Bikur Cholim Room – Lenox Hill Hospital

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  • #591803

    Gut Voch everybody! Would anybody happen to know if there is a Bikur Cholim room in Lenox Hill Hospital?


    The following was cut-and-pasted from Lenox Hill’s website, URL

    Members of the Lenox Hill Bikur Cholim, Inc. ensure that the religious needs of Orthodox Jewish patients are met. Provision is made for refrigerators, kosher foods, and for nearby accommodations with kosher kitchens for relatives of hospitalized patients.

    For assistance with any spiritual matter, call the Pastoral Care and Education Department at (212) 434-2545.

    also the following (from a .pdf):

    Members of the Lenox Hill Bikur Cholim, Inc. (LHBC) comfort Orthodox Jewish patients, ensuring that their religious needs are met. The LHBC also provides refrigerators for keeping Kosher foods and offers free accommodations in nearby apartments with kosher kitchens for relatives who wish to spend Sabbath and other holidays near their hospitalized loved ones. To reach the LHBC, call 212-744-4748.

    A Google search for “Bikur Cholim room in Lenox Hill Hospital” (sans quotes) brought up the URL.

    Refua shelaima.

    d a

    I can only try, if you use blockquote when pasting something from another source, it make it clear what is coming from where.

    Just a tip. I mean a helpful suggestion.


    d a-

    ?"I can only try, if you use blockquote when?
    ?pasting something from another source, it ?
    ?make it clear what is coming from where. ?
    ?Just a tip. I mean a helpful suggestion." ?



    Yes, there is one. I think it is on the 4th floor.


    There definitly is, but I’m not sure which floor. Not only is it well stocked, it is very airy nad has a pleasant deck to sit on, if its not too hot.

    And as far as hospitals go, if you need to be in one, Lenox Hill is among the best. My father was there twice and the staff’s attitude is top rate (which does wonders for the recovery process).

    Refuah Shleima! (or, Mazel Tov,if you’re there for something positive)


    I had an absolutely horrible experience at Lenox Hill last year. It probably would have been at least a little better if I had contacted the “Staff Rabbi” beforehand so he knew I was coming, (you should do this even if just for an outpatient procedure), because you cannot tell I am a frum Jew from my legal name on a patient list.

    I had an outpatient procedure done, and was supposed to have been released that afternoon, but there were complications and I had to stay overnight. I asked to see the rabbi, and the nurse sneered, “she wants to see a rabbi!” and walked out. My husband had taken my cell phone home (so it wouldn’t be stolen) and the phone in the room didn’t work. Their response was to shrug. I begged for some Tylenol or Motrin because the narcotics they were pushing weren’t helping the pain, they were only making me groggy. “Well, I’d have to go to the pharmacy for that.” Would you, please??? It was the longest night ever…


    yes its on the 4th fl across from the elevators. the combination to the lock is on the door n hebrew. its a life saver! but i hope you dont need to use it and get to go home quickly


    Lenox Hill has a chesed room, located on the 4th floor and is fully stocked with drinks, sandwiches, cakes, coffee…a real haven in the discomfort of a hospital. The chesed room is provided by Chesed of New Square and they also provide hot meals for patient. They have a 24 hr hotline 845-354-2627.

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