Wolf, if you are happier by not being happy, then be happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being happy by being happy by not being hap<End Of Ink>
One of the happiest shabbosim in yeshiva was on Shabbos Mevarchim when they bentched Chodesh Adar…..eeeeeeveryone smiled and looked around ….the happiness was palpable, the gittiness was contagious.
This shabbos is so special, and this time of year is always such a happy time; purim, pesach, spring, sun, yipppeeeeeeee!!!!!
Me on the other hand, I’m happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be happy to be hap<Out of Mashke>