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    To Philosopher

    You made your points beautifully. It’s amazing how many supposed non Lubavitchers support trash like Shmei and ARSO while attacking real J toews like us. One question.I think Shmei agreed that Maharsha argued with Rashi about Yaakov Lo Mes so where did Shmei say otherwise?


    Let’s say that hypothetically, one of Rashi’s children or grandchildren specified in writing that Rashi did not mean it literally, and that he meant it exactly as you are presenting it, but–for whatever reason–the greater Orthodox world ignored this and continued to interpret this as we’re saying. This hypothetical situation would not change ANYTHING about what I’m saying to you.

    In our current reality, you are a daas yochid on this. That might mean that you’re right and that the rest of the frum world is wrong. But, often times in life, it’s better to be normal than to be right. I would maybe suggest you look up the english definition of the word “orthodoxy” if this style of thinking seems crazy to you.


    To the real Jews

    We’re all familiar with the “high level” Gemara teacher who was thrown out on his ARSo and told never to return. Now let’s consider that Menachem Shmei was a Rebbe. “Rabbi Shmei, who is Hashem?” So that’s an interesting question. There’s a Zohar which he then quotes. On the other hand there’s a Rjdvaz who argues on the Ying Tang who argues on the Marshmallow who argues on” Well it looks like it’s time for lunch.” Is there any wonder that there’s such an OTD problem in CH? No Rabbi is willing or able to tell his students that Hashem runs the world.


    QWERTY your reference to a now irrelevant goyish artist both dates you and exposes your exposure to tameih teachings.

    I place you as a boomer. Studies have show leaded fuel has had severe mental consequences on your generation. Further discussion on any serious subject is going to prove to be beyond your grasp.

    B”H the EPA has provided protections to the younger generation who’s mental acuity has proven intact during the course of this discussion.

    Philosopher I will then daven for your shalom bayis, you obviously have sublimated your problems with men into this discussion.


    To the real Jews

    What a phony is that Minuval Chamberlain. He’s afraid to ask his great friend Menachem Shmei a simple question because he might get upset ,but he has no problem attacking a Torah Jew like yours truly. I don’t understand why trash like this don’t simply convert to Chabadianity or my name “Mendacity.”:Kind of catchy wouldn’t you say? You notice that this worthless coward never responds to me. I couldn’t care less. He’s on Hashem’s list and that’s not a good place to be. But such vermin has no belief in G-d if they suck up to the primordial serpent.

    ☕️coffee addict


    I didn’t know you smoked! You really should stop, as it isn’t healthy


    Qwerty, they are allowed to personally attack me constantly with lies and put-downs but they have issues with you attacking them personally….talk about hypocritical.

    Meanwhile, none of them,
    Can name one rav who says Yaacov’s guf is physically alive.

    Also meanwhile, none of the Lubavitche cheering squad cared about Shmei’s total misinterpretations of the Ramban and Maharsha and Lostspark’s misinterpretation of R Bachay. All I did was simply copy the text which says the truth about what these meforshim are saying which proves the “talmid chuchem Shmei” to be a total faker.


    coffee > I didn’t know you smoked! You really should stop, as it isn’t healthy

    And you should stop drinking coffee. I thought nobody is reading this thread, only writing.
    This thread is the most unhealthy thing for blood pressure, you should stop reading it.


    Neville, I’m not a das yochid and I know it for a fact DESPITE not learning attending cheder and yeshiva.


    Qwerty, to tell you the truth, I didn’t read every word that Shmei wrote. Perhaps his arguments sometimes sounded conflicting so it couldn’t be understood exactly what he is saying. I myself never read anything clear and consice what he wrote, it was all over the place.

    What i do know is that every time I said that Yaacov is alive in a spiritual sensee, not physically , he asked me but what about this mefoiresh and that mefoirsh that says otherwise. One of the meforshim he kept mentioning as contradicting to what I said that Yaacov is alive spiritually is the “Maharsha”.


    Is a neshama in a guf sheni Hadak still considered alive?


    “Qwerty, they are allowed to personally attack me constantly with lies and put-downs but they have issues with you attacking them personally….talk about hypocritical.”
    Not once has any one of us attacked you personally. I would apologize if it came across that way, but I’ve been very careful. You are playing victim with no evidence. Copy and paste one post where I attacked you personally and I’ll apologize. That doesn’t mean respectfully disagreeing with you; that means the type of name-calling that your best friend qwerty is engaging in while you encourage him.

    “Meanwhile, none of them… Can name one rav who says Yaacov’s guf is physically alive.”
    The question isn’t whether or not it’s reality. The question is whether or not Rashi said it. Would every Orthodox rabbi alive agree with this Rashi over other meforshim? Maybe not. Would every Orthodox rabbi alive agree that Rashi did in fact say this? Yes. 100%. Google “orthodox rabbis” and copy and paste that list into a post and you’ll have a group of Orthodox rabbis who agree with us. You’ll also have a list of Orthodox rabbis who agree that the sky is blue.

    You keep telling us to ask our personal rabbis about something that is pashut in Rashi. There’s no way I can think of to word this nicely, so I’m just going to be blunt: some of us don’t like asking our rabbis stupid questions. This is a well-known Rashi with a well known interpretation. You’re asking us to ask a baal teshuvish question, and we aren’t the ones who need to ask it. You are.


    To Philosopher

    It’s not that complicated..They don’t believe in Hashem. And there’s a simple proof. Not one of them, including the so-called non-Chabad swine like Minuval Chamberlain, has ever mentioned Him. The Midrash says that when Yaakov went to Yizchok to “steal” Eisav ‘s Brochos our Patriarch was confused because Yaakov referred to Hashem, something his twin never did. When the trash in this thread face Hashem in Shomayim they’ll excuse themselves for attacking me by saying that I compared the Rebbe to Hitler. But then they’ll have to explain why they attacked you. Through the power of Al Pi Shnayim they will get their just reward. They’ve been warned but Moshe Rabbeinu warned Dasan and Aviram.Siz gehalft azouvi a totte bankes.

    To Lostspark

    As I’ve stated on numerous occasions, I wasn’t fully Frum growing up and so my main interests were sports and music. I write a weekly Dvar Torah on the Parsha over the internet which is very popular. Almost every essay has a reference to sports and rock and roll. Not only do the modernische love them, but many great Rabbonim compliment me. My question to you is how someone like you, whose mind is completely unsullied by any non-Torah sources, learned filthy nivel Peh like you used on me last week?. Checkmate you sheigetz.


    I have stopped reading qwerty altogether, as I’m scared I’ll laugh so hard I won’t be able to stop. As to philosopher, I currently glance at what she’s saying, but it seems I’ll soon stop that.

    Kudos to Neville and Lostspark for their posts, and especially for their cutting retorts. Although I have to disagree with Neville on one thing he wrote. To say that philosopher is entiteld to her view is, I believe, untrue. A Yid is not entitled to misread a Rashi and to ignore Rishonim who explain it. That’s what she continues to do, and that, IMHO is unfortunately apikorsus.

    In the meantime… כתיבה וחתימה טובה to all!


    To the real Jews

    There was a popular TV commercial in the sixties. It showed someone holding an intact egg and the narrator said, “This is your brain.” Then he’d break open the egg and fry it and say, ,”This is your brain on drugs.” This is Menachem Shmei’s brain on Chabad theology. He completely understands how a 3000 year old man can be alive but he doesn’t understand the principle of, “Hu Hayah, Hu Hoveh,Hu Yihyeh.” This is too “obscure” for the primordial serpent to fathom.


    To Minuval Chamberlain

    What the blank are you talking about? There is no sane individual in this world who thinks Yaakov is alive. I would include you but you’re clearly not sane. I think we should add another moniker to you. I’d call you the “cowardly Dayan.”You don’t have the guts to deal with me so you attack someone you think is weak. In fact she’s more than a match for you. And don’t call her Phil She hates your guts just like me and Hashem do. Hopefully this year you’ll find out what that means. And if so let me know Minuval.


    To Minuval Chamberlain

    Avraham Avinu was also a Daas Yochid you knucklehead.

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