Cell phone use while driving

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    I’m continually shocked at how often I see Frum people driving with their cell phones held up to their ear! Rabbosai, I’m sure you believe that YOU are among the yotzei min haklal who could never get distracted by your phone call enough to have an accident c’v (you’re wrong), but how do you justify breaking the law?! Dina d’Malchusa Dina, the laws of America pertain to you too! You are getting an Aveira each time you engage in this dangerous behavior, never mind the fact that you’re putting others’ lives at risk! Maybe you don’t care about your own life but you have no right to endanger others! How will you feel if you c’v hurt someone else badly? Just recently a car almost hit me head on and when I looked inside the car I saw a 30–40 year old Frum man throw his cell phone onto the seat next to him! I’ve also seen more than once, very Yeshivish looking middle aged and older men with long beards, and Frum women doing the same! Wake up, people! The life you save, physically and spiritually may be your own! Get a Bluetooth! There’s no excuse for talking on a Hand held phone while driving! A green Erev Sabbos and Erev Rosh Chodesh.

    The Frumguy

    A huge Yasher Koach for bringing up this despicable behavior.

    P.S. Is a “green Erev Sabbos and Erev Rosh Chodesh” one where we don’t use up any natural resources?


    I am in total agreement on this one. My car was nearly hit by a very foolish law-breaker who was not paying attention to the road, due to her ever-so-important cell phone chat (quite clear it was not an emergency call), and she had the gall to GLARE at me for honking to get her attention and interrupting her conversation, so I would not be hit. BTW, pedestrians are EQUALLY guilty of paying little attention while crossing a street and talking on the cell at the same time.


    I think the idea that hands-free cellphone conversations aren’t distracting is bogus. If you need to talk on the phone, park (legally, not double) and chat to your heart’s content.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    This has nothing to do with frum people.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Also, I agree with yehudayona.


    Funny how you start off talking about DDD, “never mind the fact that you’re putting others’ lives at risk”, then go on and mind that. DDD is totally inapplicable here. There is no obligation to adhere to driving regulations imposed by whoever it is that imposes them.

    oomis: BTW, pedestrians are EQUALLY guilty of paying little attention while crossing a street and talking on the cell at the same time.

    I disagree wholeheartedly. Pedestrians are abiding laws of nature; it’s not their responsibility to look out for cars. It’s those improvising on nature, through dangerous means such as cars, that have the responsibility to look out.


    I love these people at my checkout line in the supermarket who answer their cell phones only to tell the caller i cant talk now I’m checking out! why answer the phone anyways?


    Listen, there are times when I am in a conversation with my husband who is driving or a passenger when I am driving, and I say, “No conversation, now – we need to focus on the road.” Anything that takes our attention away, is a potential sakana. It only takes ONE SECOND.

    the plumber

    The goq

    The point is to tell the person your not ignoring them.

    Were i live there is no such law. Dina dimalchusa dina is out the window. Therefore why pick one thing that ppl do ti harm others, there are more, getting smartphones, making lavish bar mitzvahs…


    sdd: False. Psahtus is that Dina D’Malchusa should apply to rules that are meant for the continued functioning of society and public safety.

    Oh, and R’ Elyashiv held that someone talking on a cell phone while driving gives on the Din of a Rodef.


    At the most, DDD would allow the government to fine those who break the law; therefore if one gets a ticket for talking a cell phone and pays it, it would probably not be considered theft, as the rambam (g’zailah va’aveidah 5:12) says, and as is codified in C.M. 369:. But there is no obligation to obey the actual law. (See bais yoseif 369:14, shu”t maharik 66)



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