Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee

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    yikes! i know what i am…


    I think I ammostly egg, with a little bit of carrot and coffee bean.


    yeh me too…ouch


    (mine was in answer to moish01)


    I think of myself as more of a pasta type of guy. I stop lying there like a stick and become flexible, while the water evaporates around me.

    an open book

    ha ha squeak


    me? the coffee! definitely! πŸ™‚

    ok, probably somewhere in between the egg and the coffee πŸ™‚

    anon for this

    squeak, if someone threw you against the wall, would you stick?


    hey areivim what are you?

    and mods? so curious.

    baal kishron

    anon for this haha that was funny

    liked the first post very thought provoking


    anon, throw me against the wall? I’d like to see you try.


    I’m all 3- depending on the situation

    and no moish- don’t start calling me a hypocrite and faker. Different circumstances and different people bring out different reactions from the same person.


    ha i wasn’t going too. not in a defiant mood – i passed my road test!

    plus i’m fasting πŸ˜‰


    NO MILKSHAKE??? ah- B”H

    anon for this

    squeak, why would I try? But some of the people you named to the HUAC might want to.


    ames pasta soaks up the water, is that called affecting?


    LOL anon! Don’t worry, HUAC took good care of me… and for good reason.


    hey i’m not violent, squeak. don’t worry bout it.


    I’m afraid at this point in time I may be somewhat of an egg. I will keep this in mind and aim to become a coffee bean. Thanks, ames!



    ames my point exactly! πŸ™‚


    ames pasta makes the water starchy? that good πŸ˜‰

    baal kishron

    the fact isn even while the room is spinning πŸ™‚ even then it seems obvious to me to avoid all the pointless banter and just sit and reflect on what it means to you and how you can fix yourself to what you want to be be it eithr coffe or egg but why waste all that time and effort??? with the ….


    ames, thanks for asking, I’m b”h well, if that’s what you mean but not so ok. ;( I’ve been sad about something that happened and I know I should have more emunah, I just can’t get over it.



    anonymisss- it’s good to get it out and you know we’ll have plenty to say πŸ˜‰

    you can leave out personal details


    anonymisss you wanted emunah type chizuk on a different thread, (not sure which one) I dont know if this qualifies as emunah type chizuk but I’ll try πŸ™‚

    Everything is done for the best, and when everything is planned out, Hashem sees who it will affect, what youre going through right now made it lighter. Hashem loves you, and is watching you every step of the way πŸ™‚

    hope I helped! πŸ™‚

    :):):):):) keep smiling (sorry ames, you have to share now)


    ames your :):):):):)


    Thanks, everyone, for your concern. Thank you, kapusta, for your words of encouragement.

    I know I’m not supposed to ask why and why did it have to be…. type of questions. But, at this point, that’s really the way I feel. I know it’s so wrong and I hate myself for thinking this way. It’s just so hard not to. I wish I would wake up and see this is all a terrible nightmare. The whole situation is so painful for me and what makes it even worse is watching so many people that I care about suffer. It hurts.



    no, not in the news and never was. It happened more than a week ago, and I still am too, too sad. Many people were affected and I know it’s not my fault at all, and there’s nothing I can do to help them. I can’t even deal with my own pain. It’s so complicated, I know I’m not being very clear, not to mention vague.



    anonymisss, I wish you the best. While I do not know of what you are talking about, I understand that it is tough. Try to downplay all the cliches. You are allowed to cry, and you are allowed to have feelings.

    There is no reason to hate yourself for feeling this way. These thoughts and feelings are natural. You are not the only Frum Jew who has such thoughts in times of crisis and stress.

    It is healthy to feel pain when watching someone else (especially a loved one) suffer. It would be more troubling were you not to feel this pain.

    May HaKadosh Baruch Hu send you the strength to get through this, as well as send all need yeshuos to their necessary locations.



    I agree with everything JayMatt wrote. I’d also add that if you are in such deep emotional pain, you should probably seek professional help from a therapist because it sounds like this was something major. Is there a possibility for you to gte such help?


    charlie, it happened a week ago. i don’t think anyone goes for professional help after a week. maybe months.


    I know it’s not my fault at all, and there’s nothing I can do to help them

    Don’t underestimate the power of t’fillos. Davening for them is the most powerful thing that can be done. Don’t tell yourself you can’t do anything. Know that your t’fillos are doing something positive


    sorry ames, no can do


    you people are crazy. no one goes for a psychiatric evaluation after a week of being upset or depressed. it’s still a normal reaction. when something becomes abnormal you check it out. leave her – she’ll be ok.


    Moish, people who are honest with themselves will see someone straight away. There is no crime to realize that things will be difficult if you attempt to tackle them solo.

    Charlie Brown, I can’t believe that I forgot to mention what you added. (Must be all those 5 cent visits to Lucy) However, it does not need to be major to seek help. It is all in how one perceives the situation. If you are accurately portraying your feelings here, no matter what the “facts” are, I’d advise that you seek assistance.


    mod 39 couldnt agree with you more πŸ™‚


    Moish, no one said anything about a psychiatric evaluation. Tough times sometimes call for assistance. We are not advocating potentially locking up anonymisss. We are asking anonymisss to be honest and determine whether of not now is the time to seek assistance. Assistance can be one on one, or in a group setting. It can be with a friend who will lend a trusting ear and whose opinions and judgments will be trusted, or it can be with a professional who is trained to deal with cases of trauma, grief and crisis.

    Moish, it is comments like yours which try to stigmatize people seeking help, which ultimately deters some from seeking help when they need it most.


    ok, i’m sorry i’ll shut up now. whether or not i’m right in this case JayMatt was right about his last little bit.


    >>ok, i’m sorry i’ll shut up now. whether or not i’m right in this case JayMatt was right about his last little bit. <<

    Moish, it is easy to forget we are having a public conversation which many people will read. We need to be careful with what we say, as we are not just talking to anonymisss.

    Oh, mazal tov on getting your license.


    hey i said you were right – what more do you want??


    try a banner… πŸ™‚


    fat chance


    Just to defend moish a little, there IS a stigma associated with seeking professional help. Sad but true. Facing truths is one of the important things that a therapist can help you do. In all cases, the stigma is a worthwhile risk (especially because it is avoidable). Pretending that there is no stigma (or hushing someone who says there is one) is not as helpful as you would think. More helpful is to say “I’ve gone for therapy and I still have friends” or something to that effect.


    ames your friends are on an anonymous CR board, not in real life (said with heavy heavy sarcasm, buddy, I hope you realize I’m jk) :):):):):)


    hey i’m not against going for therapy (for someone else, that is ;)) but i think people overreact. give a person a chance. some reactions are normal and it’s okay if they last a little while. why is it that the first thing everyone jumps to say is “get yourself some help??”

    but thanks, squeak. you sure do have a point.


    JayMatt; Thanks for validating my feelings, (re: first post of yours.) I appreciate your concern.

    moish; Thanks for “defending” me, I do still want to get married y’know (squeak, that was for you.) Seriously, moish, you do have a point. This was a “pot” that’s been boiling for a really long time and now it “boiled over.” Given the amount of time and heartache that already went into this issue, I honestly do think it’s normal for me to feel this way for a week or even longer (and I know I’m not the only one who’s still sad.) It just bothers me that I can’t accept what Hashem gave me or actually all of us who are in it. It’s too hard for me. ;(

    mod39; Thank you! That really is very encouraging and I am trying, it’s just-I don’t know, maybe I’m just not seeing results fast enough? I’ll need to work on this.

    ames and kapusta; Thanks for your concern!

    areivim? no comment? WOW!!! What’s up with you?



    anonymisss thats what I’m here for πŸ™‚ (squeak, I think I just took you over) but keep smiling, it cant hurt :):):):):)

    Time heals all wounds, hope yours works itself out real soon and you have a relaxing shabbos and you can recharge your batteries. can I suggest another trip to Israel, goes together with smiling; cant hurt.

    ok, I do really hope that things brighten up, just know that Hashem is holding your hand right now and only giving you what you can handle, He knows you better than you know yourself and Hes hurting with you, and waiting for the second when everything will be all better, He wants it even more than you do. I give you my sincere bracha that you clearly see yad Hashem in this and recognize the good through it all and that you see everything turning out for the best πŸ™‚

    take it easy πŸ™‚


    Oh come on, where’s my little joke?

    I won’t misuse the edit button.

    I won’t misuse the edit button.

    I won’t misuse the edit button.

    I won’t misuse the edit button.

    I won’t misuse the edit button.

    I won’t misuse the edit button.

    I won’t misuse the edit button.


    it went away after 5 minutes, and I did not misuse it.


    anonymisss- i missed this entire discussion. Everything was well put. However, I hope it doesn’t give you any extra conflicts to deal with.

    If you can pull this off- can I suggest a trip to Israel, with a good friend, to recharge your emotional and spiritual batteries? I find just going there already rejuvenates the soul.

    I’m not a big advocate of therapy/psychologists unless it’s very necessary. Being that we do not have details I couldn’t judge. Most of the time, the tougher the situation, the stronger you will come out of it.

    Focus on emunah and davening- it lends strength you never knew you posessed.

    In times of trouble, the davening itself heals, you don’t necessarily need what we term “results”. We don’t know what the best results are for us; but it feels good just to unload and put everything on Hashem’s “shoulders”.

    I’d like to continue, but don’t have the time.

    I’m wishing you lots and lots of hatzlocha and may Hashem grant you with menuchas hanefesh.

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