Chofetz Chaim-if call the poliece without baisdin no olamhabah/nachele in Isreal

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Chofetz Chaim-if call the poliece without baisdin no olamhabah/nachele in Isreal

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  • #2248669
    bael teshuva

    Chofetz Chaim says if say loshon harah to non jew no olam habah and no nacheleh in Isreal and no techiyas hamasim


    What’s the chiddush? The Shulchan Aruch, Rambam, etc. all say the same.


    Not sure I ever understood the point of these ywn coffee room piskei halacha. Yes there is a din mefuarsh in chazal of a moser, and yes it’s brought in shulchan aruch. There are some cases one would be allowed, or even obligated to be moser, see shulchan aruch and poskim. If someone wants to know specific gedarim for specific scenarios, they should speak to their rov, and not do anything bc of something they read in the YWN coffee room.


    The Chofetz Chayim clearly wasn’t referring to loshon horah in a moderated virtual chat room on a frum social media site


    We already have Gedolim who are on batei dinim who say it’s an obligation to report SA and molestors.

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