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- This topic has 54 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by n0mesorah.
May 6, 2020 5:08 am at 5:08 am #1857508JosephParticipant
Let no one forget that the states hit the worst by the Wuhan Coronavirus are all blue states. Gross neglect and mismanagement of those states in their early response to the COVID-19 pandemic led to their states taking the biggest hits.
One example out of numerous demonstrating the murderous effects of these Democrats was the childish fighting between New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio over “who is the boss” (those two foolish politicians been acting like adolescents for the last five years over each trying to one-up the other.) That caused a delay in both the closing of the schools and delayed the stay at home orders, causing the spread of the virus. The Mayor delayed closing the schools because he said some parents couldn’t afford to give their children lunch every day. And the Governor delayed giving stay at home orders because the Mayor called for “sheltering at home” first so the Cuomo announced he will not tell citizens to stay at home. He showed the Mayor who is really boss.
Until circumstances forced their hands.
Afterwards they reaped what they sowed when their State’s death rate went soaring to almost Italy-like and Spain-like levels, unlike all the red states managed responsibly by Republican administrations.
May 6, 2020 9:32 am at 9:32 am #1857546akupermaParticipant1. Blue states tend to be based on large urban areas. In New York, for a example, the virus was not a serious issue in counties located too far away that a daily commute to New York is unrealistic. This suggests that a suburban or rural lifestyle with heavy reliance on private cars is healthy, and an urban lifestyle is not.
2. It isn’t clear how “deadly” the virus is until they compare total death rates. Roughly three million Americans would have died in 2020 given the normal death rate, and so far the virus seems to have only been a drop in the bucket. Historic plagues cause massive increases in the death rate,
3, Literature and mass media are big on “apocalyptic” themes, which may explain the massive overreaction, Note the frum organizations and media also overreacted.
May 6, 2020 9:32 am at 9:32 am #1857570jdf007ParticipantWe all think the grass is greener on the other side. Of course it is sometimes, and sometimes it never is. As someone who has gone around the red states for quite some time, although this is confirmed by the news, they did nothing. Not a single one followed Trumps 14 days to slow the spread guideline. None are opening per White House Guidelines either. Some were even shocked that other agencies had the power to close restaurant dining rooms when they refused to give the order. Some are now passing laws to strip and move their authority so that their states will not “close” again, and to grant immunity to your employer for forcing you to work in unsafe conditions.
Here is what we heard. It’s just China, no one knows what goes on over there! Iran is despotic, that’s not a fair warning about the disease. Italy isn’t so bad, don’t listen to that. We’re not Europe. We’re not New York. We’re not California. We’re not….we’re not….we’re not. And deny ourselves right into the epicenter.
Some of the red states have a higher virus rate than whole countries have. Whole countries will re-open virus free and have an economy. No one is going to the reopened malls in the red states. The workers don’t even know why they’re sitting there waiting.
How are we going to compete with healthy countries? This is Hope and Change personified!
Secondly, they disinfect cities and hose down all the trains overseas, from Mexico to Moscow. Why is New York just starting sanitation in May?May 6, 2020 9:34 am at 9:34 am #1857606charliehallParticipantThis isn’t going to age well.
May 6, 2020 11:45 am at 11:45 am #1857691zahavasdadParticipantWont of the worst hit states is Lousiana and thats a red state
May 6, 2020 1:14 pm at 1:14 pm #1857709JosephParticipantZD: Louisiana is unfortunately served by a Democrat governor.
May 6, 2020 1:14 pm at 1:14 pm #1857721HealthParticipantZD -“Wont of the worst hit states is Lousiana and thats a red state”
Actually it’s half & half.
From news in La.:
“Orleans and Jefferson parishes — where the coronavirus outbreak first took hold in the state — more than 800 of the state’s COVID-19 deaths have been recorded in the two areas.”Now what do you think the political makeup of those 2 areas are?
Why Do Blue areas have more Virus than the rest of the Country?
Oh I know, they didn’t listen to the Administration recomemdations because it’s Repubican!May 6, 2020 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #1857781Doing my bestParticipantI think it’s because blue states are usually have more crowded urban areas. In general, crowded areas tend to get hit worse, like Bnei Brak and the lower income areas in New York.
And just by the way, the states lifting restrictions now contrary to what the whitehouse recommended doing, are red states.May 6, 2020 2:57 pm at 2:57 pm #1857817dasFlamingoParticipantCoronavirus aside, general life expectancy is almost always higher in blue states than in red states.
May 6, 2020 4:55 pm at 4:55 pm #1857859HealthParticipantdasFlamingo -“Coronavirus aside, general life expectancy is almost always higher in blue states than in red states.”
That’s because those states have less Medical Care.
The Major Cities get the most Medical Care in this Country.
That’s because they have More Violence – so they get the Trauma Centers!May 6, 2020 4:55 pm at 4:55 pm #1857861Amil ZolaParticipantI admire the effort that many put in to make this a political discussion rather than an issue of public health policies. The reality is, the virus is just starting to invade many rural areas across the US. We have no idea how deadly this virus will be in those areas. (Many of these areas are not served by the medical services that are available in urban areas.) Inner cities and poverty seem to be impacting the spread of the virus. Minorities are heavily impacted, just look at the decimation in Frum communities. The virus doesn’t care whether a state is red or blue .
As Tip O’Neil once said, ‘all politics is local’. It’s up to the voters to challenge their state politicians to develop effective responses to health epidemics. Pick up the phone and call your electeds. When you vote again, decide for yourself who will best serve your interests. Don’t whine organize. In the meantime read a variety of analysis of the disease spread, understand that mathematical models are only as good as the data that is input. Look at the maps available from Johns Hopkins and see where the disease clusters are. Certainly densely populated states may have the highest number of cases and/deaths. That’s just basic probability. What you can do now is enter into conversations with your school administrators on how they can improve access to remote learning, work with them to solve the basic problem of 10 kids two telephones when it comes to classes being delivered by phone. Engage state agencies and your community to figure out how the needs of non neurotypical children and adults can be filled during times like this.
Yea it’s hard being confined to quarters if you have a large family living in a small space and for some it’s even harder not having outside help come into the home. I’m high risk (lupus) and haven’t been out of the house since Feb 27. I’m lucky because I realize the internet can be an enormous help in times like this. I’ve figured out alternative exercise regimes without a gym. I talk to friends about the country either online, via facetime or using the phone. I know staying connected and remaining positive are gifts I give myself for my own personal wellbeing.In the meantime, be kind, be happy, call on outside resources if your family, children and neighbors are having difficulty coping. This too shall pass.
May 6, 2020 11:03 pm at 11:03 pm #1858013JosephParticipantIf you take the Blue States out of the count of the Wuhan coronavirus infections and deaths in the United States, the U.S. would have one of the best rates compared to the rest of the world.
May 7, 2020 9:32 pm at 9:32 pm #1858585n0mesorahParticipantDear Joseph,
The state of Montana has been spared. (So far.) That is about it. Other than that, you seem to be mentioning that the majority of Americans vote democrat. The tea party wrecked the republicans. Are you insinuating that the virus is politically biased?May 7, 2020 10:25 pm at 10:25 pm #1858629JosephParticipantNo, dear N0Mesorah, I am giving the Democrats a taste of their own medicine. I’m playing ball the way they do. I’m making light of their rhetoric.
If they think they can lie by blaming the President, lets point out the shutdown orders originated from the state governors. And the governors and state/local governments delay in shutting down until late in March, is the real blame for the early spread of the coronavirus.
May 8, 2020 7:43 am at 7:43 am #1858691n0mesorahParticipantDear Joseph,
I have been bombarded by Democrats crying for you to stop, they can not handle it. The remaining three Democrats who do not lie find your statement pointless.May 8, 2020 5:58 pm at 5:58 pm #1858864JosephParticipantThe Cuomo-de Blasio fight that delayed New York State’s stay-at-home orders (the Mayor wanted it earlier but the Governor refused) as well as de Blasio’s delay in closing New York City’s public schools, ostensibly since the poor wouldn’t be able to work or feed their children if there was no school, were the single most destructive acts causing countless additional infections and deaths by coronavirus in New York as well as around the country, as it is now known most of the spread of US coronavirus infections nationally originated in New York.
May 10, 2020 9:17 am at 9:17 am #1859060JosephParticipantAmong the most deadly of Andrew Cuomo’s murderous policies has been the New York state directive that requires nursing homes take on new patients infected with COVID-19 — which caused further spread of infection contributing to the deaths of over 5,300 people in New York’s nursing homes. And the toll has still been increasing by an average of 20 to 25 deaths a day for the past few weeks.
New York has faced intense criticism for a March 25 state health department directive requiring nursing homes to take recovering coronavirus patients. “A number of nursing homes have felt constrained by the order and admitted hospital discharged patients without knowing what their COVID status was,” said Chris Laxton, executive director of the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. “This order made an already difficult situation almost impossible.”
The order, similar to one in neighboring New Jersey, was intended to help free up hospital beds for the sickest patients as cases surged. But critics noted that nursing homes were already overwhelmed and a better solution would have been sending them to the virtually empty Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, which was retrofitted to treat COVID-19 patients under President Trump’s order, or an even less utilized Navy hospital that President Trump sent to New York.
As the virus was racing through his nursing home, the head of Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill Health Center frantically emailed state health officials April 9 asking just that. “Is there a way for us to send our suspected covid cases to the Javitz center or the ship?” Donny Tuchman wrote. Tuchman said he was denied permission. Eventually, more than 50 residents at his home would die. Added Democrat state Assemblyman Ron Kim: “We could have figured out how to isolate these folks. We failed to do that.”
“Throwing in new residents who may or may not have been stable at that point could not possibly have been to the benefit of any facility,” said Dr. Roy Goldberg, medical director of the Kings Harbor Multicare Center, a nursing home in the Bronx that has seen 56 deaths. “The way this has been handled by the state is totally irresponsible, negligent and stupid,” said Elaine Mazzotta, a nurse whose mother died last month of suspected COVID-19 at a Long Island nursing home. “They knew better. They shouldn’t have sent these people into nursing homes.”
When Cuomo faced criticism at a recent briefing, he said that providing masks and gowns to nursing homes is “not our job” because the homes are privately owned. “It was such an insensitive thing to say,” said state Assemblyman Ron Kim, a Queens Democrat who noted that it wasn’t until just this past week that New York and neighboring states announced a plan to combine forces to buy protective gear and medical supplies for nursing homes. “If we had focused on that early on,” he said, “we could have saved a lot of lives.”
One key criticism is that New York took weeks after the first known care home outbreaks to begin publicly reporting the number of deaths in individual homes — and still doesn’t report the number of cases. By the time New York began disclosing the deaths in the middle of last month, the state had several major outbreaks with at least 40 deaths each, most of which were a surprise to the surrounding communities and even some family members. “They should have announced to the public: ‘We have a problem in nursing homes. We’re going to help them, but you need to know where it is,’” said former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey, who now heads the nonprofit Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. “Instead, they took the opposite tack: They hid it.”
Further, there has been a lack of testing in several recent New York outbreaks, including one that killed 98 residents, many of whom died with COVID-19 symptoms without ever being tested. Unlike West Virginia, New York has not mandated testing in its more than 1,150 nursing homes and long-term care facilities. Nor has Cuomo followed the lead of such states as Maryland, Florida, Tennessee and Wisconsin in dispatching National Guard teams to homes to conduct testing, triage and some care.
May 11, 2020 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm #1859612n0mesorahParticipantDear Joseph,
Are you still making light of rhetoric?May 11, 2020 3:46 pm at 3:46 pm #1859624hujuParticipantA recent map showing neighborhoods/zip codes hardest hit in the 5 boros shows Boro Park is hard-hit. The conclusion I jump to is, the virus is anti-semitic.
And I guess the news about coronavirus in the White House is fake news.
May 11, 2020 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm #1859663JosephParticipanthuju:
Does a correct reading of your sarcasm indicate that you believe that the “coincidental” fact that Blue States are by far the hardest hit whereas Red States comparatively have done much better is of no blame or fault towards the Democrat governors of those Blue States; while at the same time as you believe the aforementioned, you also blame President Donald Trump for the extent of the hit the United States overall took?
Momentarily we’ll put aside the fact that nationally (i.e. all fifty states) the United States has done far better per capita than many many other nations, both compared only to Western nations and compared to non-Western nations. And if you take the Blue States out of our national figures then the United States has done miraculously, by comparison. For now we’ll just focus on the previous paragraph.
May 11, 2020 9:24 pm at 9:24 pm #1859732n0mesorahParticipantDear Joseph,
You seem to have mastered the art of being serious and light at once. I thought only the President can make a direct recommendation while being sarcastic.May 11, 2020 10:41 pm at 10:41 pm #1859794JosephParticipantTake a look at the States with the highest per capita death rates from COVID-19 and you’ll immediately notice that nine out of ten States and DC with the worst rates are all run by Democrat governors.
The sole exception is the deep red state of Massachusetts. (That’s a bit of sarcasm for N0M.)
May 12, 2020 10:33 am at 10:33 am #1859874JosephParticipantEven a longtime opinion editor in the ultra-left wing propaganda outlet the New York Times today published much agreeing with what I’ve been saying in this thread:
“…We’re containing the virus, limiting the damage, preventing worst-case scenarios…”
“Our strategy is not the utter disaster, the national embarrassment, that some of my fellow scribes insist on seeing in our numbers. Our per capita death rate remains lower than France, Italy, Spain and Britain. Our slow-to-ramp-up testing regime is now testing at a rate comparable to Germany’s. Our death curve hasn’t bent as fast as the hardest-hit countries, but it is bending, and faster than in Canada…”
“States like Florida and Georgia, maligned by the commentariat, have escaped the predicted catastrophes so far, and the New York experience remains very much an epidemic unto itself. Indeed, you can argue that if Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio had acted just a week earlier, America would look substantially better than its Western European peers…”
“So the United States in the age of the coronavirus is not, in fact, the “failed state” depicted in George Packer’s much-read Atlantic essay and similar polemics…”
May 12, 2020 12:14 pm at 12:14 pm #1859922JosephParticipantThe governors decided on when to issue shelter-at-home orders, close down the state businesses and other instructions to residents, citizens, tourists and businesses in their respective State.
They each had the largest effect on the trajectory of the coronovirus spread of infection in their State.
Those that dallied and delayed, for example Andrew Cuomo who was upset that de Blasio called for shelter at home instructions before His Highness The Governor did do and so the governor delayed calling for sheltering at home, caused the virus to spread unabated longer (as the New York Times opinion writer in today’s paper pointed out regarding Cuomo and de Blasio in the article I excerpted in my previous comment above), resulting in a far higher death rate in their State.
May 13, 2020 7:37 pm at 7:37 pm #1860454Amil ZolaParticipantThis thread is too funny and ignores some salient facts. Blue states contribute more than the red states who are dependent on the govt. redistributing money from the blue to red states. Then there is the matter of Covid relief $$, it seems the Red states are at the federal trough gobbling up more funding than the blue.
May 14, 2020 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm #1860827n0mesorahParticipantThis thread is too much of a mix between rhetoric and sarcasm for the humor/jokes section. If one would right a parody for Democrats, it would be too over the top for the rants section.
May 15, 2020 1:07 pm at 1:07 pm #1860998n0mesorahParticipantHere is a little ditty!
We shut down (City, state, landmark, or shop, in the U. S. A.),
Because, (same) has coronavirus,
We voted for the President,
And, POP! goes (same).May 20, 2020 11:21 pm at 11:21 pm #1862904JosephParticipantIf the Democrat thugs running the New York metropolitan area had begun imposing social-distancing measures even one week earlier than they had in March, many thousands of fewer New Yorkers would have died in the pandemic, according to new estimates from Columbia University disease modelers.
And if the New York metropolitan area had begun locking down cities and limiting social contact on March 1, two weeks earlier than when most people started staying home, a vast majority of the region’s deaths — about 84 percent — would have been avoided, the researchers estimated.
New York, where the virus arrived early and spread quickly, the statewide lockdown on March 22, and the citywide school shutdown on March 15, were too late to avoid a calamity. The Columbia University study modeled what would have happened if those same changes had taken place one or two weeks earlier. And they show that each day that officials waited to impose restrictions in early March came at a very deadly cost.
Link removed
May 21, 2020 5:25 pm at 5:25 pm #1863324JosephParticipantDivided by COVID-19: Democratic U.S. areas hit three times as hard as Republican ones
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – As America’s response to the coronavirus pandemic splits along partisan lines, a Reuters analysis may help explain why: Death rates in Democratic areas are triple those in Republican ones.
By Wednesday, U.S. counties that voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election reported 39 coronavirus deaths per 100,000 residents, according to an analysis of demographic and public health data.
In counties that voted for Republican Donald Trump, 13 of every 100,000 people had died from the virus.
The pattern holds beyond New York, the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak. Democratic counties in 36 of the 50 U.S. states collectively reported higher death rates than Republican counties.In Maryland, where the disease has killed more than 2,000 people, the death rate in the Democratic suburbs of Washington is four times higher than in the conservative counties in the Appalachian panhandle.
May 21, 2020 6:36 pm at 6:36 pm #1863367n0mesorahParticipantDear Joseph,
Is this sarcasm, or making light of rhetoric?Anyways, I took the punchline to mean that, although the virus is a global issue, due to a lack [read none (HA HA isn’t that funny?)] of federal leadership it is left for the Governors to fend for themselves.May 24, 2020 4:15 am at 4:15 am #1863881JosephParticipantCoronavirus (COVID-19) deaths worldwide per one million population as of May 23, 2020, by country
Belgium 806.51
Spain 612.71
United Kingdom 547.35
Italy 539.72
France 420.68
Sweden 385.44
Netherlands 335.91
Ireland 328.01
United States 293.02
Switzerland 223.45May 24, 2020 10:13 am at 10:13 am #1863962n0mesorahParticipantU. S. population is about half the population of Europe. Europe totals about 175,000 deaths. The virus isn’t greener on the other side.
June 26, 2020 9:51 am at 9:51 am #1876944n0mesorahParticipantWho could have guessed that the pandemic would switch party lines just as the president restarts his campaign?
June 26, 2020 11:11 am at 11:11 am #1876967JosephParticipantA. The current uptick affecting certain states are nowhere remotely close to the hospitalization rates and especially to the death rates New York and New Jersey experienced.
It is mostly now affecting younger people who much easily can handle it. Previously it mostly affected older people.
Furthermore, the younger idiots are the ones who for the last few weeks have been gathering in the mass BLM riots/protests, with masses of leftist fools standing on top of each other in close proximity. What did they expect?
B. The current uptick is also affecting deep blue states California and Washington State.
“A” is the more important point.
June 26, 2020 12:34 pm at 12:34 pm #1876985JosephParticipantAnother pertinent point is that a large part of the reason for the current higher reported infection rates are due to much more testing than a few months ago. The infection rates of March and April were much higher than reported. The antibodies tests price this showing ten times as many people have antibodies than ever were counted in the infection rates.
Now that there’s more testing, more positive, including asymptomatic, people are being counted. Not that the rate really went up, necessities, just that more are being counted.
This point is also borne out by the fact that even though there’s a higher count of infection rates, the hospitalization and death rates are nowhere remotely close to denominator is hospitalization/death rates out of infection rare seen in March and April.
June 26, 2020 2:07 pm at 2:07 pm #1877007n0mesorahParticipantDear Joseph,
Whom is a bigger traitor to our president, Mitt Romney, or the Coronavirus?June 26, 2020 2:08 pm at 2:08 pm #1877013n0mesorahParticipant“The infection rates of March and April were much higher than reported.”
How is it mathematically possible to have a higher ‘rate’ than ‘reported’? Rate of tests that were never done? Rate of people exposed? You could politicize science. But when you politicize math, your going to come across as ignorant at some point. Scientific facts are quirky. Empirical facts are not. If you have more people going up without the rate changing much, that would equal a much higher rate. Which should mean hospitalization rate, and refutes your entire argument. But I give up making sense of your post. It belongs with the President’s assertion that the pandemic is nearing it’s end.June 26, 2020 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm #1877026JosephParticipant“How is it mathematically possible to have a higher ‘rate’ than ‘reported’?”
Because most people infected with COVID-19 in March and April were never tested and, as such, never reported as positive despite being positive.
Now that more people are testing, more of the positive cases are reported as positive. And a larger percentage of positive cases are identified now than previously.
June 26, 2020 4:44 pm at 4:44 pm #1877053n0mesorahParticipantDear Joseph,
So the higher rate of before is showing up now?June 26, 2020 4:44 pm at 4:44 pm #1877054n0mesorahParticipantHospitalizations do show up later. The situation in Texas and Arizona is dire. Daven for them.
June 26, 2020 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm #1877055charliehallParticipantAs expected, this didn’t age well. Texas and Florida just closed their bars today. Houston is one day to running out of ICU beds.
June 26, 2020 4:45 pm at 4:45 pm #1877056charliehallParticipantThe US has now passed Iteland and Netherlands.
June 26, 2020 5:28 pm at 5:28 pm #1877070🍫Syag LchochmaParticipant“Houston is one day to running out of ICU beds.”
Interesting. I thought i heard someone from Texas say just yesterday that those reports are wrong.
June 27, 2020 11:16 pm at 11:16 pm #1877195n0mesorahParticipantDear N0,
Let me apologize for another horrible typo. #1877054 Should read hospitalizations do not show up later.June 27, 2020 11:21 pm at 11:21 pm #1877200🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantNom- you seem to repeatedly suggest people are not davening for/concerned about/empathetic toward or concerned with those suffering and lost from the pandemic. I don’t know where your misinformation comes from but you are wrong. Maybe that is true of the people in your circle but it is not true of the general frum velt
June 27, 2020 11:33 pm at 11:33 pm #1877203n0mesorahParticipantDear Syag,
That was not my intention here. My point was that politicization is the wrong reaction. (As well as data spinning.)June 28, 2020 2:00 am at 2:00 am #1877240JosephParticipantCalifornia, Washington State and Houston are all blue areas currently experiencing an uptick.
They all had unchecked mass BLM riots and protests that their Democrat political leaders refused to enforce social distancing requirements or even facemask enforcement at.
They should have immediately disbanded those BLM mass gatherings. Just like they enforced shutdowns of religious gatherings that were much smaller in size than the BLM riots/protests they permitted to continue.
But whereas the Democrat leaders have no use for religious gatherings, so they were quick and trigger happy to forcibly close religious congregations and then refuse to allow them to reopen, when the BLM broke State regulations against gatherings and social distancing suddenly these governors became all accommodating to the tens of thousands of BLM violaters in mass gatherings during the pandemic.
And now they wonder why COVID-19 has spread? Meet the BLM.
June 28, 2020 11:51 am at 11:51 am #1877353hujuParticipantDoes anyone want to start a fund to give Joseph a one-way ticket to Florida or Texas, so he can be safe from coronavirus? (I don’t, because I understand that it would raise his risk of death.)
June 28, 2020 11:58 am at 11:58 am #1877360JosephParticipantHuju: Houston is a blue city.
We can henceforth refer to the current situation as “The BLM COVID-19 Spike”.
June 28, 2020 3:36 pm at 3:36 pm #1877431JosephParticipantNew York, even today, has a higher infection and hospitalization rate than any other state.
Second is New Jersey.
This is both whether you count just numbers or if you look at it per capita.
Either way, New York and New Jersey are still doing the worst in America, with the worst numbers in cases, infections, hospitalizations and deaths.
It’s been that way from March through right this moment. Even given the current spike in other states, New York and New Jersey are still doing worse than them all.
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