CHEAP wedding singer in Brooklyn- need help asap!

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    My chasunah is in 3 weeks now, and our singer just fell through. We’re looking for someone CHEAP (preferably around $500 or as close to it as possible) but good- not necessarily a world-class name or a really “cultured” voice, but someone who knows how to sing. We’re definitely looking for a Litvish singer, not Chassidish.

    Please send recommendations- please don’t go with Shloime Daskal or even Yisroel Werdyger, because they’re out of our price range.

    Thanks in advance!


    INTERESTING!!! You write “We’re definitely looking for a Litvish singer, not Chassidish” , yet the two singers you reffer to as a good choice besides for the their price which is out of your range (Shloime Daskal and Yisroel Werdyger), ARE TOTALLY CHASSIDISH!!!


    Well I obviously would not recommend daskal or werdyger, because you said that your looking for a livishe singer. (Otherwise i would tell you to go with Berry Weber – he’s only $1300). Anyways getting to the point, I would suggest going with Uri Davidi. He’s phenomenal. He’s Litvish. And he’s only $700 (at least as of 2 years ago he was). You can also get Aderet. he’s good too. and cheap.

    YW Moderator-42

    Lipa is probably too chasidish for you so I would go with Shwekey.

    YW Moderator-42

    Simcha Leiner and Nachas are also very nice.


    I don’t get it – doesn’t the band provide a singer?


    Technical21 -“We’re definitely looking for a Litvish singer, not Chassidish.”

    Try Reinman from Lakewood. Idk how much he charges.


    Hey btw Shwekey is sefardic.


    And Simacha Leiner is probably expensive – or at least he should be cuz he’s really good. And Nachas is prob still in middle of sheva brochos.


    Shaya Hecht is a great singer.

    Sorry, no links. Google Shaya Hecht.


    The reason I mentioned those two despite having said I don’t want Chassidish is that on previous threads about singers on this forum and others, whenever a Litvish singer was requested, for some reason people kept mentioning Daskal and Werdyger. I actually like both of them a lot–and I’ve heard them sing with a Litvish havara–but as I said, they’re way out of our price range.

    Shwekey apparently charges $20,000 to sing at a wedding, or some outrageous number.

    Simcha Leiner is also well over $1,000. I don’t know about Nachas, but probably also out of our price range- I will check. (By the way, he got married on February 28 or 29, so he’s not still in middle of sheva brachos- but newlywed.)

    Uri Davidi is a little cooler than we’re looking for, although he is very good from what I’ve seen.

    Will try the other suggestions. Thanks.


    Technical21 -“We’re definitely looking for a Litvish singer, not Chassidish.”

    You can also try one of the Brodt sons’. Again Idk how much he charges, but I don’t think he’s expensive!

    ☕️coffee addict

    Mazel tov

    This should be your worst problem


    Sorry, no links. Google ShayaHecht.

    Google Shaya Hecht sang at our wedding. He’s good. And his father Yoel is known to shoot people at their weddings as well.


    Are you a misnagid?

    Mazel tov, by the way.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕
    sefardi guy

    Mendy Jacobson is cool BTW i just saw nachas at a wedding so hes out of 7 brachot


    Nechemia brodt. Shauly waldner


    Anyone know around when did wedding singers become part of the frum wedding? It’s a relatively new thing. Do all weddings now have these singers?



    Do all weddings now have these singers?


    I’m marrying off my third child within the next two weeks. There will be an orchestra, but no separate singer hired. This does not mean that some member of the orchestra may not sing at some point, but it is not an extra I am paying for.

    We are having a wedding, not a concert or show.


    URI DAVIDI all the way!!!!

    who cares cool or no cool!?!?!

    you want quality music? a sick voice? an out of this world rocking dance floor??

    you gotta get him!

    Catch him while he is still cheap! I think he is still under 1,000


    Try Yehoshua Solomon from KGH. He sang at my friend’s daughter’s chasuna & I heard him at quite a few others. He’s really good & probably in your price range. Mazel tov.

    ***phone number and email removed by mod


    Definitely go with Uri Davidi. He’s from the top! He will probably be booked though but worth the try. Still under 1000. He sang at my wedding and couldn’t be happier. He will cater to what you want so too cool shouldn’t be the issue


    We booked Yaakov Petro for $450.

    mik5- I guess if you call Litvish a misnaged, then I’m a misnaged; but it’s more that I don’t like the Chassidish ????. Thanks for the mazel tov!

    cherrybim- I don’t think it’s such a new thing. My parents had a singer by their wedding 22 years ago, and their wedding was not overly fancy at all. CTLAWYER- I don’t think having a singer makes it into a concert. We have a one-man band, but we preferred to get someone else to sing, for reasons of our own.


    I’m marrying off my third child within the next two weeks.

    Three kids in two weeks? That’s incredible; mazel tov!


    Hire me. $200 for the night. You wont know what I am singing, but I am cheap.


    I met Yaakov Petro on the metro practicing an intro and sounded good! Good choice.


    But Simcha Leiner is still the way to go! Maybe re-book if you can.



    If only, then all three single girls would be set


    I understand not wanting your one man band to have the added work of singing…it’s a bit much.

    In the 1970s when I and my siblings were wed, the wedding orchestras generally had vocalist and comedians/emcees.


    Mordechai Shapiro or Craig Resmovitz

    google them to get their info

    both are not too expensive and very good


    Technical21 -“We booked Yaakov Petro for $450.”

    Where from?


    Health- not sure I understand your question. Actually, I searched on YouTube for singers, and he was one of the names that came up. He lives in Lakewood.


    Besides the occasional chazan, who was singing at weddings 40 years ago? Any names?


    Technical21 -“Health- not sure I understand your question. Actually, I searched on YouTube for singers, and he was one of the names that came up. He lives in Lakewood”

    You answered the question. I live in Lakewood too, but I never heard of him. Once upon a time, Lakewood was small and if you didn’t know them, you could hear about them. Not anymore!

    It’s like BP.


    I think he was referring to the fact that yaakov shwekey is a Sephardi singer as apposed to all the hasidic and litvish ones mentioned above.


    I would for sure get SHLOIME KAUFMAN – he sang at my wedding and the place was rocking! He puts in 300% into every wedding he does. Hes the best bang for the buck , no question in my mind.

    YW Moderator-42

    cherrybim wrote:

    Besides the occasional chazan, who was singing at weddings 40 years ago? Any names?

    Shlomo Carlebach


    Mod 42; not really. Carlebach had a few chasunah tunes but I don’t think he was doing weddings 30-40 years ago as singers do them today. If he did, Carlebach would not have been living in the abject poverty he was subjected to. About twenty five years ago, he was involved with some weddings in Israel for baalei t’shuva and mass weddings of Russians in Efrat, but not money makers like today’s singers.


    Ask your band

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