People get very emotional and unforgiving about certain topics and there is no good way to keep facts straight or avoid serious motzei shem ra.

    Patur Aval Assur

    Looks like PAA was moderated again.

    So here’s the story behind that one:

    Popa had accused Jewboy1 of giving his interpretation of the medrash instead of what the medrash actually said. So I pointed out (in a somewhat joking manner) some things which seemed to be “interpretations”. After I posted it I thought that it would be possible for someone to read it in a way that was insulting/demeaning to Jewboy1, and I was pretty sure that Popa would have a similar response anyway, so I self-edited it. I was indeed correct that Popa would respond, but l’ma’aseh my response was more awesome. So on that note, and with this disclaimer I’m going to re-post my comment.


    That’s also why we don’t approve posts about Zionism, feminism or modern orthodoxy.

    Patur Aval Assur

    I just saw that I got moderated again last night.

    Little Froggie

    Hurray!! I didn’t get


    Patur Aval Assur




    Try to sum up the article without quoting from it so extensively.

    Patur Aval Assur

    Thank you 100. I reposted it without any quotes. Let’s see if it gets through.

    Patur Aval Assur

    Again. And it was a poetic masterpiece too, if I may say so myself. Oh well.

    Sorry, no time to research it.

    Patur Aval Assur

    Nice. How would you have researched it though? In order to make it rhyme in Hebrew I had to translate it in such a way that if you would translate it back into English you probably wouldn’t get the original words.

    Patur Aval Assur

    I think I got moderated again.

    Patur Aval Assur



    I started a thread last night which didn’t make it, plus a post today. I am bewildered about both, as neither broke any rules.


    I probably hold a record for most rejected posts by a

    non-malicious user in some time period or other.

    But really, I can’t complain. ๐Ÿ™‚

    (Sometimes I’ve been more surprised by posts that

    were approved than I’ve been by ones that weren’t.)

    Patur Aval Assur


    My unapproved post was directed to you on the e-pal thread. But I am forbidden to say any more.


    Hey I’m so proud of myself! I haven’t had a post deleted/rejected for over a month! ๐Ÿ˜€


    :'( not fair! I WAS happy….


    What about chronicling times when you get other people moderated?

    “If you see something, say something.”


    I would like to note two moderations, both on this thread. That’s gotta be some kind of record. And, in order that my third thread won’t get deleted too, I won;t mention the content. Any mods can tell me why?

    From the rules:

    2 – If your post was deleted, please don’t post asking us why your post was deleted. It was deleted because we felt that there was something inappropriate, off topic etc. Do not resubmit deleted posts


    Too bad I can’t tell anyone what I am thinking or it will get deleted.

    Little Froggie

    No. What’s worse – they make it sticky!!

    Anyways, Wisely, are you scared they’ll delete your thoughts?


    It would be better if they did. That way it wouldn’t bother me that I can’t tell anyone that BEEP What was I gonna say?


    Is it gneivah to use a shava prutah of the server that stores the information you posted with a second username?

    Little Froggie


    Feel so bad for you. Now you have to restart.. learning..

    Ooops. Forgot: Your name is Wisey… you were posting on the Yeshiva World Coffee Room when you got attacked… They found you with your thought plug unplugged…

    And you were gonna say that you absolutely adore my posts..


    I got moderated when i tried to post about shabbos preparations. My shabbos preparations, like the post about them, were not moderate at all. But I’m not upset because i was zoche to a subtitle. I’m not even sure why i wanted one but I’m pumped that i got one.


    Here it comes…

    Patur Aval Assur

    I see we have reached the point where I find out that my comments have been deleted via reading about it on this thread.

    Patur Aval Assur

    Is there a court of appeals?


    Only if you can find a CR lawyer.


    doesnt pba qualify as such?

    but seriously there are lawyers that post on the cr


    I’ve been getting modded quite a bit this week, or maybe it only

    feels that way because it hasn’t been happening much recently.


    What kind of naughty posts have you been trying to slip through?

    Patur Aval Assur

    Twice more.


    Naughty, naughty.


    I must hold some kind of record: I failed to understand that a particular reference point was verboten. I therefore managed to get around two dozen posts in total deleted, including a couple that weren’t even my own by drawing unnecessary attention to them. I also tried to open five or six threads on the subject, two of which were active for a short time before they too were deemed problematic. A fair amount of my deleted posts were nothing more than Happy Faces directed at other posts. So I think, for now, I can claim to have had the most Moderations of any poster in the past few days. Unless anybody can challenge this?

    In the future, if you do not want part of what you write to be posted, please use a separate post. It is far easier to delete than to edit. Thank you.

    Patur Aval Assur


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