Chanukah Thoughts

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    Reb Eliezer

    פדה, redeem is the same gematria as חנוכה as in Tehillim (25,22). The 25th word in the Torah is אור, light and the 22 letters in the aleph beis as the word בך in you, bringing us close to Hashem.

    Reb Eliezer

    חנוכה is feminine version of חנוך the upbringing of טף (gematria Chanukah 89) young children in a light fashion.

    Reb Eliezer

    In this Parasha Vayishlach, Yaakov Avinu returns by endangering himself for the pachim ketanim, small pitchers to teach us not dismiss them as they will be required by Chanukah in order that the neis of burning longer should apply to oil in the pitcher. As we know from the story of Elisha that a neis can only apply to something in existence, so the Taz explains that some oil was left over the first day as the Shiltas says that there was not enough oil even for one day.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Meharsha in Chulin, Ilu Trefos explains that the neiros to the menorah where pachim ketanim, earth wear broken into small pieces in order not become tamei. In the long nights of Teves, the oil in them was not enough for one day.

    Reb Eliezer


    Reb Eliezer

    The Ramban in Parashas Bahalascha explains that when Aharon the Kohen felt bad that he was left out of the chanukas hamizbeach and he was told by Hashem that yours is greater that your will light the Menorah forever (maybe as the view that Chanukah will not disappear at the time of Meshiach being a commemoration of the acceptance of the Oral Law) for Chanukah. The Rokeach has a hint from the Torah in Parashas Emor as after the description of the Yamim Tovim the Menorah is described (Chanukah) and Lechem Hapanim (Purim).

    Reb Eliezer

    When the shevotim, in Parashas Mekeitz, found their money doubled, Yosef said Hashem your G-d provided a find in your sack and your money came to me. Asks the Ksav Sofer it should have said that your money came to me first? So he explains in great detail that a blessing must come on something already there. By Chanukah the Taz says that some oil was left over on which the the blessing of the additional oil, or long burning of oil came. The Chashmanaim knew that they cannot defeat the Greeks but did their own part. Similarly Ruvein did his own to save of Yosef even though it was not a complete save as snakes and scorpions were there. He figured that they have no bechira, free choice being being in the hands of Hashem compared to human beings.

    Reb Eliezer

    There is an argument in SA O’CH 684 between the Mechaber and the RMA how to lein in the Chanukah for the third person. The Mechaber says to repeat the leinen for the day whereas the RMA says from the Hagahus Maimanus to lein next day. Why when they say that their is no sefaka deyome? Maybe he learns like the Taz that some oil was left over which contributed to the burning of the next day.

    Reb Eliezer

    Miketz stands for ממון, קול and צום which are ממון, תפילה and תשובה. Why in reverse order rather than תשובה, תפילה וצדקה ? Maybe it is in the order of the amount of effort one must exert to accomplish it from less to more. Each one is 136 together 3 x 136 = 408, Zos as Zos Chanukah, Ches Chanukah (8th day). It reminds us of the ladder, סולם (136) of Yaakov Avinu to climb to spiritual heights from the ground to heavens where the malachim are either above him or below him. One should keep in mind constantly what Hashem told Adam Harishon, איכה, ayeka where are we on the ladder?

    Reb Eliezer

    Miketz is mamon, kol, tzom – tzedakah, tefila and teshuva. Teshuva, tefila and tzedakah in reverse. Maybe it is indicated according to the necessary effort to accomplish it. Each equals 136 together 3 x 136 = 408 as ‘Zos’ Chanukah. This is the way to climb the ladder of spritual improvement, where sulom is also 136. Let us remember what Hashem told Adam Harishon, Ayeka, where are we on this ladder? Zos Chanukah is also Ches (8th day) Chanukah.

    Reb Eliezer


    Reb Eliezer

    לא יכלו אחיו לענות אותו כי נבהלו מפניו, the brothers could not answer Yosef as they were shocked before him. The Midrash says Abbeh Kohen Bardeleh says if in front of Yosef the smallest of the tribes they could not answer, what will we answer when we are taken in the next world for judgement on לפי מה שהוא to account on our actions. People are judged according to their actions elsewhere like giving charity or how they see themselves. If they are conceded, they will be judged accordingly and vice versa if they are humble.

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