I went to chaviva for 4 years and i loved it!! The staff and counselors are amazing they’re so nice to you i literally felt like it was my second home! They really are a family! When i got homesick they had amazing ppl for me to talk to and a comfortable infirmary for wen i was feeling unwell. The camp was just amazing and i really loved ot!! It is a more in-towny camp bit the girls are really good amazing and really nice!!!
Not in the least bit! Part of what makes Chaviva so special is that there’s so many types of girls, from all different places. As a result, there’s no peer pressure or anything like that, because everyone is so different. Also, the beauty of Chaviva is, that no matter how old you are, you can be friends with everyone!! Girls in the youngest bunks are friends with cit’s…I know for myself, I have a bunch of “little friends” and we keep up throughout the year!