How about a massive mega-event Coffee Room reunion, from all our members, from long, way back ago. Don’t know all but how about a Shticky Guy, BPT, Creedmore, Eclipse, Oomis, Otisville Rebbe, Am Yisroel Chai, TheGoq, OneGoal, SayIDidIt, BaalHabooze to mention a few. Y’know… all the ones from way back when I was still in my cribbie peaking at my Mommy’s coffee room screen…
Little Froggie: Reminds me of the ad for a product that proclaimed that it was made with real people. Of course most actors are real people or are they?
iBump: More than 9 out of 10 who have given explicit goodbye speeches were back before long. Most were back rather quickly, some took only a bit longer.