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    To Minuval

    Why would I or anyone have a problem with what Philosopher wrote? It’s part of Judaism 1.0.


    To Minuval

    Why would I or anyone have a problem with what Philosopher wrote? It’s Judaism 1.0.

    Menachem Shmei

    Lubavitchers never discuss the Holocaust as per the Rebbe’s orders. I knew that and so one Shabbos I gave a speech focusing on the Shoah in order to annoy a certain Chabad Rabbi. As I anticipated he blew a gasket and announced,”The Holocaust is one of those times when G-d couldn’t explain himself. Like when the Romans were torturing Rabbi Akiva and the angels said Zeh Torah and Zeh it’s Schar? And Hashem couldn’t answer them.”

    So do Lubavitchers never discuss the Holocaust, or do they disagree with the reasons you gave for why the Holocaust happened? 🤔

    (Not that it makes much of a difference. After all, one who disagrees with Qwerty is disagreeing with G-d Hikiddos.

    P.S. It’s incredible that with all of Qwerty’s insane hate and rhetoric here for anyone who dares associate with Chabad in any which way, he is allowed to gives speeches in a Chabad shul!!!

    Qwerty, your Chabad Rabbis must be very, very kind and merciful toward you. I’m sure they use immense self control to treat you like a mensch. It’s incredible how chassidus can help someone master their middos.


    Neville, do you know what Yiddishkeiteven is? Because if what I said regarding tzaddikim giving brochos is supposedly “checkmate/avodah zora” then you know less than an am haaretz.


    To Minuval

    I challenge you to find one post in which I said there’s something wrong with getting a Bracha from another Jew. Moreover going to Kivrei Tzaddikim is normative Judaism. Checkmate moron. May you join Benedict ARSo in the dustbins of YWN CR history. You traitors deserve each other.


    To the enemies of Hashem in this thread

    You try to blame the moderators. To borrow from the Bard, “The fault lies not in the moderators but in ourselves.”


    To the real Jews which includes the moderators

    Shlomo Hamelech wrote that a three-ply cord isn’t easily severed. Now that Philosopher, yankel berel and yours truly are working together the low lives of this thread are doomed. Mm ay Hashem eliminate idolatrous Chabad and replace it with a vibrant form that believes in Him as it was before you know who took over.


    “Why would I or anyone have a problem with what Philosopher wrote? It’s Judaism 1.0.”

    I am so psyched for Judaism 2.0 to come out.

    yankel berel

    A hiddush over yom Kippur :
    How did Jonah Hanavih survive for 3 days in the belly of the fish , without oxygen ?
    Even Ezrah says that this was a special miracle for Yonah , by HKBH that he survived for 3 days without oxygen.

    thus- not only is Yaakov Lo Met , but also Yonah hanavih is Lo Met ….


    To Philosopher

    The Minuval has no interest in Judaism, he just wants to act like a jerk. Ignore him and hopefully he’ll go away.

    To Menachem Shmei

    To your credit you don’t call me a liar. To your discredit you’re so determined to disprove whatever I say that you don’t take the time to discern the facts. From 2003-2009 I attended a YI which had a militantly Chabad Rabbi. It was from him that I learned most of what I’ve posted here(his son -in-law is the fellow who said that the Rebbe is greater than Moshe Rabbeinu). During those six years I gave a weekly Dvar Torah at Shalosh Seudas. One Shabbos I mentioned the Holocaust and this Rabbi interrupted the speech telling me that the Rebbe said this subject can’t be discussed. In July 2009 I made up my mind to leave the shul because of this Rabbi’s abuse and so I made my last speech about the Shoah knowing he’d go ballistic and he did. In the Chabad shul I attend I never express my views and I get along great with everyone. It’s called being a Mensch something you know very little about. Interesting tidbit. This Erev Yom Kippur I davened Mincha at the YI. After we finished the Rabbi asked me for Mechilah. Of course I gave it to him. You and the others want to portray me in the worst possible light. Unfortunately for you Hashem knows better. It’s only in a thread like this one where I can and do express my views on Chabad, views which are shared by my Rabbonim.


    Yankel berel, obviously if Hashem created everything he can make miracles as well. I never said Hashem can’t make a miracle and Yaacov Avinu can’t be physically alive in his kever forever.

    1. I said that the Torah says that the brothers of Yosef saw that there father died. I said that Rashi is not contradicting a posuk in the Torah that says that Yaacov died. Rashi said Yaacov is alive forever which means that he is spiritually alive forever, he did not say Yaacov’s guf is alive forever.

    2. I said that being physically alive in a kever for 3,000 years is the worst punishment you can give someone. Yonah was PUNISHED by being trapped in the fish for 3 days. Can you imagine being physically alive in you kever forever? Do you want that for yourself? If you don’t want that for yourself then why would you think Yaacov Avinu wants that kind of horrible punishment?


    If Yonah were to lurk into this thread, he would surely demand everyone to do teshuva, whether they are in EY or in Ashur.

    Menachem Shmei

    Interesting point, Yankel.

    I assume that Qwerty and Philosopher insist that all meforshim interpret the story of Yonah to be a משל, because Torah must be completely rational, G-d performs nothing above nature.


    To yankel berel

    I’d like to comment on your post even though you addressed it to Philosopher. Using the Avos paradigm there are four ways to interpret information, to know that it’s true to believe it, to accept it and finally to reject it. I would argue that we only know that which Hashem gave us as part of His natural law. So I know that one plus one is two efc. These are facts which are universally accepted. As for belief, I believe in Hashem and His Torah. To believe means that I can offer cogent proofs to their veracity. Then we’ll skip to rejecting. If one rejects aor changes, as the Rebbe did, any aspect of the Torah, Written or Oral, he’s a Kofer. But let’s discuss acceptance. I accept that Yishai lived until the age of 400 but I don’t believe it, therefore I won’t present arguments to validate that Chazal. At the same time I don’t reject it, so I recognize that at this juncture I can’t understand what it actually means. Similarly I’ll accept that Yonah survived for 3 days w/o oxygen but I don’t believe it. Of course if Hashem decided to perform a special miracle He’s certainly able to do so. This is my Shittah developed in conjunction with several great Rabbis. We reject the Rabbi Miller approach of, “Accept what I say or you have no Cheilek in Olam Habo.” If you or others would like to discuss this in a civilized manner I’m happy to do so.


    To yankel berel

    Could you provide the quote from Ezra? I doubt he used the word oxygen.


    To Menachem Shmei

    Again you twist what I and Philosopher are saying. My Shittah, and apparently it’s similar to that of Philosopher is that Hashem created a world which follows natural law. Therefore we try to minimize the occurrence of miracles which violate natural law. Obviously I agree that Hashem is capable of transcending natural law and so I would never reject such a possibility. Rather I try to explain things without resorting to such types of miracles. Let me, of course make it clear that I didn’t invent this approach. It’s in line with Rambam. That’s the Rabbi, whose work you Lubavitchers make a Siyum on yearly, but reject what he said about Moshiach. Total hypocrisy. I will also add that the Shittah of rationalism is in line with all my Rabbonim and so don’t accuse me of inventing my own religion as did your lying Kofer god.


    philosopher: I said that being physically alive in a kever for 3,000 years is the worst punishment you can give someone… Can you imagine being physically alive in you kever forever?

    You’re making the wild assumption that for Yaakov Avinu to be alive in his kever would be ‘unpleasant’. I, on the other hand, assume that if Yaakov Avinu is alive in his kever, he does not find it unpleasant at all. If Hashem wants him to be alive why would Hashem not make it pleasant for him? Yonah, on the other hand, as you wrote, was being punished, so Hashem indeed made it unpleasant for him.

    yankel berel

    The Ibn Ezrah is in Jonah 2:1 as far as I remember. Although he doesn’t say it exactly the way I quoted him.
    Have a look at the Malbim, at Radak and Metsudot.
    Think it is the Malbim who clearly references the lack of air.


    Think it was you who mentioned the issue of Jonah being in such pain [not be able the breathe] for such a long time , for 3 days ? [Same about Yaakov forever]
    Cf. Rashi and other commentaries who reference hazal who were medayek in the psukim that in the beginning he was inside a male fish, and Jonah did not see a need to pray, so the male fish spit him out and when he was inside the female fish , he was uncomfortable so he started praying.
    It couldn’t have been too uncomfortable inside the male fish , notwithstanding the lack of air.

    yankel berel

    One of the differences between the Nevi’ei Haba’al and the Nevi’ei Emet, was the the real nevi’im were harsh towards klal yisrael, whereas the nevi’ei haba’al only complimented the yehudim.

    Habad is always and invariable complimentary towards am yisrael. According to them It’s never the yehudims fault.
    As opposed to their opponents- the litvishe and satmar.
    That explains much of the difference between mainstream yehudim and habad when it comes to the sensitive topic of the shoa.


    To Philosopher

    If you follow the wiles of Menachem Shmei he has two agendas. The first is to depict us as insane idiots. Obviously classic projection. But there’s another tack, more pervasive and insidious and that’s to make “crazy the new normal.” So why is this? Chazal teach that a person doesn’t sin unless he benefits from it. Clearly it’s in Shmei’s interest to promote insanity, but why? Chabad’s greatest enemy is Rambam because he represents normative Judaism and normalcy. As a rule he eschews the phantasmagoric. Obviously this is anathema for Chabad and so they have to discredit him while at the same time pretending to honor him. Let me give you a clear cut example. This past Pesach I attended the Seudas Moshiach at my Chabad Shul. The Rabbi spoke about that day’s Haftorah which says that the wolf will lie down with the lamb etc. He quoted Rambam who, of course, said it’s allegorical but then he said that Ramban says it’s literal and Chabad follows Ramban. Which leads us to ask, Why do they study Rambam? The answer is that they don’t study anything. Their Torah is simply finding quotes to prove their psychosis and so it’s a Toeivah, no different than what the original Christians did.


    To the group
    It’s time to end Shmei’s latest obfuscation attempt. Here’s a question for all, “There are two opinions regarding Iyov. One says he was an advisor to Pharoah and the other says he never existed. So who’s right?” Time is up. They’re both right. It’s called Eilu Veilu Divrei Elokim. Similarly we have in this thread the rational approach espoused by Philosopher and I, and the irrational tack favored by the serpent. Each is valid. I have a friend who’s a Chassidic Rabbi on the East Side. He constantly tells stories about Rebbe’s flying on magic carpets. Hey whatever floats your boat, but it’s not for me. The rational approach isn’t perfect. There’s much in the Torah that we can’t explain or understand but remember what Benedict ARSo wrote, “We don’t die from a question.” On the other hand the danger of blindly following the irrational is that a new religion called Chabadianity has emerged.

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