BMG's Freezer

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    OK, you really want me to reply?

    Chazal tell us to get married. you have no right to create any provisions. they do not have to mention three months or any other silly loophole.

    Regarding coming back early.

    that might be good advice. however this has nothing with what I said, I was talking in general. that in my opinion it is not Tora’dig.

    You dont really disagree, rather you have a way to work around this. good, your smart!


    Perhaps YWN should put all new users into a freezer for 3 months before allowing them to post anything.


    2scents- I am still not sure what battle you are fighting.

    Why are you against this policy? You should be against anyone who starts to date later than 18 years of age. Or, against anyone that freely chooses to go to BMG.

    And as yitayingwut quoted above, it appears that it would be torah’dig.


    ” new users into a freezer for 3 months “

    I’ll gladly come back as a “new user” if promised full support once the 90 days are up.


    i am not tfighting any battle, I was simply stating my opinion. I have mentioned that more than once.

    i respect the desicion of the roshey yeshivos, and I am in no way to challenge them.

    that said, it is my opinion, that this is not toradig.

    You on the other hand present arguments that are only on a personal level, your argument is limited to the individual that wants to enroll in BMG,

    however I was speaking in general. concerning the entire idea.

    again, thatnks for letting me know my options, really appreciate that.


    We are more than happy to hear everyone’s opinions. However, without any logical or halachic support (depending on the nature of discussion) backing the opinion not too much credence is given to it.

    You keep on saying its not torah’dik, but you don’t back it up with anything.


    Even if they tell you right is left…..

    Sounds very torahdik to me.


    Ok, so what you are saying is that if I can prove to you that getting married is indeed toradig, you would understand my case?


    Who is they? What yeshivoS have this rule. Doesn’t seem that the gedolim all said that this is right.


    They, are the roshei yeshiva of the yeshiva under discussion. If you disagree with them, go learn in another yeshiva, send your sons to different yeshivos, look for a shidduch for your daughter in other places.

    For those who are talmidim of these roshei yeshiva, what I said applies.

    When the gemara says “kul ma sheamar baal habayis taase, chutz mi tzei” it didn’t mean, listen to the roshei yeshiva except for their dating policy.


    Hehe not bad 😉


    “Ok, so what you are saying is that if I can prove to you that getting married is indeed toradig, you would understand my case?”

    No, because we all know that it is. Prove to me that when someone chooses to not get married at 18 and instead waits until 22-23, and BMG asks them to wait an additional 3 months and learn without any distractions if they want to join the yeshiva, that BMG is the bad guy and is not acting torah’dig.

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