BREAKING: Lipa to do another concert – “The Event”?

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    but brooklyn19 decreases in age with each passing day. Why, just yesterday she was 24!


    Thank you, David Bar-Magen for an enlightening post. I had no idea about any of the things that you stated.


    lol joseph you keeping track? you’ll never really know, will you?



    random question (that i probably shouldn’t be asking in fear of hearing the answer…)

    WHY do you know your “bat mitzva” parsha???

    and why do you have a sephardic accent? (lol in other words: are you sephardic?)


    thank you Joseph


    Why do I know my Bat Mitzvah parsha? I think that’s an odd question to ask. Don’t you know yours?

    I know mine because I had a big celebration when I became Bat Mitzvah and I gave a Dvar Torah in front of all my family members and friends. How did you celebrate your Bat Mitzvah? Would you be asking me this if I were a guy?

    Okay, fine, here’s the “real” answer that I think you were afraid of. I wasn’t going to bring it up, but since you asked…

    I leined Parshat Yitro from the Torah on the Shabbos of my Bat Mitzvah. (GASP!) You might be wondering who taught me how to lein- well, it was my mother. (DOUBLE GASP!) However, before you all start attacking me, let me explain to you that we conducted an all-female service in a separate room. Any women who were uncomfortable with it were welcome to (and did) stay in the main shul. Those women who wanted to hear me came into our room, where there were absolutely ZERO men (not even little boys. My younger brother stayed with my father in the main shul.) I read most of the parsha myself, and my mother leined the rest of it and did the Haftarah. We split up leading the davening. (And no, we did not say Kaddish or any devarim she’b’kedusha, recognizing that we did not comprise a minyan.)

    I’ll be shocked if this thread does not double in size by the end of the day with long posts calling me an apikores and a reformnik. All I can say is bring them on, because we had more than adequate halachic support for what we did and I will defend it wholeheartedly to the naysayers here.

    No, I’m not Sephardic, but the school I attended taught us modern Hebrew pronunciation (taf, not saf.) Call it an “accent” if you will, but I know plenty of other Ashkenazim who use the same pronunciation. You’ll notice, however, that I revert to Ashkenazic pronunciation on certain words, like Shabbos and Sukkos, because I grew up hearing people in my community pronounce them that way and it kind of stuck.

    Proud Jew

    HERE is the problem lipas songs are anything but Jewish, and lipa will do anything for attention, so there is no gvul for that.

    And last but not least, his Chasidic uniform makes him KOSHER for your kids (or at least they think so).

    So beware!

    Belev Echad

    Proud Jew, i believe what u said about lipa is considered loshon hara. i think u have to ask him mechila for saying that, but im not sure of the exact halacha.

    at any rate, he didn’t deserve that.


    It is true that color vision seems to improve with age, but that is because most of the colors start to look green, if you catch my meaning.


    No jf02, We would not ask you if you were a guy because Jewish women do not make a big Bat celebration, do not say a public Dvar, and do not lein. Jewish women that follow Judaism that is, not necessarily ‘claim’ to follow Judaism.

    And before you even ask, no we are not living in the 21st century. We are living in the 58th century, light years ahead of the evil feminist movement.


    My daughters all know their Bat-Mitzvah parshiot, jmeaning the parsha that was layned in Shul the Shabbos after they were born. No of course we did not have them called to the Torah (though JF02 has no reason to be looked at askance, especially when it was an all-female minyan). I wouldn’t personally do that, but if it is muttar (and I am told it is), why not if the eprson feels the need? I made it choshuv to my daughters to know the parsha that was layned at their time of birth,and when we celebrated their becoming Bnot mitzvah with a family seuda, their divrei Torah were based on that. I also made sure that we have always marked the occasion of our children’s real birthdates (the Jewish ones), as well as the secular dates. My kids are among the few whom I know who actually know their Jewish birthdays.



    Every woman should know how to lain. It may come in handy on Purim!


    lol jfem02 – that’s exactly what i figured. not gonna comment cuz you know what i’d say anyway. :}


    Thanks for the support, Joseph.

    Would you care to bring sources for the sweeping statements you just made?

    Gavra, I also know how to lein megillah and have done so twice on Purim (only one perek the first year, three prakim the second year.) I even did so in a mixed setting because men and women have equal obligations to hear the megillah read and can therefore equally participate in its reading- unless, of course, you hold that kriat megillah falls under the category of kol isha, which I don’t.


    “No jf02, We would not ask you if you were a guy because Jewish women do not make a big Bat celebration, do not say a public Dvar, and do not lein. Jewish women that follow Judaism that is, not necessarily ‘claim’ to follow Judaism.

    And before you even ask, no we are not living in the 21st century. We are living in the 58th century, light years ahead of the evil feminist movement. “

    With due respect, Joseph. You are mistaken. SOME people perhaps do not make a celebration (and they are wrong in my opinion, because the reaching of that age is just as important for a girl as it is to be Bar mitzvah for a boy, and it should be treated with the chashivus it deserves), but so many others do, even in the “frummer” circles (whatever that really means). Even in many Yeshivas, the schools themselves mark the occasions of the Bas mitzvahs, by making an all-inclusive school party for the entire grade, giving the girls some type of sefer, often a Tehillim, inscribed with their name, and the girls make a d’var Torah.


    Every woman should know how to lain. It may come in handy on Purim!

    Heh. My wife could probably lain Megillah if she wanted to. She knows it very well from listening to me prepare (and actually lain) it year after year after year after year after year after year …..

    The Wolf


    lol i could probably lain too. never tried it, though. lol i know a coupla parshas from when my brothers each learned for their bar mitzvas.


    kol eisha reading the megilla? I think not. Technically, a woman may have an aliyah (i.e. lain an aliyah) in a regular minyan. Kol Busha is more like it.


    My dad O”H taught me the trop when I was a little girl, not for any particular reason, but just because it was one more thing he wanted me to know. It came in handy when my sons became bar-mitzvah age and my husband (as I have said at other times, a baal teshuva) did not know the trop to check them as they practiced layning. I listened to them, and was able to correct them when they made a mistake. I never plan to be an oceanographer, but I really do enjoy learning about aquatic life.



    Dont expect Joseph to bring a source or svara for his statements as he seems from his posts to be incapable of explaining why he holds most of the things he holds, he just beleives what he beleives because he does.

    Thats all there is to it, any conversation as to why somthing should be beleived seems to go right over his head.


    A bar mitzvah is the same as a bas mitzvah, it’s a glorified birthday party to celebrate a child becoming an adult. Celebrate however you feel like it.

    Joseph of course will find fault with anything not allowed in his fundamentalist handbook.


    just as a side point – bar mitzvahs are a little out of hand too.

    and i heard b’shem Rav Moshe that if it were up to him, he’d stop bar mitzvah parties so that bat mitzvah parties would be stopped as well. doesn’t seem like he was so pro.


    bat mitvahs are out of hand, bar mitzvahs are out of hand, weddings are out of hand….

    What is it we are trying to compensate for?


    It is the only time the “gedolim” let people have fun, so they go all out.



    i dunno – maybe you’re just a boring personality. cuz i have lots of fun in my life and i take pride in following Gedolim.

    and don’t put it in quotes. it irks me.


    yossiea, stop being such a rasha and give the Gedolim the respect that you are due to give them. Drop those phony quotation marks.



    Huh? “It is the only time the “gedolim” let people have fun, so they go all out.”

    what on earth is that supposed to mean? You obviously have the wrong version of yiddishkeit being jammed down your throat or you wouldnt have said what you did. Allow me to remind you that Gedolim are essentially the leaders of Klal Yisroel- not some dour dark-ages preists with balding heads!! Honestly!


    I wonder if Joseph and Yossiea are the same person arguing both sides of the coin just to stir up the pot.


    lol jphone – don’t think – that same thought has occurred to me quite a few times in the CR. there are for sure a few of those floating around.


    jphone: I don’t think anyone can fake the kind of evilness displayed in yossiea’s comments.

    And besides, the mods are rather vigilant in disallowing socks puppets.


    The problem with some of the Bar Mitzvah celebrations is when they are more “Bar” than Mitzvah.


    Yes, though not just sock puppets. They are opposed to reincarnations too.


    They take a more tolerant view regarding reincarns than sockpuppetry. Though if someone wanted to use more than one handle here, I would tend to think using the same name twice would not be the most efficient cover.


    OK, you knew what I meant. What should that be called?


    Just noticed the Lipa ad on the CR homepage in the upper left corner. It says: “Due to recent developments in E”Y, The Event will limit promotional content at this time.” Interesting.


    I wonder why sheya mendlowitz decided to “limit promotional content”…? Does he think that he will get bashed if he is advertising for a “leitzanus” concert at these times?


    “Does he think that he will get bashed if he is advertising for a “leitzanus” concert at these times?”

    I think they’re just doing what they feel is appropriate in light of the circumstances.


    Isnt that some sort of advertisement just by putting it up there? Having an ad before the war, and taking it down during the war shows the same thing, doesnt it? and I think people associated with the concert would know enough to have someone post here “I think Lipa took down the signs out of courtesy for the war…” I am not saying that the there should be ads now. I commend them on the fact that there arent many ads and that the ads stating that there are no ads are not bright and attractive. This is appropriate for this time; we should be delving into our learning, davening with more kevanah, and practicing ahavas chinam.


    Has any well known Rabbi given their hoskoma or hechsher on the concert?


    Can someone, without the yelling, screaming and drama, explain why there has to be a hechsher? I understand we are the people of the book. I understand that some people may not like his style, music, lyrics ect (I am not taking a stand- I personally have not listened to too much of his music to make a statement). Each person has the choice to go or not to go. By not going, that makes a statement as well. Where and how you spend your money is a statement of political or religious beliefs, priorities, and sources of enjoyment ect.By making everything ossur, it forces people who would go to seek alternate sources for entertainment, many less appropriate, like going to the movies ect. Why does a haskoma have to be given? Is one given for every concert? Every social gathering?


    did u hear that lipa is making a concert this motzei shabbos january 10???


    lipa’s the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    There has to be, or at least there should be a hechsher or hoskoma for the following reason. Last time it was a real hassle to get the money refunded from the cancelled concert and if I am going to order tickets this time, I definitely want assurance that the same thing won’t happen again.


    im sure he lost much more money then u did from buying a few tickets. so if he is making another one- in madison square garden. then im sure he worked it out with rabbaninim.that concert will be sooo cool. cant wait.


    I heard Rav Belsky gave his haskamah


    You do realize that you can see the advertisement right here on yeshiva world news in the upper left hand corner?


    I read the ad and I don’t know what the recent developments in EY has to due with the amount of promotion. But Lipa is an excellent singer and I am seriously considering going to the concert if I verify that there were proper haskomas.


    any one know why lipa put back his advertisement? The past few days it said “Do to the situation in Eretz Yisroel we will limit our promotion . .” the war in Israel is still not over as far as the NY’s know of. any answers please ????

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