I am already now concerned that 2033 could turn out to be a bad year Chas veSholom, since we shan’t have protection of Tekias Shofar min haToroh that year, since R’H shall be on a Shabbos during 2033. To add to the fear, I suspect some neo Nazis will then be celebrating 1 century since the rise of Hitler Yemach Shemo vZichrono to power during 1933.
but as golfer said so eloquently, unless your child was born in 2015, she aint graduating in 2033. If she was born in 2014 she will probably graduate in 2032.
I dont kw but all i kw is that i need help finding out about it and how to apply for it? mods please put under my name that i need help looking for a good sem for me:) thanks:)