Choose your “Big McMoishe”

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    The stock of the company producing Beyond Burgers has gone up 800% since its IPO last month (although it is down a bit today). The hype on beyond burgers (produced from a pea protein) and with hashgacha (definitely not Badatz) is that it tastes more like “real” beef than traditional veggie burgers. For those ready for their first Big McMoishe, would you prefer a real burger with veggie cheese or a beyond burger with real (cholov yisroel) cheese, along with lettuce, tomato and your own “special sauce”.


    I already eat Dr. Praeger’s California Burger with real cheese.

    Amil Zola

    I tried Beyond Burgers. They are far better than most veggie burgers and a bit closer to real meat but not worth the money. IMHO I’ll stick with a fresh beef burger off the Weber and some faux cheese, but my preference is onion, tomato and avocado.


    I want my Big McMoishe topped with lettuce and horseradish, please.

    Amil Zola

    Correction: The box in the freezer says they are ‘Impossible Burgers’.


    I saw one of these in the supermarket. It was $7.99 for two 1/4 lb patties.

    No thanks, I’d rather have a beef burger with no cheese.


    Amil: That’s strange. Impossible Burgers have been around for a year or two but only available in fast-food restaurants in “cooked” form. They just received their FDA approval to sell fresh uncooked burgers on Tuesday this week. You must have purchased among the first deliveries. Not sure why they would be “frozen” since it huge part of their marketing spiel is that both they and Beyond Burgers are an alternative to “fresh meat” and are supposed to be sold in the fresh meat coolers (at least that’s the way we find them at Whole Foods.
    Meno: Whole foods has them for $5.99 package ($4.99 if you are a member of Amazon Prime).

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    What’s so impossible about them?

    Non Political

    This was actually a very useful post. I never heard of these before and was considering the standard soy stuff (not a fan). Went out and bought a bunch of these yesterday for my family’s supper during the 9 days. Thank you.

    Amil Zola

    Gadol, I purchased them at my local co-op which offers them on the menu in their cafe.

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