Can anyone explain our wedding songs minhag?

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    I thought of this, because this weeks haftorah had ?????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???? ??????. (I was actually going to make the thread title be the first half of the passuk, but I do have some social intelligence.)

    Here’s what I don’t get: This, and ??? ???? do not make a lot of sense to sing at weddings.

    I would imagine we would sing songs about Hashem’s chessed. Why would we sing prophecies of the geula, and why specifically ones that are about weddings?

    Does anyone have any idea?

    ☕️coffee addict

    Is this a make up for last week?


    No, but if I had done the thread title like I suggested, then it would have been.


    Because this Passuk (??? ????)is part of the consolation that Jeremiah expressed to ??? ????? when they were driven into exile. Additionally. There is (was)a custom of remembering the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem at every wedding. By leaving one table setting empty and by excluding one piece out of a musical band performance (Before the one man band era.)

    am yisrael chai

    Just as we are so happy at this wedding, we yearn for the ultimate wedding when Hashem is the chasan and we are the kallah


    ayc: Yeah, I get we’d want to say that. But shouldn’t we at least also say we are happy at this wedding?


    popa, the other songs that they sing at weddings are about the wedding itself. you know, binyan adei ad. sameach tisamach… the ones that you mentioned, i agree with am yisrael chai. we are singing that just as happy as we are now, that is how happy we will be by the geula, when Hashem is the chosson and we are the kallah. how about ashreinu sheyesh lanu chosson kazeh? that’s a song about the wedding


    Come now. The main song sung at jewish weddings for probably hundreds of years is ??? ????.

    It is not an afterthought. It is the central event.


    Who exactly is happy? Not the parents, they’re in the hole for more money than the GDP of a mid sized country. Plus, they’re on the hook for the next who knows how many years for who knows how much money (depending on how dependent these children are). Not the guests, either- they’re annoyed to be invited to yet another wedding, 10 just this week, which means no sleep at all since slichos starts at 5 am, plus they’re in the hole for about $100 worth of gas tolls and babysitting, plus they have to give a wedding gift. And they have to pretend that they’re so happy to see all these people they never otherwise see (there’s a reason why they never otherwise see them – they don’t want to). And they have to wait around staring at their empty soup bowls until practically midnight because the photographer is lousy and couldn’t get the “right” shot.

    Basically, the only people who are happy are the ones who are paid to be there and sing. And they’re only happy because they are getting money to be there, which goes back to the parent’s unhappiness. So it would really be disingenuous and selfish for them to sing about any current state of happiness.


    The ultimate simcha on this world will be the coming of Moshiach and the geula asida. The navi says the closest mashal to that in our daily existence is the simchas chosson vekalla, and thefore associated them on the aforementioned pesukim. We therefore sing that this simcha, as great as it is, will in then grow and lead us to the ultimate simcha of the geula, which is analogous to the chosson vekalla.

    Is not the final bracha of the sheva brachos saying exactly that? May the One who created all the joy in the world, sason vesimcha chosson vekalla, etc, may He meheira allow that yishama b’arei yehuda Kol Sason v’KOl Simcha KOl Choson v’Kol kalla, and whatever the fifth KOl is as well. (The lashon of the bracha deviated from the lashon of the pasuk there. That’s an entire shmooz by itself.)


    So it would really be disingenuous and selfish for them to sing about any current state of happiness.

    Can they unilaterally declare a state of happiness? Could the UN help?

    ☕️coffee addict


    The UN wants to dissasociate itself with any form of happiness

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