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    If I eat a cherry tomato which is smaller than a kezayis, does it require a Brocha Achrona?

    yossi z.

    is there any specific reason why you are only eating one? because i would think to suggest (oh great there goes the gemarra getting to me) that avoid the whole shaila altogether and eat a few of them


    If you only eat one then I think you don’t need. But why don’t you eat another few so you can bentch?


    I’m not interested in avoiding the shaila. That I certainly could do. I’m interested in hearing a discussion about the shaila.

    Y.W. Editor

    Why would it not require a bracha achrona?

    Not saying either way, I just want to hear your shaila.


    I am unclear about the various parameters of what constitutes a beryah.

    What if you eat the little tomato in two bites?

    What about a peach if you don’t eat the pit?

    Is an egg a beryah?

    I’d like to hear some discussion about it.


    You mean you want a shilchun aruch lesson here!!


    Yes, with commentary.


    uh, finally something worth discussing!


    Ok how bout starting a chavrusa. I’m looking to learb halacha too. Or we can have a shiur in halacha here each day. Anyone volunteering to copy one halacha here every day in a specific order.


    Well, we learnt this last year in halacha. If you don’t have enough, you don’t make the beracha acharona but what the rabbi always said was EAT RESPONSIBLY!!!!!!


    bump 🙂

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    In general, the halacha is that you only make a bracha achrona if you eat a k’zayis.

    However, there is an opinion that you make a bracha achrona whenever you eat a complete fruit even if it’s less than a k’zayis. But it’s a macholokes and there is no clear psak. Therefore, it’s a safeik.

    Since it’s a safeik, the rule is “safeik brachos l’hakel” so if you did this, I think you are not supposed to make a bracha achrona.

    But I think the halacha is that you are supposed to try to avoid the safeik in the first place. In general, we are supposed to avoid safeiks if possible.

    In this case, this can be done in one of two ways:

    1. Eat more cherry tomatoes.

    2. Eat or drink something else requiring a borei nefashos.

    If I have a chance, I will try to look up and bring the sources.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    I located the source. It’s in the Shulchan Aruch, Siman 210, S’eif 1.

    The Mechaber says that if you eat less than a k’zayis of food, you do not make a bracha achrona.

    He then goes on to say that there is a safeik if one should say a bracha achrona on a “briyah” (complete fruit), and that therefore, one should avoid eating a “briyah” that is less than a k’zayis.

    The Rema points out that if you don’t eat the seed, then it’s not a “briyah”.

    The Mishna Brurah points out that if you cut off a bit from the fruit, it’s also not a “briyah”.

    Lilmod Ulelamaid

    “I am unclear about the various parameters of what constitutes a beryah.

    What if you eat the little tomato in two bites?

    What about a peach if you don’t eat the pit?

    Is an egg a beryah?

    I’d like to hear some discussion about it.”

    1. It doesn’t matter how many bites you eat the tomato in. However, it’s possible that if it takes you more than 9 minutes to eat it, it might be okay. (although I don’t know if you will be).

    2. If you don’t eat the peach pit, it’s not a beryah. However, I think all peaches are a k’zayis anyhow.

    3. I don’t know if an egg is a beryah or not, but it’s definitely a k’zayis, so there’s no safeik and you definitely need a bracha achrona anyhow.

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