Chofetz Chaim says bless those you don’t love, pray they see moshioch

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    bael teshuva

    chofetz chaim in kuntras ahavas yisrael says pray it should be good for those who you do not love, so pray those you do not love should see moshioch right away. Orchos tzdikim says if you are happy for your prayer you get a thousand times more reword. gemara berochos says hashem always answers prayers with tears.


    Sefer Orchot Tzaddikim, Shaar HaSimcha, (chapter 9):

    Every person who performs mitzvahs with happiness receives a reward 1,000 times as great as a person who performs mitzvahs with the attitude that mitzvahs are a burden.

    ספר ארחות צדיקים – השער התשיעי
    וְכָל הָעוֹשֶֹה הַמִּצְווֹת בְּשִֹמְחָה, יֵשׁ לוֹ שָֹכָר אֶלֶף יָדוֹת יוֹתֵר מִמִּי שֶׁהַמִּצְווֹת עָלָיו לְמַשָּא


    Forgive me; your post is jibberish. What are you trying to say? (and since when does HaShem answer prayers with tears? What does that even mean??


    the chofetz chaim is also clear to exclude anyone who is “mechalel shabbos b’farhesia” from ahavas yisroel, even if they live their irreligious life out of general ignorance.



    שערי דמעות לא ננעלו


    תלמוד בבלי מסכת ברכות דף לב/ב
    ואמר רבי אלעזר
    מיום שחרב בית המקדש ננעלו שערי תפלה
    שנאמר: גם כי אזעק ואשוע שתם תפלתי.
    ואף על פי ששערי תפלה ננעלו, שערי דמעה לא ננעלו
    Some Jew I Know:

    Where does the Chafetz Chaim say no Ahavat Yisrael
    for a Mechalel Shabbat BeFarhesia Tinok SheNishba?



    Look in Chazon Ish Yoreh Deah end of Simman 3. Seems to quote from Chafetz Chaim just the opposite.


    There are some openings in the Troller Kollel


    the gemara says that hating a rasha is regarding your freind and you were mikayem rebuking him and he did not do teshuvah. the chafetz chaim writes that today – in his time already – there is no one who properly knows how to rebuke, and therefore there is no concept of hating a rasha. dont have time to quote the source. chassidus mevueres tanya brings it in perek 32.
    the chazon ish also held that jews born to non frum parents, even if later were exposed to frum jews but remained non observant, is a tinok shenishba. and arvus aplys to all jews see sanhedrin 43 and ain yitzchok


    Bava Kama discusses the right height for skilah to make it most comfortable – given the circumstances. so, ahava applies to everyone

    Menachem Shmei

    Bava Kama discusses the right height for skilah to make it most comfortable – given the circumstances. so, ahava applies to everyone

    אָמַר רַב נַחְמָן אָמַר רַבָּה בַּר אֲבוּהּ, אָמַר קְרָא: ״וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ״ – בְּרוֹר לוֹ מִיתָה יָפָה.

    See יד רמ”ה סנהדרין נב,ב:
    אמר קרא ואהבת לרעך כמוך וכל היכא דכתיב רעך משמע ישראל ואפי’ רשע שנתחייב מיתה אתה חייב לחזר אחר זכותו לברור לו מיתה יפה

    For halachic sources on the matter, see here, note 17:


    Menachem, exactly

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