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- This topic has 35 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 5 months ago by Lost1970.
June 13, 2012 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm #603773TheGoqParticipant
I’ll start with my best there was a kid in our class ill call him shmuel who bullied me terribly made fun of me played jokes at my expense, one time he found out that i couldnt stand the sound of styrofoam tearing so he would follow me around with cups and tear them constantly finally i couldnt take it anymore i chased him down and punched him in the eye.
When we were taken to the vice principals office i told her what happened and she said good for you! later in class he said to the rebbi what am i gonna tell my father about my black eye, the rebbi said tell him you got punched.
Worst memory graduation they had all kinds of awards for different achievments everyone got some type of an award everyone but me i was the only one without a star next to their name on the program truth is and i never was able to confirm this but i should have gotten the middos award there were two one for the boys one for the girls but there was some politics because my father was a rebbi in the school and both middos awards went to the girls.
Truth is i deserved that award hands down that doesnt sound very humble but its the truth, on the way home in the car i said to my parents i was the only one without an award i saw my parents exchange a look and could see my father was upset.
Ok thats mine lets hear yours.
June 13, 2012 7:51 pm at 7:51 pm #977550Rav TuvParticipantOK here’s mine. My worst memory was some guy who thinks he deserved the midos award punched me in the eye. Oy vay.
June 13, 2012 8:24 pm at 8:24 pm #977551Want MoshiachMemberI had a teacher who I HATED and boy, it was a two-way street. We were not a shidduch. One day she took me into a walk-in closet where books were kept-it must’ve been 2×2-to give me a mussar shmooze. She actually locked the door and I remember feeling soooooo claustrophobic. I mean, there I was with my nose a few centimeters away from my least favorite person’s nose and she was lecturing to me about attitude… Help!
June 13, 2012 8:45 pm at 8:45 pm #977552moishyParticipantmz- LOL!!!
June 13, 2012 8:56 pm at 8:56 pm #977553OneOfManyParticipantOh, those charming little tales of sordid juvenile violence… 🙂 I once got into a fight with a classmate and in typical girl-war style, she made this really sly and spiteful remark to someone else about me within my earshot – but instead of using the same tactic against her (which would have been the protocol), I walked right up to her and SLAPPED her so hard…the whole room was SHOCKED. (This wouldn’t really be as shocking but I think we were like twelve at the time…) Later, the kid comes up to me like nothing happened, all chummy again… Mind you, I think this was the only time I ever hit someone in anger (except my siblings, of course), but boy did it work…
Another funny story – I had a friend who was a little goody-goody overachiever just as I was (don’t worry, I outgrew it), and we always used to sit in those two seats right in front of the teachers desk. We always used to play tic-tac-toe with a piece of chalk on the teacher’s desk during certain classes – and the teacher always allowed this because it prevented us front raising our hands and shouting out answers (very mature, I know). And that was eleventh grade. :S
June 13, 2012 9:21 pm at 9:21 pm #977554avi eParticipantWorst: 2nd grade teacher accusing me of “pencil problems” (I kept losing pencils–what kid doesn’t?), and causing me to cry about it.
Best: getting to play Stratego during recess when the weather was bad.
June 13, 2012 9:25 pm at 9:25 pm #977555oomisParticipantSo many… My both worst AND best memory was having my tonsils out when I was 6. I am sure to this day that I was not fully asleep during the surgery, as I vividly recall feeling sharp pain BEFORE I was back in my room. I also woke up from the surgery a full hour before they expected me to. My parents were not even there, because they had been told to go get something to eat, once they knew I was out of surgery, that it would be an hour or two before I was conscious. They were mistaken. But on the plus side, My uncle came by with a “little dixie cup” for me (read: half a gallon of ice cream). 🙂
My first “best memory” was being a 2nd grader at Crown heights Yeshivah, and saying the Mah Nishtana in Yiddish for my teacher and having him smile broadly and give me a box of dominoes for a prize. He was a tough cookie most of the time, but he always liked me. My second “best memory” was being chosen to represent the school in the Chidon Tanach in Manhattan, when I was much older. I didn’t win, but I had a wonderful time.
My worst school memory was when graduating from junior high (not Crown Heights, as we had moved to another neighborhood)and I was told by my teacher that I was selected by the faculty to be the Class Valedictorian. Then, all of a sudden, the daughter of a choshuveh rabbi affiliated with the yeshivah was announced as having been “picked out of a hat” (supposedly my name, hers, and one other student’s were put in the hat) and she won the Valedictory award. My teacher took me aside and felt compelled to apologize to me, because he was shocked that it ended happening this way, as the teachers had already made their decision and notified my parents. In retrospect, though I felt bad and was not even made Salutatorian, I guess I am pretty lucky if that is my worst memory. Other kids lost a parent or became ill, lo aleinu. On balance, life is pretty good to me.
June 13, 2012 11:31 pm at 11:31 pm #977556TheGoqParticipantPretty funny zoger!!!
June 14, 2012 11:29 am at 11:29 am #977557Shopping613 🌠Participantwhen we were 3 some of the boys chased us around purim time with those little orange gym cones saying “were gonna hang u like haman” lol we were so scared! or the time they all gathered mulch/dirt into a HUIGE pile and sed were gonna make a bonfire and throw all the girls in! (around lag baomer)
June 14, 2012 12:40 pm at 12:40 pm #977558Feif UnParticipantMy worst memory is when a “Rebbe” in the yeshiva accused me of talking during class. I wasn’t talking, and I denied it. He threw me out of class until I was ready to “tell the truth”.
He didn’t let me back in for a few days, because I wouldn’t admit to talking. The menahel asked me, “Why don’t you just say you did it so you can get back into class?” I asked him why he felt it was ok to lie, and he said he’d speak to the Rebbe.
It turned out that after class the day I was thrown out, the boy sitting next to me went to the “Rebbe” and admitted that he had been talking, not me. So why was I outside? Because I told the Rebbe I hadn’t been talking, and he felt that was chutzpa, to contradict him in front of the class.
At least that was what he told the menahel. It doesn’t explain why he asked me each morning, “Are you ready to tell the truth yet?”
My best memory is graduating, knowing I was finally finished with the school and wouldn’t have to go back there.
June 14, 2012 6:48 pm at 6:48 pm #977559oomisParticipantIt turned out that after class the day I was thrown out, the boy sitting next to me went to the “Rebbe” and admitted that he had been talking, not me. So why was I outside? Because I told the Rebbe I hadn’t been talking, and he felt that was chutzpa, to contradict him in front of the class.”
Feif Un, that similar scenarioo happened to my son in 5th grade (almost put him off love of learning, btw). He was thrown out of class for talking during davening. Anyone who knows my son at all, knows that davening is of extreme chashivus to him, so much so, that he NEVER talked during tefila. The boy in back of him was nudging him, and he turned back to motion (not even say) “SHAH!” That’s what the rebbie saw. He would not even allow my son to explain that he was not doing anything wrong. L’hefech!
Even when the boy who WAS talking and bothering him IMMEDIATELY stepped up and admitted my son had done no wrong and it was entirely his fault, the rebbie still threw my son out (not the other boy, who btw is a wonderful young man), and called my husband and me in to see him the next day.
We are not the type of parents who always think their precious yingeleh is perfect, so we asked our son what happened, and got his side of the story. When we saw the rebbie the next day, we reserved judgment until after he told us his version of the events. We were non-confrontational, but asked him if it was true that the other boy confessed. he looked confused for a moment then mumbled something or other. I asked him if he had ever noted my son doing anything other than davening while davening (the school year was almost over, btw). He admitted he had not. I asked him if my son had ever given him any reason that entire year, to think he was not machshiv his davening. He said he had not. I asked him if he was aware of how important davening is to our son? I further asked him if he believed that throwing my son out of class for almost two days without benefit of hearing his side, or seriously listening to exculpatory evidence, in any way made him a better Yeshivah bochur. He had the grace to admit he had been wrong. I told him that he needs to believe us when we tell him that we would not countenance any misbehavior, especially during davening, but that he also needs to believe my son when he says that he does not talk during davening. Especially when the guilty party comes forward.
My son never enjoyed fifth grade Limudei Kodesh much. If he were a different type of boy, this could have chalilah given him a really sour taste at a most crucial stage in his development. B”H he knew we supported him fully, but he also knew that if and when he ever DID do something he shouldn’t, we would have a very different approach. Thankfully, that has not happened too often.
June 14, 2012 6:58 pm at 6:58 pm #977560oomisParticipantThis is a great thread. it has actually jump-started a flood of memories for me. I am re-thinking my “worst” memory, and want to amend it. The really worst memory I have is when I was accused of cheating on a Navi test in 7th grade, by my very beloved principal, who taught us for that one class that year. I really looked up to this man, both as a menahel and as a wonderful teacher. Having him accuse me hurt to the core, not just because I was such a goody-two shoes that the thought of cheating would not have entered my mind, much less actually cheating, but also because of who it was who was accusing me and showing how disappointed he was in me.
I did not cheat. A girl who sat near me (and I cannot fathom she could possibly have seen my paper, we were nto THAT close by each other) and I had both gotten the same wrong answer on the test. Both she and I were excellent students, but somehow we had come to the same conclusion on that specific question, and it was the wrong one. But it was not an “out there” kind of answer, so to this day I don’t get why he jumped to such a conclusion. The way I felt that day, was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I spoke to the assistant principal about it for advice, and he said he would talk to the principal. I was all of 12 years old. Thankfully, the principal reversed his original stance, and gave me the mark I deserved on the test. It was my only wrong answer, out of thirty questions, but he had been prepared to give me an F.
I know the other girl got many more questions wrong, but I think he didn’t fail her, either.
June 14, 2012 9:01 pm at 9:01 pm #977561bortezomibParticipantThis memory definitely makes it to one of the best-
In second grade, my morah decorated four or five siddurim into breathtaking masterpieces(at least they were to a 7 yr old girl). Every Friday afternoon, she would let each of the few “best daveners” take one home, but you could only get a siddur once. Being called was a serious status symbol. One week, my teacher called the names of four kids- mine was one of them, “talia” was another. When she realized that Talia already got the siddur once before she said “I’m sorry, but you already had it one week, Im going to give it to someone else.” In her frustration, Talia said “But Morah! Bortezomib also got it already!” To which my teacher said “Yeah, but she really deserves it, she REALLY davened beautifully”.
I love that woman until this day. Always felt bad for Talia though.
June 15, 2012 12:07 am at 12:07 am #977562SayIDidIt™Participantoomis1105.
The really worst memory I have is when I was accused of cheating on a Navi test in 7th grade, by my very beloved principal, who taught us for that one class that year. I really looked up to this man, both as a menahel and as a wonderful teacher. Having him accuse me hurt to the core . . . but also because of who it was who was accusing me and showing how disappointed he was in me.
…The way I felt that day, wdas the worst thing that ever happened to me…
While reading your story I felt it had a powerful Mussar lesson.
The next time one is faced with a Nisoyan (C “V), keep in mind that one day we will stand before the one who loves us the most, our father in heaven, and he will say, in a tear-chocked voice, “My child, how could you? You know how much you pained me?” And we will fell so terrible! Not for the punishment we will get but for hurting our father who we love so dearly. It will “hurt to the core”!
And the same is true for every Mitzvah and even the smallest good deed that we do, we will be so excited when Hashem will exclaim “WOW! Look what you did for me! I am so proud!” THAT will be our greatest reward!
Thanks for the Mussar, oomis!
June 15, 2012 3:40 am at 3:40 am #977565oomisParticipantThanks for the Mussar, oomis! “
You are certainly welcome, though it was not my intention to give anyone mussar.
June 15, 2012 4:21 am at 4:21 am #977566☕️coffee addictParticipantOk here it goes (I know, I never liked grade school that much)
My worst is in 1st grade when we came back from recess our Rebbe told us to open our chumashim and I said “oh” he asked me to repeat myself so I said “I said Oh” and he told me to leave the class (I’m figuring he thought I said “No”)
My best was in 6th grade my Rebbe had a sort of game where four people made a grammen one would say one line then someone would have to come up with the second then someone with the third and last one with the last line and I was always so good at it.
June 15, 2012 6:28 am at 6:28 am #977567YW Moderator-42ModeratorGrade school? I skipped directly from kindergarten to the top Beis Medrash shiur.
June 15, 2012 6:47 am at 6:47 am #977568🍫Syag LchochmaParticipantMost of my memories have been repressed
June 15, 2012 11:37 am at 11:37 am #977569☕️coffee addictParticipantsyag
mine too these were from the ones i remember
June 15, 2012 12:41 pm at 12:41 pm #977570gefenParticipantMod 42 – and then straight to being a Mod!!!!
Syag: mine haven’t. I really did not enjoy grade school. I was the one they made fun of. I wasn’t cool! Most of the kids did not come from frum homes. So I was “weird” cuz I didn’t do stuff they did. I did have some friends though, and I did survive….I think. Well anyone who makes it to the CR has just gotta be fine! Right?
June 15, 2012 12:52 pm at 12:52 pm #977571haifagirlParticipantI have three worst. The first was in kindergarten. Someone said to me, “Heidi is wearing funny shoes,” and I said, “Yes, she is.” I didn’t really think the shoes were that funny, I was just being agreeable. However, I was the one who was made to stand in the corner for saying Heidi was wearing funny shoes.
The second happened in sixth grade. One of the boys in the class had a birthday and brought gum for everyone. The teacher wasn’t that happy, as she would have preferred that he brought cupcakes, or something similar. However, she agreed to let us chew the gum. At the end of the day, I was going to my locker to get my coat, and another teacher saw me chewing gum and told me to spit it out. I told her Mrs. L. was letting us chew gum that day, but she said, “Mrs. L. never lets people chew gum,” and she made me spit it out.
The third was from eighth grade. I had a rotten teacher that year who was quite incapable of teaching. For math, we had a program that consisted of a series of booklets we were able to work on at our own pace. I finished all the required booklets and three of the four optional booklets. I was nearly finished with the fourth, but during math period he always found something else for me to do and wouldn’t let me finish that fourth booklet.
I have three best memories. The first was in first grade when my teacher discovered I could already read our reader. She realized it was pointless for to keep me in a group that was reading a book I could already read, so instead she let me advance quicker.
The second was in sixth grade when I received the “sixth grade math award.” That was the only grade that had a math award.
The third was in eighth grade. That year they instituted two “eighth grade math awards,” one for a boy and one for a girl. I got one of them. I really think the reason they made two awards is because we had a male teacher and he didn’t want it to look as if a girl was smarter than all the boys.
June 15, 2012 2:05 pm at 2:05 pm #977572YW Moderator-42ModeratorNo gefen, first I sepnt 18 years in yeshivaa after which there was 12 years of 24/6 studying at the Eastern Mod University.
June 15, 2012 2:20 pm at 2:20 pm #977573YW Moderator-20Moderator42, now we know your age.
June 15, 2012 4:42 pm at 4:42 pm #977574mommamia22ParticipantBest
Feigning illness when my sister got sick and getting to go home with her.
2nd grade, I had a head injury from a fall (a large and deep gash that required a lot of stitches) that required me to wear a gauze bandage wrapped around my forehead for ages. I got sooooomuch attention from everyone.
4th grade: sitting across the aisle from my best friend and making each other laugh
Our 6th. Grade teacher telling me we should make other friends (I dismissed her words), and then that same “best friend” becoming really popular and rejecting me
Having an eighth grade mock wedding play. Everyone pounced on the parts and I was without one. I had to make up my own.
Promising everyone a chocolate bar at the end of pre1A and then praying they would forget when school started in the Fall
June 15, 2012 6:44 pm at 6:44 pm #977575mommamia22ParticipantMy sister (a’h) had a teacher who broke pencils every time the girls erased (early elementary). My mother still talks about this horrible tactic.
Trip to the zoo in kindergarten. They forgot to tell us the animals were in cages, and I freaked out. I was terrified to go, imagining all these wild animals walking around. My mother had to pick me up. I guess I didn’t know how to articulate what my fears were.
7th grade flight to Washington, d.c. It was so exciting flying for a school trip.
Not so good was having to wait for 4 hours in the hangar for our return flight.
June 18, 2012 1:46 am at 1:46 am #977576OneOfManyParticipantBump.
June 18, 2012 2:42 am at 2:42 am #977577Imma613ParticipantTo “want moshiach”
Yrs ago I spoke to a student about her attitude in a similar venue and felt terribly guilty about it. I have often thought of contacting the student to ask her for mechilla. This was in a very MO school. If this was you, please accept my apologies. I am sorry if I contributed to your feeling so uncomfortable. And for the record, I didn’t hate you.
If the teacher was not me, I am sorry you went thru that. You should know though, that if the teacher is a Baal Aliya she too probably realized afterwords that she shouldn’t have made you feel so awkward and felt badly.
June 18, 2012 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm #977578emunah613MemberOne memory I have is of my third grade teacher. She brought her beautiful handicapped daughter to school with her on day when we had school and her child didn’t. Our entire class learned all about her wheelchair and the other many devices that this girl had to use to function. It was a strong lesson for us.
October 4, 2013 1:17 am at 1:17 am #977579TheGoqParticipantrandom bump numero tres
October 4, 2013 2:58 am at 2:58 am #977580writersoulParticipantWorst moment: I was in fourth grade and I had a kids’ book about inventions that I was showing kids in my class. One of the sections was about vending machines and one tidbit was how there was once a vending machine that dispensed underwear. Whatever. This was in the middle of recess and my teacher wanted to know what was making so much noise- we were supposed to be quiet during indoor recess or we’d get in trouble. I showed her the book and she said what we were doing was fine. She then asked to look inside it- when she read the section, she confiscated the book because she said it was inappropriate. (Something I still don’t quite understand, I gotta say.) I was infuriated, and said something to the teacher that I should not have said, which got me sent to the principal’s office for the first and only time in my school career. It was a low moment.
One of my best times was the time I yelled at my assistant principal, but I’m not going to go into that, no matter how epic it may have been, because it makes me instantly identifiable.
October 4, 2013 4:18 am at 4:18 am #977581live rightMemberduring recess I went to ask the teacher who had recess duty if I could use the bathroom. I didn’t know the teacher and was rlly shy so I spoke very quietly. the teacher said “pardon?” and I hadn’t the haziest notion what that meant. so I just stood there and stood there dumbfounded and on the verge of tears. to this day I flinch when someone uses “pardon”.
I also remember telling the teacher every day that I felt like I needed to throw up so that she would let me go to the bathroom. maybe after my “pardon” encounter, I didn’t think just asking to go to the plain old bathroom was urgent enough. so I came up with what I thought was a definite emergency.
thinking back, the teacher probably thought I was a nut job at best, or a 6 year old bulimic at worse.
October 4, 2013 7:54 am at 7:54 am #977582interjectionParticipantAll my worst stories were when they thought I lied. I wasn’t a good kid so I would understand why they would imagine I’d done xyz but I would never lie about it!! I wouldn’t be insulted that they thought I was capable of it but it was so painful that they didn’t trust me to say the truth.
October 4, 2013 4:36 pm at 4:36 pm #977583rebdonielMemberIronically, after attending public schools my entire life and a private university, the worst experience I ever had was in teaching in a grade school yeshiva; the boys were the worst behaved I ever dealt with or seen in my entire life. I never witnessed anything in public school as bad as what I observed in that yeshiva. And, despite what many frum people think, not all public schools have metal detectors, or drugs, or violence, or worse. I never had encountered any violence in all my years of public school.
October 4, 2013 7:03 pm at 7:03 pm #977584iknoMembercan i cheat and say my funniest teaching moment? please? gr8! thanks for the allowance!
one of my students came over to me and asked me, “where do you see yourself in 7 years?”
flabbergasted, i had no clue what to answer her, i turned the question back at her. so she answered me that she sees herself sitting and eating chicken nuggets!
so to humor her i asked her with ketchup or without and she told me without.
and then she remembered that i hadnt answered her yet and asked me again. so i told her that in 7 years i see myself teaching her while she eats those chicken nuggets!
my class had a field day!
October 6, 2013 10:47 pm at 10:47 pm #977585Miriam377ParticipantMy two worst memories: When I was in Second grade in a bais yaakov I told my teacher how we did hakafos in my shul, well she thought i was a liar, but how was I supposed to know I was describing a Syrian minhag since that’s where my father davened. It was not for another few year I started going to Ashkenazic minyanim.
second: I was dumped in the back corner for fifth grade english. I did not learn anything a whole year no thanks to my teacher hating me. ps she doesn’t remember it that way.
October 7, 2013 12:06 am at 12:06 am #977586Lost1970MemberI was in USSR up to 7th grade. I did not go to school during 8th grade. During 9th to 12th grade I was in a regular US high school. I went to 11th grade twice.
During my 10th and first 11th grades I became religious — I read most of the Tanach.
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