Can money buy you happiness? 💲➡🤑❓

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    People say it can’t, but a lack of money sure does buy you frustration and anxiety. So logically, it would follow that having enough money can buy you happiness and peace.


    Go to aisle 5 at any Walmart for the best buy on happiness.


    Once your above poverty level, additional money doesn’t buy happiness. The rich aren’t happier than the lower middle class.


    So that would imply that for someone who is below poverty level, money can buy happiness.


    It can buy you comfort, security and pleasure, which do contribute to happiness.


    Lower middle class have comfort, security and pleasure. Giving them two million dollars will not buy them any more happiness than giving two million dollars will make Donald Trump or Bill Gates happier.


    Money can solve some problems that cause unhappiness.


    “Money can solve some problems that cause unhappiness.”

    Not once you’re above the poverty level.

    If your unhappy with the lot you have, if you get better things you’ll want even more “better” things.


    Joseph, a lower middle class family with three or more tuitions to pay has comfort security and pleasure?


    “Not once you’re above the poverty level.”

    But where is the poverty level? There’s no consensus on that.


    It’s easier to be happy with a bigger lot.


    “Rich or poor, it’s nice to have money”

    I’ve lived in wealth and in poverty as a child. 55 years ago my father’s business partners put the company into bankruptcy while my parents were in EY for 2 months. We went from a 6 figure income (at a time when a good middle class salary was $7,000 per year) to living in the $4,200 my mother made as a public school teacher.

    The stress caused by the lack of money, dunning calls from business creditors, shunning by former business associates/friends, not going to summer camp, etc. caused lots of unhappiness.

    My father got rid of his partners and started fresh. Mom and my older siblings worked in the store after school and at night. It took 5 years but B”H he rebuilt his business and income, had 7 stores and 200 employees. The end of collection calls and resuming activities, as well as mother being home after school, nights and summer certainly brought happiness back to my life.

    As an adult, I’ve lived through up and down business cycles. My childhood taught me not to live beyond my means. Yes, I earn a very handsome living, but I value money and don’t waste it. We B”H live debt free. No mortgage, no student loans, no car loans. It gives Mrs. CTL and I great pleasure to support Jewish and community religious, cultural and educational institutions.


    it can make you happy temporarily for fake & only for a short time (by buying a beer or smoking or taking a vacation etc….)

    the only thing that can bring a person to TRUE HAPPINESS is faith & trust in Hashem i.e. bitachon & emunah. once a person has reached true faith in Hashem, he gets to be the happiest person in the world, cause nothing in the world can effect him, he can be robbed or hurt right in front of his eyes but he knows %100 that its all for his good & coming straight from Hashem so he is always happy 24/7

    make a daily seder of learning sefer chovos halevovos (duties of the heart) & it will bring you closer to Hashem as you put your faith & trust more into Hashem & stop believing in humans. it can take time & does not happen overnight as every person is tested by Hashem with difficult test to get through this temporary physical world. but every test a person passes brings him closer to Hashem & brings him to the next test at a higher/harder level.

    i wish you Hatzlacha as you become happier & happier as you go from level to level


    According to a recent study, spending money on time saving services (i.e. housekeeping, taxi trips vs. public transit) somewhat increases happiness.
    The reasoning is that too many demands on our limited time stress us out. And stress makes us unhappy/tense.


    Jakob, it can also buy land.


    Come on you guys… even goyim know that money doesn’t buy you happiness.. it buys you selfishness and distraction from reality. It’s the first piece in Michtav MiEliyahu vol 1. Also chovos halevavos says for most people it’s a klalah to be rich cause they’re not likely to use they’re money to help their brethren


    Does anyone remember the story about the Chofetz Chaim’s Rebbetzin and the lottery ticket?


    jakob, I appreciate your post and your point about how faith in Hashem can bring you the ultimate happiness, but from an objective viewpoint, through the reasoning you gave, the same can be said about faith in anything. All you’re saying, in essence, is you are happier when you have less worry and stress.

    Shtika, I’m not talking about being rich. I’m simply talking about whether having the means to not have to worry about finances, debt, or any money related stress can aid in one’s level of happiness. I think it can.



    Shtika, I’m not talking about being rich. I’m simply talking about whether having the means to not have to worry about finances, debt, or any money related stress can aid in one’s level of happiness. I think it can.

    the more money a person has the MORE WORRY he has
    2 lines to remember. 1)marbeh nechasim marbeh daaga (above in hebrew) 2)haya maya rotze mosayim, “a person with a hundred dollars wants 200 has a million wants 2 million & IS NEVER HAPPY no matter how rich he is he just wants more


    A person who has a penny and wants two pennies has all the want that the rich person has, plus he is dying of starvation.

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