Chanukah Gifts

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    I would like to get ideas from you what to give these following people for Chanukah:

    1. Your childs Rebbi, Morah, teacher etc.

    2. If you are married what to give your parents

    3. If your child gets therapy in school (ex. speech therapy) – do you give the therapist? What do you suggest?

    4. What would you give your teenage niece or nephew?

    Any suggestions would be greatful


    Joseph is correct – Gelt is the way to go for the Rebbe and morah and for the kinder.

    as an interesting side note: R’ M.M. Weiss mentioned on one of his tapes that we always tell our children the importance of tzedaka however generally speaking kids do not have money. He mentioned that a way to teach the lesson is that when the children receive Chanukah gelt the parents should show them how to separate off the correct amount and to give it to tzedaka. As an example, he mentioned to go to the local grocer and ask him to put the money on the account of a rebbe that is having trouble paying his bill (in the small grocery stores the owners know which accounts to apply the money).


    1. Your childs Rebbi, Morah, teacher etc.

    Sefer for the Rebbi…

    2. If you are married what to give your parents

    A Shabbos Lamp, digital photo frame…

    3. If your child gets therapy in school (ex. speech therapy) – do you give the therapist? What do you suggest?

    Something for the kitchen…

    4. What would you give your teenage niece or nephew?

    Some sort of gadget- camera, ipod etc.

    Hope this helped but it obviously depends on your budget and amount willing to pay…


    I had never heard of the long-standing minhag to give money gifts to teachers till we were well into our school career, and unable to give enough to all 50+ teachers. What teachers have appreciated are personal thank you notes, including mention of a donation made to a meaningful tzedaka. (There are local tzedakas that let us give a block amount, amortize it among the teachers and it doesn’t come to much but the thought definitely does count.) Then, if class mothers go above and beyond the line of duty and organize a class gift, I will participate in that too, even if it’s a stretch for us,out of gratitude for the class mother’s efforts, and to give a more “balabatishe” (you should pardon the expression) gift.


    Boruch Hashem my schools have always organized the chanukah gelt for teachers. You just send in a check and it is distributed among the teachers. It has been over twenty one years since I was a teacher, but I will always remember the sweet little girl who brought in a personal note and present. It was a very practical long sleeved cotton night gown which I wore till it was a shmattah.

    In my family we don’t really give chanukah presents, just chanukah gelt for the teachers and we light the menorah and make latkas, that is enough for me. In general I hate shopping and I abhor malls and the whole “season”. I give money to the mail man, my cleaning lady, and the people who haul away the trash and they are very happy with recieving money.

    My non-Jewish friends are always frazzled this time of year with the shopping for presents, and how much $$ they are spending, and I am always happy I am spared all the hassle of gift giving.



    There are rebbis who probably would appreciate hand or power tools as gifts – keep in mind their salaries are not high and they often have to handle home repairs themselves.

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