It depends on the model of the blackberry, most of them are better for phone calls and emails than the iPhone. The iPhone is much better for internet access and apps. The worst part of the iPhone is that it’s limited to AT&T.
I don’t know if it’s AT&T or just the combination of AT&T and the iPhone but there are times where you dial a number and the call fails over and over, even though you’re in an area with good coverage. Overall it’s acceptable but just barely.
Since I got an internet-capable phone I am never off duty except for Shabat and Yom Tov when I turn it off. If there is any way you can keep your job while not having 24/6 access to email, do it.
I learn on it Gemara all the time on italmud it has the tzuras hadaf so clear all u do is just zoom in. No, I’m not listening to music now because I didn’t get a chance to put music on this iPod yet.
What a coincidence that both of us are on our iPods blogging!!!