I don’t know halachially but I do know you can’t change people. People have to wanna change themselves, so if you take his ecig he’ll just buy a new one. You gotta show him how what he’s doing is bad and he’s gotta come to the conclusion to change.
30+ years ago, we were told we could damage the cigarettes that belonged to someone in the yeshiva dorm. We did. We scooped out the tobacco and filled them with oregano (stuffing just enough tobacco at the end to make it look alright.
Was quite a site watching him light up.
We had to fes up, when he was on his way to the store to make a return for the “stale cigarettes”.
I think it’s bad for you to use Artscroĺl gemarah – so I am going 5o steal your AS shas. And those cookies and chocolates – have you looked in a mirror? They are bad for your health and shidduch prospects: I will steal them. And that car you are driving – it’s sakonos nefoshos!
anon1mous Rachel stealing Lavan’s idols – like Moshe Rabbeinu stealing the Golden Calf that belonged to those that made it… Yaakov stealing the brachos…Brothers stealing Yossef and selling into slavery…we come from thieves!