Be honest; do you (and/or does your spouse) iron clothes?

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    Do you iron your clothes? Does your spouse?

    How do people do it? And laundry, and buy groceries, and take care of themselves and family, and work?

    And have wrinkle-less clothing?

    Thank you πŸ™‚


    Just buy fabrics that are less likely to wrinkle and use a steamer or a dryer with a steam cycle. (Or just boil a pot of water, then make tea and steam your clothes at the same time.) I don’t understand how people know how to iron without burning their clothes.


    I don’t know how I used to iron as a kid! I used to iron my t-shirts so often. It may have been before I learned the dryer trick where you dampen a shirt and toss it in the dryer.

    But this dryer trick also makes clothing more susceptible to pilling.

    Alas… I wish all fabrics were wrinkle-free-friendly.

    OMG RebYidd23!!!! I forgot about steaming. That’s like the new ironing right? And if it is hot enough, it will kill dust mites!!!

    Okay… are these a billion dollars? Brb…

    Thank YOU!!!! Forgot about those πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


    Does anyone here have a good steamer that he or she recommends?

    Is a steamer a practical every day laundry tool?

    THANK you I’m advance ☺


    I find that when sweaty, iron clothes tend to react with the copper pillowcases. Believe me, sitting on voltaic piles is not comfortable!


    Omgosh they sell portable steamers for $20! Just a basic table-top ironing board is $10.

    Yays!!! Thanks RebYidd23 ☺☺☺ πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

    YOU made my day! 🌷Thanks for showing me a new solution πŸ’—πŸ£πŸ©


    How do you edit your posts RebYidd23? Are you a hybrid? Part Mod – Part CR Participant?


    ChadGadya, LOL πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


    My Eved Knani does it.


    Joseph, has your Eved Knani ever used a steamer?

    Does steaming work as well as ironing?

    Just realised that the iron probably is better at making those angles in clothing, like sharp collars right?

    Thank you ☺


    Iron clothes (other than those pressed professionally)??????

    Brings back memories of the days of typewriters and ice boxes and home deliveries by horse drawn wagons (I was a heart-broken toddler when my family moved to a nieghborhood where deliveries came by truck)


    Yes, my wife still irons clothes especially shabbos shirts.


    I used to have to wear button down shirts every day, so I ironed a few times a week – and I found it relaxing. Now I can wear whatever I want (I work from home), so I have no real need to iron. The FSIL (future son-in-law) will occasionally iron his Shabbat shirt before Shabbat, if it’s wrinkled. MY mother-in-law irons everything, including sheets and pillow cases and even jeans.


    My mother always sent the ironing out. She’d do the washing and drying and every week a basket to be ironed would be dropped off at the home of our ironess.
    Today, the only things that get ironed are my dress shirts (which I send out), pillow cases (not copper) and table linen.
    Our youngest daughter always did that ironing, but now that she is newly married, we’ll have to do it ourselves.


    I buy non-iron clothes mostly. It’s also not the end of the world if what I’m wearing is slightly wrinkled… I only iron if I’m going to some event or it’s more than a little wrinkled.


    All our clothes are non-iron, actually they are made from cotton, polyester, etc. And button down shirts are easy-care/wrinkle-free, they come out good enough from the dryer if I remember to take them out right away. Practically the only time I iron is when my husband needs to wear his kittel, twice a year.

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