Chofetz chaim says to bring Mashiach need to love everyone.

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    bael teshuva

    The Chofetz Chaim says to bring Mashiach we need to love everyone. Pray that whoever did bad to you (not terrorist), should have the most Olam Haba. After is best time to pray for Mashiach. The Yesod Veshoresh Haovoda says from the zohor to help people who did bad to you, to be saved from tragedies and bring Mashiach. Pray everyone should do the same.


    Just to add to this wonderful post: Chofetz Chaim did not limit himself to quotable calls of generic love. He was often calling for very specific action to help other Yidden: organize kosher schools (at least one per city in Poland); for literate women to read laws of niddah to those who do not know how to read; to regularly send packages of food to Yidden trapped in Communist Russia; to help WW1 refugees find affordable rent, not raise prices and not use shuls for permanent housing; to go vote for religious candidates in Polish Seim, etc.




    fair fair


    he was also firm that part of “ahavas yisroel” is hating heretics and mechlile shabbos b;farhesua.
    loving people who don’t act like jews is a type of sinas chinam.


    Who was the ‘other’ character that sold אהבת חינם? Let me think a sec. Ah, wasn’t it the one that the Brisker Rov said that after 120, he’d be shown the results of his life’s work, and ‘Git a Kuk’ (Look!).
    Bottom line, AAQ is spot on. Always, always, look at the complete person, and all his words and actions. Sound-bytes – often taken out of context – are not a Jewish manner of expression.


    If I remember correctly, Rabbi Avrahom Yitzchok HaKohen Cook [ZTL & ZYA]
    famously taught that:

    “Since the Beth HaMikdash was destroyed by Sinat Chinam,
    the Beth HaMikdash can only be rebuilt by Ahavat Chinam,”
    (Or something very similar to that.)

    Please forgive me for not providing an exact source for this very important quote.

    Menachem Shmei

    Is it better to err on the side of love, or err on the side of hate?

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