Whats the deal with presents? Isn’t the Chanukah minhag to give “Gelt” not presents? I know you can give someone a present for any holiday but didnt this “minhag” come about by copying the “other” holiday specifically when it comes to Chanukah? And what is the correct spelling anyway?
Some Jews developed the practice of giving Christmas presents on Chanukah. They picked up this custom from the surrounding gentile culture. They usually rename this consumerism a “Chanukah present” since calling by its actual name (Christmas presents) embarrassingly raises images in their minds a guy in a long beard and red reckel coming down the chimney.
why do we keep doing it. Enough people already think chanukah is just a knockoff of the goyish holiday c”v, including Jews who are “distant”. Do we actually need to encourage their view/lack of knowledge?