- This topic has 187 replies, 32 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by YW Moderator-42.
January 30, 2013 2:22 pm at 2:22 pm #927692gavra_at_workParticipant
GAW – I’m upset at Ben Levi’s defense of certain people above. There is no defense to make those decisions without the backing of one of the main Bais Dins here!
There is no defense. The REAL “Rosh Yeshiva” of Lakewood Inc., Rav Aaron Kotler Shlita, in on record saying that he was mechuyav to back Corzine for his past support (AKA GELT). His brother then had to go to Rav Shteinman to get an “Ishur”, which we have to assume was given without all of the facts on the table (as it was retracted soon after).
None of this is in dispute, no matter what posters have to say on the matter.
January 30, 2013 3:12 pm at 3:12 pm #927693benignumanParticipantHealth,
I wrote that it is nearly absurd to think that the kesuba without a maaseh is worse than than the maaseh itself, because JayMatt19 implied that he wasn’t sure.
But on my comment: “It would take a very clear statement from Chazal for me to believe that writing a non-binding, useless kesuba on a same gender union is worse than the maaseh aveira itself.” You responed: “Chazal in the Medrash did just that, but you seem to be in some sort of denial.”
So apparently my statement was required for you as well.
Finally, forgive me for being skeptical of citation to an anonymous poster on a different thread who quoted an unsourced Midrash. Compounding my skepticism is that Rav Huna is the generation before Rav Yosef and if anything the latter was a talmud of the former. See Eiruvin 2a (“Rav Yosef was sitting before Rav Huna”). Maybe it is a different Rav Huna or a different Rav Yosef.
January 30, 2013 3:28 pm at 3:28 pm #927694Rav Kotler never supported Corzine. That is an absolute undisputed fact. In fact, as a charitable institution BMG is legally unable to support a candidate. And, personally, Rav Kotler supported Christie.
benig: Dave Hirsch is not anonymous. He has contributed articles to the main site of YWN with his contact info. Search the archives.
FOR THE RECORD: (Your dead wrong):
After Corzine Loss, Aron Kotler Tries Mending Fences In Trenton
January 30, 2013 3:34 pm at 3:34 pm #927695HaKatanParticipantJayMatt, this is getting a little tedious.
It seems we are agreeing that there are times when protesting is the correct approach.
As for Lot:
Lot would have been destroyed in sedom even though he was not a rasha like his neighbors. Kivan sheNitan and Oy laRasha seem to both apply: Lot did not have his own zechuyos and would not have been saved. This is one reason he was not allowed to look back at those who were being destroyed. However, the Torah states that Hashem “remembered Avraham” and therefore saved Lot. But that was exceptional and if not for that then he would have been destroyed along with the evil people of sedom even though he was very much not like them.
Back to your original post, I think the end of it was a nice thought: that we all have what to work on and should heed that message Hashem sent with Sandy.
But the rest of your post, where you imply that this is the extent of the message, is ignoring Chazal and modern Rabbanim, and this is wrong. There is a time to protest (and “Gay marriage” might have been one of those times) and Hashem does care about the world and acts as He does, as rebdoniel wrote soon after your OP.
January 30, 2013 3:56 pm at 3:56 pm #927696gavra_at_workParticipantMods, thanks for the support. Argumentum ad nauseam is a standard Joe tactic (and one of the reasons why he is unable to have a civilized discussion).
January 30, 2013 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm #927697JayMatt19ParticipantAt this point in the discussion, I’m just viewing the Torah parts and trying to debate them as I would in yeshiva. I enjoy this, as I’ve looked up all the sources here and thank you all for giving me where to look and what to learn.
If this is too tedious for you, I’ll stop
1. Lot was a rasha at the time, with a zechus. His zechus was keeping quiet in mitzrayim about Sarah. R’ Dessler asks why this was the zechus which saved him, and not his hachnasas orchim in sdom, which nearly got him killed by the natives.
2. Lot in no way can be a proof. He was a Goy! He never fully joined Avraham, and, in fact, his descendants, in part, were forbidden to become gerim
I have, in no way, ignored chazal. Still waiting to see that a yid gets punished for a goy’s actions.
And if that is the case, still awaiting proof that our role as Frum yidden is to try to protest and educate the goy. If anything, I’d think such actions of the goyim should awaken us to do more mitzvos, work on our avodas Hashem, as we might need many more zechusim than usual
January 30, 2013 5:08 pm at 5:08 pm #927698benignumanParticipantTLKY,
I stand corrected on Dave Hirsch. He is not anonymous, but I still can’t find the Midrash he cited. Maybe I will send him an email asking for the source.
I don’t know if the “you’re dead wrong” links are referring to me or not. I never discussed voting. I have no problem with only voting for candidates that don’t support these “marriages.” My issue is only with public protests.
We are talking about protests to protect goyim’s ruchnius, not physically intervening to protect people who are in danger.
January 30, 2013 6:33 pm at 6:33 pm #927699HealthParticipantGAW -“There is no defense.”
Yes, this was point!
“The REAL “Rosh Yeshiva” of Lakewood Inc., Rav Aaron Kotler Shlita,”
Oh, he isn’t the only one – there’s a whole group of them.
But, I won’t name names.
January 30, 2013 6:52 pm at 6:52 pm #927700HealthParticipantJM -“I have, in no way, ignored chazal. Still waiting to see that a yid gets punished for a goy’s actions.”
While off-hand, I don’t think that anyone would be punished for s/o else’s actions -that isn’t the case over here. Over here we were talking about being punished for Not protesting -ie keeping quiet. This I have a Rayah from Iyuv. He was punished for keeping quiet about Pharoh’s idea about enslaving the Jews. Kal V’chomer a Jew would be punished for this.
“And if that is the case, still awaiting proof that our role as Frum yidden is to try to protest and educate the goy. If anything, I’d think such actions of the goyim should awaken us to do more mitzvos, work on our avodas Hashem, as we might need many more zechusim than usual”
IMHO, your statement is too general to say one way or another. It would depend on what they were doing.
But even if talking in general -the Lubavitch Rebbe zt’l held you should. He started this 7 Mitzvos project to do just that.
January 31, 2013 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm #927701HaKatanParticipantbenignuman, that was the point of a bunch of posts above: this is not just “goyim’s ruchnius” but everyone’s gashmius.
As Health (and others?) noted, their policies affect everyone, and it’s also not a good thing for us if the society in which we live is so immoral that it’s already crossed beyond the point of one of the few zechuyos the umos have, of not writing a kesuba bein ish liIsh.
January 31, 2013 5:36 pm at 5:36 pm #927702HaKatanParticipantJayMatt, it’s nice to debate, but when you make definitive statements then that’s beyond debating in Yeshiva. But I wouldn’t want to tell anyone what to do.
1. There a variety of shitos in the mefarshim about Lot, but, as I wrote, the Torah is pretty clear that it was due to Avraham that Lot was saved and it is at least as clear that Lot was not a Sodomite other than place of residence. Thus, the fact that he required intervention to be saved is a clear indication that, very simply speaking, one shouldn’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as discussed above.
2. I don’t agree with your implications here. It happens that some of his descendants were forbidden to join, but that was only because of what they did (“al divar asher lo kidmu eschem…”).
But another of his descendants is the most famous convert in Jewish History and the matriarch of Dovid HaMelech and ultimately Melech HaMashiach, may Hashem send him soon to redeem us all BB”A.
In fact, I’ve heard that the reason Lot’s daughter named her son Moav is liSheim Shamayim: so that nobody should claim instead that her son was born in a “virgin birth” and therefore be michalel shem shamayim, etc. as happened with a different child some centuries later when some people made this exact claim (which was actually a common pagan belief) about a certain boy in Natzeres.
January 31, 2013 10:06 pm at 10:06 pm #927703JayMatt19ParticipantYou are still trying to bring a proof from Lot, you can’t.
I’m asking for a proof that a YID can get punished for the actions of a goy, and you show me that Lot (a goy) needed special protection to be saved due to the actions of a different type of Goy.
I’m not saying that a goy who is anti-toeva can’t be punished along with a group of goyim who are pro-toeva. I agree, he can.
I’m not saying a Muslim can’t be punished along with a group of Antiests, he sure can.
I’m asking for a proof that a Yid can be punished due to the actions of a goy.
Shabbos Lamed Gimmel Amud Beis
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Why did R’ Shimon need to answer why the babies suffer? Say teva “Well, mom and dad have it, so obviously the baby gets it”, Why not Oy L’Rasha or kivan…?
These answers weren’t good enough for R’ Shimon, and he had to have a reason why each man, woman and child independently sinned and thus were punished
January 31, 2013 10:23 pm at 10:23 pm #927704February 1, 2013 12:27 am at 12:27 am #927705HaKatanParticipantJayMatt:
This gemara you quoted has nothing to do with any of this.
Again, you’re taking Kivan sheNitan to an illogical extreme and, in doing so, attempting to “prove” that this chazal can’t be true, CH”V. Oy laRasha and kivan sheNitan do not mean that every time anything happens to anyone that others/many others are also necessarily impacted.
However, if an entire city/cities or significant portion thereof is impacted, then at least one of these precepts apply. So, again, Storm Sandy which caused massive destruction would be a very likely candidate for the above rabbinic precepts.
You’re welcome and Baruch Tihye re: your last post. I wish I remember the source for that pshat, and there’s more to that story, too.
February 1, 2013 5:33 am at 5:33 am #927706JayMatt19ParticipantYou can call it a chazal all you want. Health backtracked and said it was a Malbim, and only according to one shitta in the gemarra. If you have different evidence that it is a chazal do share it.
February 1, 2013 6:25 am at 6:25 am #927707Daniel RosenMemberWhat are people talking about political opinions regarding toeva?
That’s like saying political opinions regarding murder. There are no valid opinions saying toeva should be tolerated by klal yisroel or umos haolam. Read Derech Hashem if you want to know about individual providence vs communal providence.
February 1, 2013 6:30 am at 6:30 am #927708HaKatanParticipantI already did share it.
I quoted the Lekach Tov earlier, and here is the quote from that post:
“If you look at the Lekach Tov, by “Pen Tisafu bichal chatosam” in Korach 16:26, he says explicitly that even those who did not sin had to separate themselves because “Kivan shenitan rishus…””
February 1, 2013 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm #927709JayMatt19ParticipantThe silence of klal Yisroel was its own independent aveira. Klal Yisroel basically said “we’ll be neutral and pick a side after we see who wins”
They were punished for not defending Moshe, and therefore by definition Hashem.
And the lekach tov isn’t chazal either, I’ll try to have a peek on shabbos to see it for myself
Have a great shabbos
February 3, 2013 4:25 am at 4:25 am #927710HaKatanParticipantJayMatt:
The Lekach Tov explicitly states they did not sin. I am inclined to believe the Lekach Tov, not your assertion to the contrary (though there may have been SOME in Klal Yisrael who did adopt the position you mentioned, according to other mefarshim).
Again, as I posted a while ago and again on Friday, he says they DID NOT sin. That means there was no aveira. Yet, he says, Kivan sheNitan DID apply.
February 3, 2013 6:07 am at 6:07 am #927711JayMatt19ParticipantSorry, was not able to look it up yet, hope to over the next few days.
But even if he says as you’ve quoted, that would prove yidden get caught in the punishment of other yidden.
The request has always been a proof that yidden can get “caught in the net” of a punishment for the goyim
Seems like the lekach tov is not a proof, based upon what you are quoting
February 3, 2013 11:58 am at 11:58 am #927712HaKatanParticipantThe source of this chazal seems to be Bava Kamma 60a, which talks about Mitzrayim and Makas Bichoros, and that was non-Jew to Jew.
So now we have mikoros for both Jew to Jew AND Non-Jew to Jew.
Yet you stated rhetorically in your OP “Why should yidden lose so much during hurricanes Sandy and Irene?” and continue to defend that despite “Kivan SheNitan”.
Are you now going to say they were not yet technically Jews in Mitzrayim so they count as non-Jews, instead? “Kivan sheNitan” actually means, according to the gemara, that the tzaddikim are affected first. So this means that non-Jewish Tzaddikim are affected first? Not likely…
Even if that were so, we would still have mikoros for both Jew to Jew AND Non-Jew to Non-Jew.
But, regardless, why would there be any difference?
I think the burden of proof is on you to show that this Chazal is not a plausible source for Sandy’s destruction, unlike your OP.
February 3, 2013 4:20 pm at 4:20 pm #927713JayMatt19Participant1. That gemarra is the one that Health was referring to when he said “It isn’t so pashut” http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/blaming-the-same-gender-unions-a-personal-rant/page/3#post-435118
So that has already been answered.
2. The Iyun Yaakiv there says that the tzaddikim aren’t punished for the same REASON as the reshaim, just at the same time. The tzaddikim have some minor flaw for which it is considered a chessed for them to be punished in this world, in order to be considered clean in the next world. This punishment is at the same time.
3. In regards to my opening post, even if you apply Kivan (which isn’t as simple as you make it), why justify a disaster with a non-applicable reason, limiting the mussar, when one can try to look in the mirror and improve themselves? (Which is what this initial topic was all about)
February 3, 2013 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm #927714HealthParticipantJM -“@Hakatan
1. That gemarra is the one that Health was referring to when he said “It isn’t so pashut”
So that has already been answered.”
First of all, there is no Machlokes in the Gemorah in BK -so obviously Chazal held the Maskana is “Kivan SheNitan”.
Second of all, if you are going to learn like the Malbim that R’ Yonasun holds of “Mavchin” then you have to hold of what the Malbim says before. On page 200 (#49), the Malbim says in this paragraph about the Machlokes R’ Yonasun & R’ Yoshea at the end -“And it’s explained -that this miracle will only occur now during the destruction of Egypt, not after this time.”
So even acc. to R’ Yonasun this was a one time deal and forever on we just apply the rule of “Kivan SheNitan”. This is Pashut Pshat in the Malbim.
The Pashtus of all the Gemorahs and Midrashim, esp. because they brought two Pisukim from Nach, is that this Din of
“Kivan SheNitan” was always a rule. The question was if this rule was applied during Macos Bechoros or not.
“2. The Iyun Yaakiv there says that the tzaddikim aren’t punished for the same REASON as the reshaim, just at the same time. The tzaddikim have some minor flaw for which it is considered a chessed for them to be punished in this world, in order to be considered clean in the next world. This punishment is at the same time.”
Ok, so what? It’s Not a coincidence that the Tzaddikim are getting punished now -it’s because of “Kivan SheNitan”. You’d only have a proof if there is anyone alive nowadays that has never sinned -then you can say it’s not possible to apply “Kivan SheNitan” over here by the storm acc. to the Ayin Yaacov.
“3. In regards to my opening post, even if you apply Kivan (which isn’t as simple as you make it), why justify a disaster with a non-applicable reason, limiting the mussar, when one can try to look in the mirror and improve themselves? (Which is what this initial topic was all about)”
It looked the most applicable because it occured pretty much in the same time frame as when they passed this Toeiva law. Again your insinuation that anyone ever meant this is the only reason is absurd. They mentioned this reason because of the proximity of passing of the law, but of course e/o should work on every Chessoron that they have. Noone is pointing to Toeiva and saying that’s it, nothing more to work on!
February 3, 2013 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm #927715JayMatt19ParticipantI quoted the iyun yaakov to state a point. Even if a tragedy was due to same gender marriage, it doesn’t mean that the yidden who suffered during the tragedy did so for the same reason the goy suffered.
In the same way that the tzaddik got his punishment for his reason and the rasha got the same punishment for a different reason, one can easily say that the goy and yid got identical punishments for different reasons.
Kevan shenitan, that means that once punishment is given out it can keep getting given out, does not mean for the same reason.
And, unfortunately,i need to disagree with you health, the people i see blaming the same gender unions are not using sandy to try and better themselves, theyve pointed their finger and havent changed themselves one bit. Perhaps you are luckier than I and do not know the type of people whom i know. If so ashreicha.
February 3, 2013 9:33 pm at 9:33 pm #927716HaKatanParticipantJM:
Although Health addressed all three points already, I just want to address your point #3.
The bottom line is that Chazal told us “Kivan sheNitan…” and, as Health said, it seems most applicable to Sandy. So your OP denying that, and especially your persistent denials of this Chazal, as well-intentioned as you may be in trying to not “limit the mussar”, is offensive and incorrect due to your invalidating a Chazal, CH”V.
As Health said, and this is what bothered me most about your OP, is that you can’t decide to ignore a Chazal just because you want to “learn mussar” from something. The mussar is de facto limited if the destruction was due to other factors, despite your emotional wishes to the contrary.
One can still look to improve themselves, regardless of the particular reason for Sandy. But one can’t deny a ChaZa”L, CH”V, even to not “limit the mussar”.
February 3, 2013 9:48 pm at 9:48 pm #927717JayMatt19ParticipantI have not ignored chazal. I’m explaining the words Kievan shenitan in accordance with an opinion of the gemarra. I’ve looked at the gemarra and there are numerous opinions on it. Few if any say that it means that people get “caught in the net” of the punishment of others.
Some, like the iyun yaakov I have quoted, interpret this as meaning that it is an “eis” of din, and that anyone can be caught in it, should they have what deserves din.
You are saying that kosher people can get punished due to the transgressions of others, and goyish transgressions can cause yidden to be punished for the goyim’s aveiros.
The interpretation I’m applying says that the “reshaim” can cause an “eis” of din to come down, and that means that everyone gets judged at that time based upon their own behaviors.
To summarize, there is a concept of Kievan shenetan, what does it mean and how does it apply?
It is a major machlokes in the rishonim and achronim, and I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg.
Thanks for providing me with the maarei makom. I’ve looked at it, enjoyed seeing the discussion and will attempt to look at it again when time allows
February 4, 2013 2:56 am at 2:56 am #927718HaKatanParticipantJayMatt:
(This is not relevant to your OP, but I did not say that Jews could be CH”V punished, without cause, though the Lekach Tov did seem to indicate this when he seemed to imply that tzaddikim would have been swallowed up in the ground had they not separated from Korach’s midst because of kivan sheNitan.)
Again, you insisted all along that Kivan sheNitan did not apply to Sandy.
But even according to your interpretation, Kivan sheNitan does, indeed, apply to Sandy, unlike your OP which was concerned with other matters and unlike all your following posts, up until this most recent one, in which you refused to consider this fact. I suppose your most recent post is as close to a retraction as can be expected.
You’re welcome, and all the best.
February 4, 2013 5:28 am at 5:28 am #927719JayMatt19ParticipantI said about a yid getting not getting punished for the actions of a goy. You’ve been the one saying that it was kivan shenitan and that he can.
I didn’t backtrack, I still dont believe in it, I agree with you that there is a concept of kivan shenetan, I disagree with your application. It does not necessarily mean that yid can be punished cause of the goy’s actions.
Looking in the lekach tov, but I dont see what you are talking about. The piece on the Passuk you are talking about talks about machlokes and how being silent avoids machlokes.
Are you sure you gave the correct citation?
February 5, 2013 5:41 am at 5:41 am #927720HaKatanParticipantJayMatt:
Let’s get some facts out before we continue to get nowhere fast.
1. NY Non-Jews have recently made enormous strides in “normalizing” and legislating mishkav zachar marriage.
2. Sandy hit NY hard.
3. Sandy hit NY Jews hard.
I don’t know why you can’t find it, but there are 2 Lekach Tov pieces of interest here.
The Lekach Tov in Korach on 16:26 says on “Suru na…” Oy laRasha viOy LiShicheino. And on the same passuk in “Pen Tisafu…” he says “why even though they did not sin…miKan sheNitna Rishus LaMashchis liChabeil”.
So you can’t disagree with the application without disagreeing with Chazal. Whether or not anyone else affected had his own aveiros, though the lekach tov does not discuss it, is anyways irrelevant. Whatever the reason for this chazal may be, the bottom line is that once he has permission to go then he can also strike others, CH”V and therefore your OP and further denials to this effect are incorrect and against Chazal. I was hoping you would retract at least that…
February 5, 2013 2:42 pm at 2:42 pm #927721JayMatt19ParticipantFirst of all correlation does not imply causation.
Second of all one can take statement of chazal and try to understand what it means, when and how it applies. That in no way is a rejection of chazal
Finally, you already misquoted the gemarra in chullun twice, so don’t be so angry that I’d like to see the lekach tov myself vs taking your word for it
February 5, 2013 6:24 pm at 6:24 pm #927722JayMatt19ParticipantI found a lekach tov, but for some reason it had nothing on ??? ?”?. Considering the size of the sefer I’m led to believe this is some type of printers error in this edition.
Once I was looking, I decided to look at other perushim.
The emek davar says something interesting on this passuk
????? ??? ?? ????. ??”? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????, ??? ???? ?? ???? ????. ???? ??? ????, ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?’, ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ????, ?????? ????? ??? ?????, ????? ??? ??? ???. ????
Like previously stated in 14:35 by the ???? ???
So you see he learns just like the iyun yaakov. Not like what you are saying that people get punished for the transgressions of others, rather once there is ??? being handed out, anyone can get the ??? but each will get it for their own averos, not due to the averos of others
February 5, 2013 8:00 pm at 8:00 pm #927723HaKatanParticipantWhile correlation does not explicitly denote causation, it certainly can imply causation. In your OP, and afterwards, which is the subject of this thread, you refused to consider the above possibility, and still do.
(I did not *quote* the gemara but rather referred to it and an adam gadol’s interpretation of it, and, in doing so, inadvertently omitted part of it due to having not looked at it inside. Again, I regret that error. But I *quoted* the Lekach Tov for you with exact perek, pasuk and dibur haMaschil. Twice.)
I’m not angry, but I do wish I weren’t wasting my time. What you could have said was that you haven’t seen it but if it is as I am quoting then whatever position you would take…rather than saying you couldn’t find it and simply stonewalling.
So what it comes down to is that you’ve already decided what you hold and nothing anyone tells you will change that.
February 5, 2013 8:14 pm at 8:14 pm #927724anon1m0usParticipantThe problem with this Shtus argument equating Hurricane Sandy= Gay Marriage is your disgracing the torah.
Minnesota was the first state to allow Gay Marriage in the 70’s, and I didn’t see anything happen to it? Massachusetts who was the most recent state to legalize gay marriage did not get the full brunt of the storm.
Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, etc all allow same sex marriages (since the 1980’s!), and again, don’t see anything happening to them!
So you all can quote chazal, medroshim and all of the sources, but all you are doing is providing a forum where people can start questioning hashem and how fickle chazal is since no other state or country was badly damaged.
Leave the reasons to god and just give Tzedaka to people who were affected!
Oh, by the way, the first Jews were at Matttan Torah, so the argument that Medos Hadin can impact Jews when there is din by goyim is not accurate.
February 5, 2013 10:00 pm at 10:00 pm #927725JayMatt19ParticipantI’m not angry, but I do wish I weren’t wasting my time. What you could have said was that you haven’t seen it but if it is as I am quoting then whatever position you would take…rather than saying you couldn’t find it and simply stonewalling.
1st of all, I was looking in the yalkut lekach tov last week
today I picked up a lekach tov, but there was nothing in it for Korach until Perek YUD CHES. I’d take a pic for you to prove it but I know such a thing would not be put in the CR
I am not stonewalling. I have been enjoying this thread, Thanks for getting me to open a chullun and learn it inside, Bava Kama with meforshim, and other perushim. And I hope I get to see the Lekach Tov soon. The point for me is not who is right, I look forward to seeing the lekach tov inside and hope I can find a lekach tov with Perek TES ZAYIN in Korach quite soon.
I don’t understand why you sink to such a low and accuse me of disagreeing with chazal. I’m disagreeing with you. You are not Chazal, and you’ve yet to show that Chazal learn Kivan SheNitan the way that you do. If the lekach tov learns it the way that you do, namely that non sinners can get harmed solely due to the sinners (IF, cause I haven’t yet seen it inside) There are others who I’ve quoted who learn it differently. Go find the kever of the Emek Daver and accuse him of rejecting Chazal.
2- Even if we go based upon the lekach tov and how you understand it, that would be Yidden being punished for Yidden, it is YOUR PSHAT that it can be learned from there that goyim can cause yidden to be punished due to Kivan SheNitan (Not the Lekach tov, Not Chazal, Not Gemarra in Bava Kama, YOU!!)
You conveniently ignored the emek daver in my previous post? Why?
Oh, and the Lekach Tov, R’ Moshe Najara, is an acharon, not a rishon, not an amora, not a tanna, and certainly not chazal. He has every right to his interpretation of Kivan She’Nitan. As does the Iyun Yaakov, the Emek Daver etc.
So what it comes down to is that you’ve already decided what you hold and nothing anyone tells you will change that.
I’ve looked everything up in order to understand it. Kivan SheNitan is a HUGE sugya with many varying opinions and applications. It can be a topic in its own right. But your pshat I havent seen yet outside of the CR
and I agree,
So what it comes down to is that you’ve already decided what you hold and nothing anyone tells you will change that
Right Principle, Wrong Application
February 6, 2013 4:17 pm at 4:17 pm #927726HealthParticipantanon1m0us -“The problem with this Shtus argument equating Hurricane Sandy= Gay Marriage is your disgracing the torah.”
The only thing disgracing the Torah is your post!
“Minnesota was the first state to allow Gay Marriage in the 70’s, and I didn’t see anything happen to it? Massachusetts who was the most recent state to legalize gay marriage did not get the full brunt of the storm.
Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, etc all allow same sex marriages (since the 1980’s!), and again, don’t see anything happening to them!
So you all can quote chazal, medroshim and all of the sources, but all you are doing is providing a forum where people can start questioning hashem and how fickle chazal is since no other state or country was badly damaged.”
Your post has zero logic. Since when does Hashem punish the second s/o does an Aveira? Maybe a State as big as NY has more of an effect on humans – than all these other little States and countries that have this law? So maybe NY’s law is a bigger Potch in Ponim – necessating punishment?
“Leave the reasons to god and just give Tzedaka to people who were affected!”
This negates the whole Torah and makes it into a storybook. The Torah is full of Stories of Hashem destroying the wicked. Why? Why does he tell us the reasons?
Let Hashem say don’t worry about anything -just give charity.
“Oh, by the way, the first Jews were at Matttan Torah, so the argument that Medos Hadin can impact Jews when there is din by goyim is not accurate.”
What you don’t understand is this “Mavchin Bein Tzaddik L’rosha” is the rule. It doesn’t make a difference which nation(s) the Tzaddik belongs to or the Rosha. Don’t read into the Chazal something that it doesn’t say!
February 7, 2013 5:45 am at 5:45 am #927727HaKatanParticipantJM:
I did not ignore your quotes. And yes, it’s Korach perek Tes Zayin pasuk Chaf Vav, on those words I quoted above, both oy laRasha and kivan sheNitan. I could not find it online for you, though I tried.
Unless you maintain that every single Jewish victim of Sandy is on the level of Amram and others who never ever sinned, there is nothing you have brought that indicate Kivan sheNitan cannot apply to Sandy. On the other hand, there is plenty out there to indicate that kivan sheNitan does apply to Sandy because of kevan sheNitan.
But, again, as I already stated, it doesn’t matter what the reason is but rather that kivan sheNitan is a real (if, obviously, limited) undeniable phenoemenon as Chazal in BK wrote and as expounded by others afterwards (very obviously not including myself as part of Chazal as you mentioned).
So even according to the Emek Davar you quoted, Kivan sheNitan can still apply to Sandy. And even if you also want to say it can only be Jew-to-Jew, which is your own assertion, there were, unfortunately, Jews who helped pass this abominable law. So this (part of the) destruction could have possibly been characterized as Jew-to-Jew, too.
The bottom line is that Chazal gave us a yesod and instead of trying to make it inapplicable because you want to learn mussar from it, perhaps consider that it certainly could be applicable to Toeva and Sandy even with all your quotes.
February 7, 2013 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm #927728anon1m0usParticipantHealth: “Don’t read into the Chazal something that it doesn’t say!”
By the way, g-d is bringing this massive snow storm tonight and tomorrow where where the Capital of NY will be hit with up to 2 feet of snow bringing the whole area to a stand still because of the way you spoke to me! Bain Adam Lechavaro is VERY important to Hashem. The Dor Hamabil was destroyed because of that. Now look what you have done! How many innocent people won’t be able to go to work and lose millions of dollars that could have gone to Tzedaka and helping yungerman learn in kollel.
February 7, 2013 9:01 pm at 9:01 pm #927731YW Moderator-42ModeratorFrom jaymatt19:
Until the last part of your piece it sounded like we were in agreement
Let me summarize. Kivan She’nitan is a concept in chazal. It exists, one can’t deny it.
But what do those words mean?
You say that Kivan She’nitan means that innocent people can be punished because of guilty people. So, for example, people not with korach would get punished solely due to korach. You say this based upon a lekach tov in parshas korach.
I say that it means that once the rishoim bring forth a tragedy, anyone can suffer, but each person suffers due to their own transgressions. So, in this example. Korach brought forth the din, and moshe warned others something to the effect of: “make sure you don’t have stolen property. If you do, you might get killed since din is coming. Normally this isn’t a reason to be killed, but Kievan shenitan so beware!” (property only used as an example, all aveiros are equal here). This is based upon the iyun yaakov and the emek davar.
So, both of us hold Kievan shenitan, the question is what it means and how it works.
For argument sake, let’s try to apply this to the hurricane.
IF the hurricane happened due the actions of the goyim and that might be a stretch
1. Does kivan shenitan apply when the goyim are the cause?
2. Let’s say that it does apply when the goyim are the cause, does that mean that yidden suffered because of the goyim or does it mean that the goyim created an eis of din, and yidden who had averios, whether big or small, suffered because of their own aveiros?
So now, post facto, let’s try to take the mussar from the storm
We can choose to see that yidden suffered because of the aveiros of yidden. And do a cheshbon hanefesh as to what hashem is trying to tell us to do better.
We can decide to only see Kievan shenitan through the way that you quote the lekach tov, expand it to include cases where the goyim bring down the din, blame others and not see anyway to improve ourselves.
Can one legitimately see things this second way? Possibly
But it also sounds like it may be a ??? ????? to think that way
Also, should one choose to view things in a way which shifts the blame away from themselves when one can just as easily try to take a message and improve?
It has been a pleasure discussing this with you over the past week or 2. Thanks for introducing me to Kievan she’neitan.
Hatzlacha in all that you do
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