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- This topic has 1,202 replies, 35 voices, and was last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago by Menachem Shmei.
September 8, 2024 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm #2312634philosopherParticipant
Menachem Shmei, now when your argument was proven to be false you are trying to save face and you are really trying hard to make it seem like you are on both sides of the fence on this argument. You say that Rashi says that Yaacov is physically alive and at the same time you say Rashi says that Yaacov was buried…
This is so ridiculous. It is just as ridiculous as believing your dead rebbe is buried in the ohel and yet physically alive at the same time….
You can’t argue with irrational people who make up answers on the go to fit their ideology. Dishonesty is the core of avodah zora, I see this over and over again.
September 8, 2024 4:07 pm at 4:07 pm #2312644qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Last night Zev Brenner interviewed an OTD Lubavicher. If he had Rabbis like e Shmei who invent and reinvent their Torah in mid sentence it would explain a lot. People aren’t stupid, they know when they’re being lied to. Shmei still won’t address Candace Owens question which has now also been raised by yankel berel. I see a checkmate in his future.
September 8, 2024 4:09 pm at 4:09 pm #2312698Menachem ShmeiParticipantOnly a Lubavitcher would say rashi on Chumash is saying something different than Rashi on Gemara
Rashi is one person he doesn’t argue on himself and if you think that then YOU obviously don’t understand something!A) I didn’t say that they disagree. I said that I was discussing the words that Rashi said in Gemara which he doesn’t say in his pirush on Chumash.
B) Why don’t you do research before embarrassing yourself online? Everyone (who knows how to learn) knows that Rashi on Torah often differs from Rashi on Gemara, because he wrote each pirush for a different purpose:
Rashi in Gemara wants to explain the pshat of the Gemara, while Rashi on Chumash wants to explain the simplest pshat of the Chumash itself (as he writes in Bereishis: “אני לא באתי אלא לפשוטו של מקרא”), ommiting any pirushim that dont fit this goal.
He often explains the pesukim opposite of how the Gemara itself explains them, how much more so opposite of his pirush on Gemara!
This is a known fact to anyone who learns Chumash and Gemara with Rashi.Rashi is one person he doesn’t argue on himself and if you think that then YOU obviously don’t understand something!
This is absolute nonsense. There are many different darkei halimmud, and we often find one commentator who explains things in different ways in his different seforim.
Another example is the Rambam, who explains things one way in Moreh Nevuchim (which is a hashkafa sefer geared toward struggling Jews) and completely differently in Mishneh Torah (which is a halacha sefer), because both of these books serve very different purposes.
[See an earlier post of mine regarding how the Rambam explains Shiluach Haken in Mishneh Torah and in the Moreh.]September 8, 2024 4:09 pm at 4:09 pm #2312699qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
The Mishna in Avid teaches, “Don’t make the Torah a crown for yourself nor an exe with which to cut.” This is Shmei to a tee. He hides his Kefirah and insanity behind Chazal.Now he’s stuck because he can’t impress Candace Owens with his Pshatim on Maharsha. A person, any person, is physically dead when he no longer has vital signs. It’s not a Machlokes Rishonim. If it was people wouldn’t go to doctors. Checkmate loser.
September 8, 2024 4:10 pm at 4:10 pm #2312704☕️coffee addictParticipantI thought Lubavitchers loved all Jews.
They do
Anyone that doesn’t follow the rebbe or hold of him isn’t Jewish in their opinion
September 8, 2024 4:11 pm at 4:11 pm #2312719ARSoParticipantI have to agree with yankel berel in all that he said regarding the so-called nevuah of the Gulf War, and it not coming exactly to pass.
I too followed it all at the time, and I clearly remember all the claims that were made, and which didn’t eventuate. If those statements no longer appear in Lubavich publications it’s because they were intentionally edited out.
September 8, 2024 4:12 pm at 4:12 pm #2312747qwerty613ParticipantTo philosopher
We focus on Shmei’s duplicity but that’s only part of the picture. He’s nasty, arrogant, condescending, insulting. He has every bad Middah. Clearly his Torah, and he knows a lot, has done nothing in the way of making him a Mensch. The Gemara has much to say about such people and none of it is good.
September 9, 2024 12:20 am at 12:20 am #2312752philosopherParticipantQwerty, menachem shmei knows a lot but he knows nothing because he, like others who are intent on proving their worship of their idols is legitimate, misconstrue and lie about what the sources really say. They don’t only lie to others, really they are try to convince themselves that they are not sinning against Hashem with their idolatry. They lie to the extent that they twist themselves into pretzels trying to get the sources to fit their narrative.
September 9, 2024 12:20 am at 12:20 am #2312753qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
The lying phony still won’t answer the question. Then in a few days he’ll do his, “What question are you talking about? ” He’s not fooling anyone least of all Hashem. That’s the G-d bChabad believed in before they got the new and improved version. And Shmei’s attempt to sidle up to ARSo and pretend to be his bosom buddy fooled nobody. He’s still on Hashem’s side.
To coffee addict
Let me add to your point. In my neighborhood there are about 10 Chabad Rabbis. I get along well with all of them except one who is militant, meaning he despises Frum Jews. The others like me because I always help out by coming to their minyan etc, but this guy views me as the enemy. One time of the Rabbis I’m friendly with told me that he tried to talk to that Rabbi but he told him, “Until he accepts the Rebbe as king of the world I have to hate him.” The quote isn’t exact but it’s very close.
September 9, 2024 12:21 am at 12:21 am #2312785DaMosheParticipantqwerty, it’s enough already. I’ve made it pretty clear in the past that I’m no fan of Chabad, but you’ve stopped to levels of hatred that I won’t go near. Stop this now. It should never be personal, but you’ve been extremely insulting to numerous posters. Take a step back, and look at where you’ve gone with it. Then think that maybe it’s time to stop.
September 9, 2024 12:21 am at 12:21 am #2312756philosopherParticipantFor all Lubavitche out there who believe things like the rebbe is running the world and other such idolatrous beliefs, I am posting the 13 principals of faith to remind us all what the Torah teaches us about belief in Hashem.
The 13 Principles of Faith by the Rambam:
Principle 1
I believe by complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is the Creator and מנהיג for all created beings. He alone made, makes, and will make all that is created.Principle 2
I believe by complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is a Unity, and there is no union in any way like Him. He alone is our God, Who was, Who is, and Who is to be.Principle 3
I believe by complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is not a body, is not affected by physical matter, and nothing whatsoever can compare to Him [or be compared with Him].Principle 4
I believe by complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, is the first and is the last.Principle 5
I believe by complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, to Him alone is it fitting to make prayer and to another prayer shall not be made.Principle 6
I believe by complete faith that all the words of the prophets are true.Principle 7
I believe by complete faith that the prophesy of Moshe Rabbeinu, a”h, was true and that he was the father of all prophets that preceded him as well as all that came after him.Principle 8
I believe by complete faith that the whole Torah now found in our hands was the exact same one given to Moshe, a”hPrinciple 9
I believe by complete faith that this is the Torah, and it shall not be changed and it shall not be replaced with another from the Creator, blessed be His name.Principle 10
I believe by complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, knows every action done by each human being as well as all their thoughts.Principle 11
I believe by complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His name, rewards all who keep His commandments and punishes all those who transgress His commands.Principle 12
I believe by complete faith in the coming of the Messiach, and even though he tarry in waiting, in spite of that, I will still wait expectantly for him each day that he will comePrinciple 13
I believe by complete faith that there will be a resurrection of the dead at the time that will be pleasing before the Creator, blessed be His name, and the remembrance of Him will be exalted forever and for all eternity.September 9, 2024 12:21 am at 12:21 am #2312764Menachem ShmeiParticipantYou say that Rashi says that Yaacov is physically alive and at the same time you say Rashi says that Yaacov was buried…
You’re so silly. Go back through my posts, this is what I was saying the entire time. ARSo can attest to this as well. This is exactly what Rashi says, and this is how he is classically understood.
The Gemara asks, wasn’t Yaakov embalmed and buried!? R’ Yitzchok answers, yes he was, but Torah says he is still alive.
Rashi says that they only embalmed him and buried him because they thought he was dead, but really he was alive. He didn’t die. This means physically.
How am I trying to play two sides? When did I say that Yaakov wasn’t buried?
I keep saying the exact same thing. Look through my posts, and you will see.
P.S. Here is my first response to you on the subject. You’ll see that I’ve been saying the same thing this entire time:
You wrote: …And yet i heard a Chabad rabbi claim that Rashi said that Yaacov is with us physically; that is a lie.
My response: “I guess it’s not just Qwerty who is arrogant about his ignorance.
Rashi (Taanos 5b) explains יעקב לא מת literally.
והאי דחנטו חנטיא סבורים היו שמת – they embalmed him because they THOUGHT he was dead.
נדמה להם שהוא מת אבל חי היה – it SEEMED to them that he was dead, but he was alive.Maharsha and others ARGUE on this pirush, and explain that his body did die.
This is the classic understanding of their argument, not unique to Chabad. Check any Artscroll.”
And what I wrote to ARSo a while ago:
“This is obviously the meaning. ר’ יוחנן doesn’t argue on the fact that Yaakov was buried in מערת המכפלה etc., rather he says that all of this WAS DONE because he seemed to be dead, but despite all of this he was alive (obviously miraculously).”Philosopher, will you admit that you misunderstood me, or will you attempt to prove that I did indeed change my mind? (If the latter, I want a date, time, and post number)
September 9, 2024 10:37 am at 10:37 am #2313033philosopherParticipantCoffee addict, you are so right that only a Lubavitche would argue that Rashi says one thing on the posuk and a different thing on the Gemarah as if Rashi is contradicting himself.
What dishonesty. I cannot take that.
I will not argue directly with Menachem Shmei anymore because when one is so dishonest that they do not seek out the truth only go in circles to defend their position to try to “prove” that the Torah supports his a”z, he is not worth my time anymore. Menachem Shmei is going back and forth, talking out of both sides of the mouth. He says that Rashi says Yaacov was buried (actually Rashi points to the word in the posuk saying that Yaacov expired but that it does not say he died, so he agrees that Yaacov expired) but at the same time Shmei says that Rashi says on the Gemorah that Yaacov is PHYSICALLY alive…never mind that that gemorah AND Rashi clearly state what being alive means and it is not that Yaacov is physically alive…to say that Rashi is saying on one hand that Yaacov was buried and on the other that he’s physically alive?! Rashi is not saying ” יעקב לא מת literally”. Does Rashi say the word “literally”? No, Menachem shmaya is saying that Rashi is saying the word “literally”. He tries to make it seem as if Rashi is arguing with himself and saying a different pshat on the Gemorah than the posuk! What a bezoyin haTorah to twist pesukim and meforshim to try to prove that his a”z worship is the truth! Menachem you can try to twist the Truth but the Torah cannot be twisted, regardless of your attempts.
September 9, 2024 10:40 am at 10:40 am #2313081qwerty613ParticipantTo philosopher
Chabad makes a Siyum Rambam every year but they ignore and reject what he said when it doesn’t suit their agenda. This is exactly their Rebbe did.
To DaMoshe
Could you clarify what aspect of my writing you find hateful?
September 9, 2024 10:40 am at 10:40 am #2313082yankel berelParticipantWhen we look at the theological mess habad has left us with, when you look at all the twists and turns they took in order to stay relevant, the internal contradictions they so blatantly ignore, the only reaction I can have is
Kama Gdolim Divrei Hahamim
and give credit where its due….
I never liked R shach and could not stand his fight against habad. But what can I do- as much as I would like to say I told you so, the evidence and the reality trump everything else.
His chashashot about habad came true and habad’s defenders’ teirutsim fell by the wayside, one after the other.
Mindboggling.September 9, 2024 10:41 am at 10:41 am #2313112Menachem ShmeiParticipantQwerty,
I refrained from answering your question because I’m not interested in going down the rabbit hole of discussing Christian theology, nor do I wish to engage in the Who is Moshiach debate (something I haven’t shared my views on, for reasons explained in a previous post).
I would rather discuss a Gemara, a Rambam, a Rashi, a Maharsha, a Gra, a Likkutei Sichos, etc.
However, since you pressured me so much, I will give you a brief and honest response:
Candace Owens…asked America’s Rabbi why Lubavitchers reject Christianity because of its belief in a second coming
If Jews reject Christianity because of the second coming, why did beis din kill Yoshke In the first place?
That is my answer (it’s a rhetorical question).
P.S. Rambam Hilchos Melachim ch. 11:
אַף יֵשׁוּעַ הַנּוֹצְרִי שֶׁדִּימָה שֶׁיִּהְיֶה מָשִׁיחַ, וְנֶהֱרָג בְּבֵית דִּין, כְּבָר נִתְנַבֵּא בּוֹ דָּנִיֵּאל, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר “וּבְנֵי פָּרִיצֵי עַמְּךָ יִנַּשְּׂאוּ לְהַעֲמִיד חָזוֹן וְנִכְשָׁלוּ” (דניאל יא, יד). וְכִי יֵשׁ מִכְשׁוֹל גָּדוֹל מִזֶּה, שֶׁכָּל הַנְּבִיאִים דִּבְּרוּ שֶׁהַמָּשִׁיחַ גּוֹאֵל יִשְׂרָאֵל וּמוֹשִׁיעָם, וּמְקַבֵּץ נִדְחֵיהֶם וּמְחַזֵּק מִצְוָתָן, וְזֶה גָּרַם לְאַבֵּד יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּחֶרֶב, וּלְפַזֵּר שְׁאֵרִיתָם וּלְהַשְׁפִּילָם, וּלְהַחֲלִיף הַתּוֹרָה, וּלְהַטְעוֹת רוֹב הָעוֹלָם לַעֲבֹד אֱלוֹהַּ מִבַּלְעֲדֵי ה’.
“Jesus of Nazareth who aspired to be the Mashiach and was executed by the court was also alluded to in Daniel’s prophecies, as ibid. 11:14 states: “The vulgar among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.”
Can there be a greater stumbling block than Christianity? All the prophets spoke of Mashiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior who would gather their dispersed and strengthen their observance of the mitzvot. In contrast, Christianity caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd.”P.P.S. Responding that “according to some opinions beis din didn’t kill Yoshke” doesn’t refute my point.
September 9, 2024 10:42 am at 10:42 am #2313115Menachem ShmeiParticipantIf anyone is struggling to understand DaMoshe’s point, I encourage you to click the @DaMoshe screen name and scroll through Replies Created. Do the same for @Menachem-Shmei. Do the same for @Qwerty613.
You will immediately understand what DaMoshe is referring to.
September 9, 2024 12:12 pm at 12:12 pm #2313223qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Menachem Shmei takes lying to a dimension that I’ve never seen. Yankel Berel and I asked Shmei to answer the question that Candace Owens asked Shmuely Boteach in their debate. Just to repeat. The question was, “Why do you(Rabbi) reject Christianity because of its belief in a “A Second Coming” yet your sect(Chabad-Lubavich) also believes in “A Second Coming?” We’ve asked Shmei to respond and he ignored our request. Today, out of the goodness of his heart, he answers, by rephrasing the question as follows, “Why do Lubavichers reject Christianity?” That was not the question. If Shmei thinks it was then he can add retard to his resume. Shmei likes to refer to me as arrogant and ignorant, and now he’s adding philosopher to the club. I admit to being arrogant when I write(although not in real life) and as for ignorance, I’m the first to say that my Torah knowledge is limited. This said, I am an Ish Emes. I agree that Shmei is bright and an excellent writer, however, among his manifold flaws is that he assumes that those who challenge him are stupid. As I pointed out in a previous post, Lubavichers were trained by their Rebbe. who took the idea from Hitler, to believe that they are the “master race” of Judaism, and so they view their opponents as untermenschen. No one, except Lostspark last week, has ever called me stupid and there’s a reason for that. Shmei is cornered. He’s like the person in chess who has one pawn left while his opponent has all its big guns. His end is coming it’s only a matter of time.
September 9, 2024 4:18 pm at 4:18 pm #2313244ARSoParticipantI don’t think I have to prove my credentials as being someone who is strongly against Lubavich philosophy and beliefs. Many many posts of mine in other threads will prove that. But having said that, I don’t understand a lot of the attacks that some of you are making against the Lubavichers here. In fact, I’m surprised at the mods who have let a lot of this stuff pass when in the past posts that were much less incendiary (ok, I admit I had to look up how to spell it) were censored or deleted.
At any rate, in regards to Rashi on Taanis 5b and Rashi on Chumash, I just don’t see how they contradict. In both places Rashi says that Yaakov Avinu did not die. In Chumash he does not elaborate, while in the gemoro he explains that people thought he had died, but that in reality he hadn’t.
Note that this is impossible for us to understand, as he was buried, so what does it mean that he is alive? Furthermore, I believe that embalming involved the removal of a number of inner organs, so how can someone be alive in that manner? Nonetheless, that is what, according to Rashi, the gemoro is saying, and just because we can’t understand it it doesn’t allow us to reject it. So the conclusion for a maamin, and I hope we all fit into that category, is that because Chazal say it, and only because Chazal say it do we accept it.
Now when it comes to the Lubavicher rebbe, on the other hand, Chazal do not make that statement, and we therefore have no right to make it on our own. If it would be something that is explainable it would be a halbe tzora to say it, but since it is unexplainable, saying it is plainly and simply ridiculous.
The gemoro says that there were trees of gold planted by Shlomo Hamelech that actually miraculously produced golden fruit. Can I therefore say that I believe that in my back yard there are plastic trees that produce plastic fruit? After all, if Chazal can say it so can I, right? No! Wrong! I can’t say it because it’s miraculous and I can’t decide on my own that I can apply it elsewhere. The same is true of saying the LR did not die, and attempting to cite the gemoro as proof.
September 9, 2024 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm #2313245ARSoParticipantMenachem: If Jews reject Christianity because of the second coming, why did beis din kill Yoshke In the first place?
Sorry, but I don’t understand at all what you are saying here.
September 9, 2024 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm #2313246ARSoParticipantqwerty: I admit to being arrogant when I write(although not in real life) and as for ignorance, I’m the first to say that my Torah knowledge is limited. This said, I am an Ish Emes.
You seem to be blowing your own trumpet quite a bit, yet you claim not to be arrogant. Despite siding with you on much of your views on Lubavich, I have to disagree with your claim as to not being arrogant.
September 9, 2024 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm #2313264Menachem ShmeiParticipantHe says that Rashi says Yaacov was buried (actually Rashi points to the word in the posuk saying that Yaacov expired but that it does not say he died, so he agrees that Yaacov expired) but at the same time Shmei says that Rashi says on the Gemorah that Yaacov is PHYSICALLY alive…never mind that that gemorah AND Rashi clearly state what being alive means and it is not that Yaacov is physically alive…to say that Rashi is saying on one hand that Yaacov was buried and on the other that he’s physically alive?! Rashi is not saying ” יעקב לא מת literally”. Does Rashi say the word “literally”? No, Menachem shmaya is saying that Rashi is saying the word “literally”.
A) I never said that Rashi was arguing on himself (in THIS case). All I said is that Rashi explains himself more in Taanis 5b than in Vayechi.
B) What do you prove from Rashi in Chumash writing ויגוע (“expired”)? If ויגוע means died, then what’s the difference between ויגוע and וימת?
The Rif, Iyun Yaakov and Etz Yosef all understand it literally, Yaakov didn’t die, his soul is still in his body.
They explain that the word ויגוע (“expired”) means “a deep sleep/faint” (ויגוע כאיש שנתעלף” “לא נסתלק רק גוע כמי שנתעלף”) which others mistook as death, which is why they enbalmed and buried him, which wasn’t an issue because he wasn’t moving anyway (“מה שנקבר ונספד הוא כי נתבטלו כחות התנועה”).
Another reason why they did all these things is so as not to degrade other tzaddikim who do die. (-עיון יעקב)
Coffee addict, you are so right that only a Lubavitche would argue that Rashi says one thing on the posuk and a different thing on the Gemarah as if Rashi is contradicting himself.
What dishonesty. I cannot take that….He tries to make it seem as if Rashi is arguing with himself and saying a different pshat on the Gemorah than the posuk!If so, then meforshei haShas and meforshei Rashi must all be Lubavitchers, since we find examples of Rashi on Chumash arguing with Rashi on Shas ALL OVER THE PLACE, and this is acknowledged by all the meforshim!
Some examples:
Maharsha, Sanhedrin 65b:
גמרא בעל אוב אחד המעלה בזכורו כו’. ורש”י בחומש פירש דורש אל המתים זהו מעלה בזכור כו’ ע”ש ודבריו ע”פ הברייתא בספרי ושלא כברייתא זו דבשמעתין דכן דרכו של רש”י לפרש הפסוקים על פי היותר פשוטו של מקרא…
Rashi on Gemara explains אוב different than his explanation in Chumash.
This is the derech of Rashi, to explain the pesukim according to the simplest meaning (פשוטו של מקרא).Maharsha, Sanhedrin 66a:
גמרא מה ת”ל איש איש לרבות בת טומטום כו’. ורש”י בחומש בפרשת משפטים כתב ומקלל אביו ואמו למה נאמר לפי שהוא אומר איש איש אשר יקלל גו’ אין לי אלא איש שקלל אשה מניין ת”ל ומקלל אביו גו’ סתם בין איש ובין אשה כו’ ע”ש והוא ע”פ המכילתא וכמה שכתבו שדרכו לדרוש בפירושו הדרשה יותר פשוטה במקרא…
Rashi in Chumash explains איש איש differently than the Gemara, because his derech is to explain the simplest pshat.Maharsha, Sanhedrin 72a:
גמרא ת”ר אין לו דמים כו’ … וזה הוא דרכו של רש”י בחומש להביא דרשה היותר פשוטה…
Rashi’s derech in Chumash is to bring the simplest pshat.Maharsha, Kiddushin 44b:
דרכו של רש”י ז”ל לפרש במקום זה כך ובמקום אחר שינה פירושו
Rashi’s derech is to explain one way in one place, and changes his pirush elsewhere.Rashash, Shabbos 83a:
הגרע”א ז”ל בגליון הש”ס העלה פירוש רש”י בצריך עיון גדול ואנכי לא ידעתי מה העיון הגדול דשם פירש כשיטת רבינו תם, ואם משום שסותר את עצמו, זאת תמצא בפירוש רש”י ז”ל הרבה
“I don’t understand R’ Akiva Eiger’s question on Rashi. If it’s that Rashi contradicts himself, this is very common in Rashi’s pirush.”Mizrachi, Bereishis 36:5:
“Torah mentions that Korach was the grandson of Eisav in two ways.
Rashi here says that it’s the SAME Korach who was a mamzer.
Rashi in Sotah says that there were TWO Korachs.
This is because here Rashi is explaining according to Bereishis Rabba, while there Rashi is explaining according to the story there in Gemara, which differs from the Midrash Rabba.”Philosopher, Coffee, will you admit that you didn’t know the classic style of Rashi’s pirush, and that it was wrong to attack Lubavitch (in this case)?
September 9, 2024 4:28 pm at 4:28 pm #2313270Menachem ShmeiParticipantWe’ve asked Shmei to respond and he ignored our request. Today, out of the goodness of his heart, he answers, by rephrasing the question as follows, “Why do Lubavichers reject Christianity?” That was not the question.
No, I rephrased the question as why did BEIS DIN reject Christianity (even killing Yoshke), thus objecting to to the premise of your and Candace’s question.
My point was clear and concise. Easy for anyone to grasp. Not going down this rabbit hole.
September 9, 2024 4:28 pm at 4:28 pm #2313283DaMosheParticipantqwerty, please remember that “derachehah darchei noam v’chol nesivosehah shalom”. Just stop already. Don’t make things personal.
September 9, 2024 4:28 pm at 4:28 pm #2313285Menachem ShmeiParticipantIf anyone wants to look up the Rif, Iyun Yaakov and Etz Yosef that I referenced to in my previous post about יעקב לא מת, you can see them here:
https://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=47607&st=&pgnum=130&hilite=September 9, 2024 7:29 pm at 7:29 pm #2313313Menachem ShmeiParticipantARSo,
It’s so refreshing to have a normal Torah discussion!
Obviously, as you explained so well, if Yaakov is physically alive this is a major miracle and not understood whatsoever in natural ways, which is why R’ Yitzchak needed a posuk to prove his point.
Furthermore, I believe that embalming involved the removal of a number of inner organs, so how can someone be alive in that manner?
Interesting that you mention this. The Etz Yosef that I referenced earlier actually addressed this:
“על כן צוה לחנוט את אביו לא בפנים גופו אלא מלמעלה על גופו – אלשיך סדר ויחי”Sorry, but I don’t understand at all what you are saying here.
[Obviously my point wasn’t so clear. Sorry Qwerty for my last post to you 😉]
My point is that the problem with Christians is not that they believe in משיח מן המתים. If that’s the issue with them, why would Yoshke be killed by b”d while he was still alive?
I know this is a big sugya, and I’m not interested in diving into the entire Moshiach thing. I’m just showing that this Candace question is not as simple as it sounds.
September 9, 2024 7:29 pm at 7:29 pm #2313315qwerty613ParticipantTo ARSo
You’re claiming that I’m arrogant. I don’t disagree with that statement. What I wrote is that I may be seen as arrogant when I write but those who know me would agree that I’m extremely humble. In other words, my writing persona is 180 degrees different than my actual personality. It’s not hypocritical at all. As I’ve stated I have many Chabad friendships. If I came to shul and told them what I thought of the Rebbe would they tolerate me? For Darkei Sholom I keep my mouth shut. YWN affords us the opportunity, in an anonymous setting, to tell the truth. Next, you asked Shmei to explain what he wrote. I asked him a simple question, a question that was posed by Candace Owens to Boteach, “How can you insult Christianity because it believed in a “second coming” when you’re part of the Chabad sect which also believes in a second coming?’ Boteach didn’t answer the question, so I presented it to the 3 Chabad Stooges, particularly Shmei. For a few days he ignored the question but today he tried to pull the wool over our eyes by rephrasing the question, which had nothing to do with what Owens asked. He knows he can’t answer the question and so I’ll arrogantly write CHECKMATE.
to NyetMoshe
I changed your handle because you’re annoying me. I asked you to give me a specific reference that you find offensive but you answered with platitudes. Yes, let’s all be nice to the idolaters who say that the Rebbe runs the world. I’m more than willing to discuss the matter, but people are so afraid to debate with me because they know I’ll win and embarrass them. If you have something to say, say it, don’t quote me Chazal. We’re dealing with idolatry, you don’t play nice with them.
September 10, 2024 10:01 am at 10:01 am #2313352qwerty613ParticipantTo ARSo
Thank you for proving the words of Chazal on the power of shochad. Shmei pays you compliments and now you’re siding with him. You made an excellent point in an earlier post that you didn’t understand what Shmei said. The reason you didn’t understand it is because it’s a complete lie. He refuses to address the Owens question because he knows it’s checkmate. But you’re too busy trying to prove I’m arrogant to recognize that he’s a filthy liar. At least we still have philosopher yankel berel, and coffee addict who can’t be fooled. If I left someone out I apologize.
September 10, 2024 10:01 am at 10:01 am #2313374yankel berelParticipantThe answer to candace owens’ question is –
that …. she is right!
The question was if the reason you reject j is because of the inadmissibility of a second coming , then why is the habad leader afforded that possibility ?The logical habad answer is that j is not rejected because of the inadmissibility of a second coming.
Simple.He is rejected because of other reasons.
The only problem is that this goes straight against a clear Ramban , who states that j cannot be mashiach because of -exactly that- , the inadmissibility of a second coming.
Besides that, it also goes against an authority far greater than Ramban , [tongue in cheek] namely ….. habad itself with all its rabbanim and mashpi’im , pre 1994 ….
As far as I am concerned , the matter is closed, here and now.
But I know that the innocent reader might question , what’s with the [one] pshat in the gmara in sanhedrin etc ? indicating that mashiach can come min hameitim ?The answer is pashut . Those who learn the gmara that way are chvsh NOT cholek on one of the greatest we possessed [apologies here to habad pre 94 .. ]
They are talking about those meitim who DID NOT START THE PROCESS OF GE’ULA.
To announce to klal yisrael that you are mashiach and have come to redeem them , and then abdicate and die and so called finish the job , that’s impossible.That’s what j did and thats what habad did.
Both equally inadmissible, on the grounds of the ramban , the inadmissibility of a second coming.If HKBH will choose [according to this pshat in sanhedrin] a leader from the dead WHO HAS NOT STARTED THE GE’ULA PROCESS IN ANY WAY , and revive him and START AND FINISH the ge’ula in ONE LIFETIME, then that is also a possibility. [at least according to that pshat]
So , in short , ‘j’ is out and so is habad .Dear reader, think about this, as this is la’d the only emes’dig way to reconcile that pshat in sanhedrin with ramban.
.September 10, 2024 10:01 am at 10:01 am #2313375Menachem ShmeiParticipantI asked him a simple question, a question that was posed by Candace Owens to Boteach, “How can you insult Christianity because it believed in a “second coming” when you’re part of the Chabad sect which also believes in a second coming?’ Boteach didn’t answer the question, so I presented it to the 3 Chabad Stooges, particularly Shmei. For a few days he ignored the question but today he tried to pull the wool over our eyes by rephrasing the question, which had nothing to do with what Owens asked.
I’ll try to repeat my answer in the clearest way possible:
Candace assumes that the entire problem that Judaism has with Christianity is the second coming, so she asks that if you hold views that may sound similar to second coming, you may as well be Christian.
My point is that the fundamental problem with Christianity is not second coming. I proved this from the fact that the Jewish people opposed Yoshke and his religion while he was still alive, until beis din put him to death!
Are you saying that beis din put him to death because he believed in the second coming? That doesn’t make much sense.
Candace may as well ask “If Judaism and Christianity (lhavdil) both hold that murder is wrong, why do you oppose Christianity?
If you think that belief in a man who passed away as Moshiach doesn’t fit a certain maamar razal or halacha, bring that up (I think there’s a different thread on this topic, and I will not voice an opinion on the matter, as I said earlier).
But asking a question in Judaism based on a vort of Candace Owens doesn’t get you anywhere.September 10, 2024 10:01 am at 10:01 am #2313378philosopherParticipantArso, you wrote: “At any rate, in regards to Rashi on Taanis 5b and Rashi on Chumash, I just don’t see how they contradict.” They don’t contradict at all and no one said that Rashi contradicts himself. I said that Menachem Shmei is saying that Rashi said things which make it seem like Rashi is contradicting himself.
You can believe whatever you want regarding Yaacov Avinu being buried and at the same time PHYSICALLY ALIVE, but Rashi never said he is physically alive, period. Rashi says that the posek says he EXPIRED but not that he died and that’s why he did not die. Not dying can mean the spirit doesnt die, or that he could live through his descendants, it could mean a lot of things according to the different meforshim, but Rashi NEVER said he was physically alive, after him expiring and being buried. That’s your and Menashe Shmei pshat on this Rashi but you can’t prove that Rahi said he was physically alive after his burial.
You write:”Note that this is impossible for us to understand, as he was buried, so what does it mean that he is alive? Furthermore, I believe that embalming involved the removal of a number of inner organs, so how can someone be alive in that manner? Nonetheless, that is what, according to Rashi, the gemoro is saying, and just because we can’t understand it it doesn’t allow us to reject it. So the conclusion for a maamin, and I hope we all fit into that category, is that because Chazal say it, and only because Chazal say it do we accept it”.
Certainly we can’t understand everything, but you can’t say that Chazal said something that they never did.September 10, 2024 10:01 am at 10:01 am #2313394philosopherParticipantNo wonder so many boys/men dont understand Gemorah well. Are they not taught in cheder/yeshiva how to learn and understand texts? They simply don’t bother to understand pshat. You cannot take part of a Chazal or a posuk and claim to understand what the text means from only part of the verse, or even from one verse. Every word means something, the context means something. Otherwise the words “breishis buru Elokim” can mean the beginning of creation created God, c”v, to you. You cannot USE Tanach and Gemorah like Christians use the verses, pointing to a word or even a verse out of context otherwise you will be able to “prove anything you want the Torah to prove” but you won’t understand p’shat. That’s how the Tzedoikim and all apikorsim “learnt” the posukim without understanding the context.
If you want a posuk, or a Chazal or a Rishon, or any text for that matter, to mean what YOU want it to mean, you can disregard part of what the verse says or you can take it of of context, and then claim that it means what you want it to mean…in that case it is certainly “refreshing” for people like Menachem Shmei to have a “Torah discussion” with one who is willing to disregard part of a verse and the context in which the verse is being discussed.
Understanding texts is learning what the author of the text wanted to convey, not what you want to convey. You cannot claim that the author wants to convey something when you disregard part of what the verse says, you cannot contradict what the author says and then claim that it seems the author contradicts himself, you cannot read the text out of context.
Going back to Rashi on the posuk, if Rashi himself says that the posuk says that Yaacov expired but did not die, it means that Rashi does not contradict that Yaacov expired, period. However, it ALSO means that Rashi says Yaacov did not die. In this case, how can he expire, be embalmed and not die? Rashi doesn’t answer that but if Rashi said he expired but he did not die then we can need to gain understanding on what it means “יעקב לא מת”. If Rashi would’ve say his body was still alive despite his expiring and embalming then you can claim that Rashi said he was physically alive. However, Rashi did not say his body stayed alive. לא מת can mean many things as the MEFORSHIM EXPLAIN and none of them say that Yaacov’s stayed alive! If someone on this thread claims “יעקב לא מת literally”! It is not Rashi who wrote the word “literally”! If an individual declares that Rashi meant it literally and that he meant that his physical body is alive it’s his own conclusion disregarding the context in which the words “yaacov lo mes” was written.
Rashi on Gemorah does not argue with the Gemorah that Yaacov was buried and eulogized. What he says is that they thought he died but he didn’t die. How could Rashi believe that Yaacov EXPIRED (ויגוע), how could he believe that he was BURIED and EULOGIZED and still be PHYSICALLY alive? Well, Rashi doesn’t say that Yaacov was physically alive only that he didn’t die. And for that, as I’ve said above, there are numerous meforshim that say what “he didn’t die” means. Neither Rashi, nor any of the meforshim claim that Yaacov Avinu is still walking on this planet earth to this day in his physical body.
You can only claim that Rashi means that Yaacov is physically alive if you believe that your rebbe is buried 6 feet under yet still walking around here somewhere with his physical body. If someone finds the rebbe please let me know, I’d like to meet with him.
September 10, 2024 10:01 am at 10:01 am #2313396ARSoParticipantThanks Menachem for the reference to the Eitz Yosef/Chida. I had wondered about the embalming for a long time and now, thanks to you, I have an answer.
Also, I now understand what you’re saying in regards to the B”D executing yoshke despite them not yet having come up with the idea of a second coming.
As to qwerty’s alleged non-arrogance, well, if you say “I’m extremely humble” we’ll just have to take your word for it.
Finally, in regards to that shiksa yemach shema, who cares what she asks? We reject yoshke because he was a meisis umadiach. All the rest is just icing on the cake.
Out of interest, when did she have a debate with Boteach?
September 10, 2024 10:01 am at 10:01 am #2313404ARSoParticipantSorry, I meant the Alshich that you quoted, not the Chida.
September 10, 2024 10:01 am at 10:01 am #2313440DaMosheParticipantOk, qwerty, you want examples?
In post #2312699, you called him a loser.
In #2312747, you wrote, “He’s nasty, arrogant, condescending, insulting. He has every bad Middah. Clearly his Torah, and he knows a lot, has done nothing in the way of making him a Mensch.”
In #2312753, you called him a “lying phony”.
In #2313223, you wrote “he can add retard to his resume”.You also noted earlier that we’re supposed to avoid discussion with idolators, and that you can’t have a real discourse with Meshichist Chabadniks. Maybe take your own advice.
September 10, 2024 10:02 am at 10:02 am #2313467qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Let’s take a step back and try to explain why the Owens question is such an anathema for Shmei. You’ll recall that he ignored the query for three days and yesterday he tried to fool us by inventing a different question. To reiterate, she asked Boteach why Chabad rejects Christianity but believes that the Rebbe will have a second coming. Seemingly Shmei could have answered that the Rebbe’s return isn’t a second coming because he’s still alive like Yaakov.,(obviously Boteach couldn’t say such nonsensical garbage) So why didn’t Shmei say this? Some years ago a Chabad Rabbi explained why there’s a split in CH as to whether or not the Rebbe is still alive. As ARSo said last year, before Gimmel Tammuz all Chabad held that Moshiach can’t come from the dead. After Gimmel Tammuz they had to recalibrate. Some refused to change their view about Moshiach coming from the dead and so they “paskened” that he’s alive. Others understood how ridiculous that sounds and so they accepted that he’s dead and relied on the Gemara which said that Moshiach can come from the dead. The point to understand is that when Chabad says something it’s never based on Torah or logic. They simply make everything up. And then the lying phonies like Shmei hit us with Rishonim and Achronim to make their opinions appear legitimate. It’s all a cover up for their lies, just as their dead Getchke made up his “Torah ” Therefore it’s checkmate, no Tiyufta D’Chabad Tiyufta.
September 10, 2024 11:52 am at 11:52 am #2313544Menachem ShmeiParticipantHow could Rashi believe that Yaacov EXPIRED (ויגוע), how could he believe that he was BURIED and EULOGIZED and still be PHYSICALLY alive?
What does expired mean? I brought meforshim that explain. You ignored them, of course.
Neither Rashi, nor any of the meforshim claim that Yaacov Avinu is still walking on this planet earth to this day in his physical body.
Correct. They say he is alive in his kever. As I brought from meforshim.
I can’t grasp why you find this so complicated.
One of us just doesn’t know how to learn a piece of Gemara with meforshim (as you eloquently described earlier in your post) and I suspect it isn’t me.
Also, still waiting for your response to my rebuttal of your accusation that only Chabad “dares to say” that Rashi in Chumash doesn’t always side with Rashi on Shas.
September 10, 2024 11:53 am at 11:53 am #2313545qwerty613ParticipantTo DaMoshe
Yes, I said those things and I would say much worse if I could. Shmei is not only an idolater but he’s a Chote U’Machte as he’s trying to fool others into believing the Chabad lies. Therefore we are obligated to treat him and others of similar mind as Hashem’s enemies. Case closed.
To the group
I spoke to Rav David Feinstein’s son-in-law. He’s my biggest Mashpia in Torah and I told him that posters are arguing if Yaakov Avinu is still alive. You can imagine what he said. Being a Torah Jew doesn’t require one to replace rationality with voodoo logic. To that point my other Mashpia Rabbi Moshe Plutchok says that we follow Rambam who rejects any violation of natural law even Bilaam ‘s talking donkey. The Gemara says ,”Lama Li Kra, Sevara He?” Judaism is a rational religion. This is the point that philosopher and yankel berel are making and obviously they’re right.
September 10, 2024 11:54 am at 11:54 am #2313549Menachem ShmeiParticipantArso,
Finally, in regards to that shiksa yemach shema, who cares what she asks? We reject yoshke because he was a meisis umadiach. All the rest is just icing on the cake.
Exactly as I said.
It’s interesting to see how we post similar responses at the same time.Out of interest, when did she have a debate with Boteach?
Last week, on Piers Morgan.
Was big news (though obviously not on YWN 😀).Candace was just another conspiracy theorist antisemite.
Shmuley was just Shmuley.
May he be eradicated from the face of the internet speedily in our days!September 10, 2024 11:54 am at 11:54 am #2313644qwerty613ParticipantTo yankel berel
It’s not enough that vermin like Shmei (that’s right DaMoshe) show contempt for real Jews by lying to us and thinking that we can be fooled but they’re not afraid to lie in Hashem’s face in Elul.The reason they have no fear is because they don’t believe He exists. That’s the power of idolatry.
September 10, 2024 11:59 am at 11:59 am #2313737yankel berelParticipantI am reading this thread and I am left scratching my head again and again .
Why is everyone ignoring a CLEAR RAMBAN who unambiguously states that j cannot be mashiach because the inadmissibility of a second coming ?
The language of the Rambam is nearly as clear , in hilch melahim . Why are people so happy to book a place on this merry go round and stay seated on this silly thing for such a long time ?
Time to get off , and look around …
I don’t know of any area of the torah, where we afford to ignore the combined voices of Rambam and Ramban and start speculating about the status of yakov avinu.THERE IS NO SECOND COMING IN JUDAISM . Period.
For the Gmara in sanhedrin , I can promise you that The two Rabeinu Moshe’s knew that gmara BETTER THAN ALL POSTERS COMBINED .
And yours truly suggested a pshat before on these pages .It seems to me that indeed ignorance is bliss but still , the ostrich should also get sick of the taste of sand after a while .
.September 10, 2024 11:59 am at 11:59 am #2313746yankel berelParticipantHello ?
September 10, 2024 12:13 pm at 12:13 pm #2313759yankel berelParticipant@Arso
How can you ignore Ramban and Rambam ?The reason we know that j is not mashiach is because he did not effect the nevuot about yemot hamashiach IN HIS LIFETIME !
He doesn’t say because he was a meisit umadiah , [which he very well may have been]
I suggest we stick with our gdolei harishonim here , just like in any other area in the torah.
Discussion should be closed after they said their piece.
Heard from my rebbi – if you want to argue with the ramban , you might not be an apikorus, but a fool you most certainly are…..
.September 10, 2024 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm #2313776philosopherParticipantMenachem shmei, no, none of the meforshim say that Yaacov alive in his kever. A body to be alive needs air, it needs food, it needs water, it needs to do bodily functions.
If there are more people in Chabad who believe what you believe that is absolutely insane. Your belief is like the anceint Egyptians who embalmed and buried their Pharoahs and also buried them with chariots, wax dolls in the shape of women, weapons, etc. because they believed their bodies only partially expired and will soon start living again in the afterlife….shame on you to believe such things.
You are using Torah sources and twisting them to further your a”z ideology just like the Tzedoikim, the Keruim, the Christians, Shabsi Tzvi, and others did to try to “prove” that their ideologies are the truth. At the end of the day Chabad a”z will also lay in the dustbin of history while the truth marches on. But until then, it will pull down with it into shaul tachtis many, many Jewish neshumos H”y.
You cannot argue with posukim in the Torah, period. No mefoiresh does that. The posek says clearly, Yaacov expired, Yaacov was embalmed, Yaacov was buried. End of story. It also says Yaacov did not die and not dying can mean many things. To further your a”z ideology, you claim Yaacov is alive in his kever. That would be a huge tzaar on Yaacov. Would you want your body to be alive in your kever for thousands of years not being able to move? Not even the murdererous Hamas has people in their kever alive for thousands of years. It’s absolutely insane that you would think that Rashi and the meforshim claim that this is happening to Yaacov.
To believe in a”z you need to be slightly insane to believe in the narishkeiten attached to such beliefs.
September 10, 2024 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm #2313777philosopherParticipantYankel berel, Chabadianity is Christianity version 2. They believe in anything that will make their fairytale a reality and from that starting point they misinterpret Torah sources so that it will align with the a”z ideologies.
September 10, 2024 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm #2313779qwerty613ParticipantTo yankel berel
When Christians approach a Jew on the street politely asking for a few moments to discuss their theology, he’s trained to demur and hightail it out of there as fast as possible. We don’t engage in discussions with Christians. The same applies to Chabad. They have nothing to offer except distortions of the Torah aimed at obfuscation. ARSo seems to have forgotten that basic principle and so he’s now in the sewer comparing notes with that sewer rat Shmei. I can’t believe that Shmei’s attempt to butter him up worked. The power of Shochad. Rav Reuvein Feinstein(we lived in the same building on the LES years ago) told me the following, “Judaism is pretty simple. Just keep the Mitzvohs as best as you can.” Look at these Lubavichers twisting themselves into pretzels to reinvent our pristine religion just to convince themselves that the Rebbe is god. And ARSo is falling for Shme’s trap. You see that Shmei won’t address the Owens question. When he comes to the next world he’ll be told that her question checkmated him.
September 10, 2024 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm #2313780☕️coffee addictParticipantFrom what I’m understanding is that Lubavitch is saying there is no “second coming” in Lubavitch because the rebbe doesn’t have a דיו מת like Yaakov Avinu whereas yoshke clearly died as agreed upon by the נוצרים
Is this correct Menachem?
September 10, 2024 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm #2313782philosopherParticipantMenachem shmei, the Rif and others say the comatose stage was until he was bought Eretz Yisroel and was buried there. As I said before, none of the meforshim claim that Yaacov was buried alive in his kever which is what you are saying.
I dont know if you are lying consciously with your misinterpretations or your a”z beliefs have so corrupted your brain that you are subconsciously automatically interpretating sources to fit your religion’s narrative.
As I said before, neither Rashi nor Chazal (I mistakenly wrote meforshim in my previous post) would want Yaacov to have such a curse as to be buried alive for a few thousand years….no one wants that for their worst enemies…
September 10, 2024 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm #2313786Menachem ShmeiParticipantHow can you ignore Ramban and Rambam ?
The reason we know that j is not mashiach is because he did not effect the nevuot about yemot hamashiach IN HIS LIFETIME !
He doesn’t say because he was a meisit umadiah , [which he very well may have been]Not getting into the משיח מן המתים discussion (haven’t voiced my opinion, don’t plan on).
Are you saying that Chachomim were okay with Christianity until Yoshe’s death!? A) All accounts show that the chachomim opposed Yoshke during his lifetime. B) The basic understanding is that B”D put Yoshke to death. Why would they do this while he was still alive!?
You insist that according to the Rambam the problem with Yoshke is only that he is a dead “Moshiach”, not a מסית ומדיח.
But here is the actual Rambam (which I quoted earlier to prove my point):
Hilchos Melachim ch. 11:
אַף יֵשׁוּעַ הַנּוֹצְרִי שֶׁדִּימָה שֶׁיִּהְיֶה מָשִׁיחַ, וְנֶהֱרָג בְּבֵית דִּין, כְּבָר נִתְנַבֵּא בּוֹ דָּנִיֵּאל, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר “וּבְנֵי פָּרִיצֵי עַמְּךָ יִנַּשְּׂאוּ לְהַעֲמִיד חָזוֹן וְנִכְשָׁלוּ” (דניאל יא, יד). וְכִי יֵשׁ מִכְשׁוֹל גָּדוֹל מִזֶּה, שֶׁכָּל הַנְּבִיאִים דִּבְּרוּ שֶׁהַמָּשִׁיחַ גּוֹאֵל יִשְׂרָאֵל וּמוֹשִׁיעָם, וּמְקַבֵּץ נִדְחֵיהֶם וּמְחַזֵּק מִצְוָתָן, וְזֶה גָּרַם לְאַבֵּד יִשְׂרָאֵל בַּחֶרֶב, וּלְפַזֵּר שְׁאֵרִיתָם וּלְהַשְׁפִּילָם, וּלְהַחֲלִיף הַתּוֹרָה, וּלְהַטְעוֹת רוֹב הָעוֹלָם לַעֲבֹד אֱלוֹהַּ מִבַּלְעֲדֵי ה’.
“Jesus of Nazareth who imagined himself to be the Mashiach and was executed by the court was also alluded to in Daniel’s prophecies, as ibid. 11:14 states: “The vulgar among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.”
Can there be a greater stumbling block than Christianity? All the prophets spoke of Mashiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior who would gather their dispersed and strengthen their observance of the mitzvot. In contrast, Christianity caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd.”September 10, 2024 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm #2313788ARSoParticipantThere is so much to write in regards to some of qwerty’s and philosopher’s weird claims.
1. Just because I happen to be in agreement with Menachem – despite being totally opposed to absolutely every Lubavicher who thinks that their rebbe was the leader of Torah Jewry – regarding the understanding of Rashi in both the gemoro and Chumash, I am now a loke’ach shochad! I suppose I’ll just have to take qwerty’s word on that as he has testified that he is not arrogant and that he is humble. (Is it possible he hasn’t been taking his medication, and that that has been causing him to rant?)
2. As regards to the “expired” and “dying” discussion. What does the word ויגוע mean? If, as philosopher keeps claiming, it means he expired, then that means he died, doesn’t it? Certainly, that is the dictionary definition of expiring! (I looked it up.) So what does it mean elsewhere when it says ויגוע… וימת? He expired and then died?! That’s meaningless. Clearly גויעה is not expiring.
After doing some research I see that the Malbim (Bereishis 25:8) writes:
הגויעה מציין אפיסת כחות הגוף, והמיתה מציין פירוד הנפש מן הגוף – gviah refers to the lack of any physical strength, while misah refers to the departure of the soul from the body.
So according to that, when the gemoro says that Yaakov lo meis – and Rashi clearly says that he is alive forever – it seems to mean it in a physical sense. He was still alive, but without any physical strength. And that, by the way, is how the gemoro in Sotah 13a can say that Yaakov opened his eyes and smiled.Of course, nowhere do Chazal say that the LR did not die, and I have been clear about than in many of my earlier posts. In fact, I feel stupid having to reiterate my stance here, and I only do so because of the possible future ravings of some.
3. There may be other meforshim who say otherwise, but I have not found any Rishon (if I am wrong please correct me) who says that the gemoro in Sanhedrin 98b allows the possibility of any dead person other than Daniel Ish Chamudos being Mashiach. As I have posted a number of times, according to one pshat in Rashi, if you are looking for a person who has died as the type of person that the live Mashiach will be, then it is Daniel. According to the other pshat, if Mashiach is someone who has died, then it must be Daniel. Based on this gemoro, then, there is no room for anyone else who is not alive to be Mashiach.
4. The gemoro itself – the part that was censored in Sanhedrin 43a – says that yeshu was a maisis umaidiach. What other reason did the Sanhedrin have to execute him?
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