Bli Neder no music until all hostages are free

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    My Thoughts After 450 Days without Music

    How can I enjoy music when more than 800 of our soldiers
    – the very best of our people – have been killed?
    With more being killed every week?

    How can I enjoy music when our Orthodox Rabbis and Poskim
    are literally crying because they received Halachic questions
    from our precious soldiers, who no longer know to put on tefillin,
    because they lost their right hand or because they lost their left hand?

    How can I enjoy music when our people, including innocent children,
    live in more fear than they know how to cope with?

    How can I enjoy music when our people, who live in our Holy Land,
    are moving to the Diaspora, because they sincerely feel that they
    (and their innocent children) can no longer cope with life in Holy Land?


    I started to force myself to listen to the drivel that passes for Jewish music these days because of the hostages, once they are free i will stop listening to this awful garbage


    My Thoughts After 500 Days without Music

    After 500 days without music. my memories of
    the music that I used to listen to are fading.

    Recently, I was considering to listening to music again,
    but recent tragedies, such as the brutal satanic
    murder of a mother and her 4-year-old child
    and her one-year-old child, pushed that idea away.

    The severe troubles of our brothers and sisters
    in our Holy Land are far from over,
    so my no-music lifestyle continues.

    Hundreds of our best young men —
    (and the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces
    ARE certainly among our best young men,
    whether you admit it, or not) — have been
    killed long before they could get white hairs,
    and their innocent wives and children
    have become widows and orphans.

    What troubles me the most are the thousands
    of soldiers with permanent injuries and disabilities.

    These men have made devastating sacrifices
    to protect our people and our land, and the
    Chareidim just call them “idol worshippers”.

    This displays a super-massive lack of gratitude,
    that would make the Gentiles shocked and
    astonished and flabbergasted, if they knew about it.

    It is very fortunate that the Gentiles to not know
    about the super-massive lack of gratitude that
    the Chareidim have towards the Jewish soldiers,
    because if they knew, it would be a gigantic
    Chillul HaShem that would outweigh *** ALL ***
    of the good deeds done by the Chareidim.


    My local Orthodox synagogue has been reciting AVINU MALKEINU
    every day, since the Muslim Jihadists committed their genocidal
    rape-massacre against Jewish children and babies on 2025 October 7.

    This is more than 500 days of AVINU MALKEINU.

    Does anyone else attend a local Orthodox synagogue that
    has recited AVINU MALKEINU every day, since 2025 October 7?

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