Be Aware Before You Vote

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    Taken straight from the WZO website:
    To be eligible to vote in the US Election to the 39th World Zionist Congress
    you must:
    Be Jewish (and not subscribe to another religion)
    Be 18 years or older by June 30, 2025
    Be a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident in the U.S.
    Maintain your primary residence in the U.S.

    <u>Accept the Jerusalem Program (the Zionist movement platform)</u>

    Have not voted in the November 2022 Knesset election (and will not vote in
    any future Knesset election which may be held prior July 28, 2025)
    The Jerusalem Program’s foundations of Zionism are:

    • The unity of the Jewish people, its bond to its historic
      homeland Eretz Yisrael, and the centrality of the State
      of Israel and Jerusalem, its capital, in the life of the
    • Aliyah to Israel from all countries and the effective
      integration of all immigrants into Israeli society.
    • Strengthening Israel as a Jewish, Zionist and democratic
      state and shaping it as an exemplary society with a
      unique moral and spiritual character, marked by mutual
      respect for the multi-faceted Jewish people, rooted in
      the vision of the prophets, striving for peace and
      contributing to the betterment of the world.
    • Ensuring the future and the distinctiveness of the
      Jewish people by furthering Jewish, Hebrew and Zionist
      education, fostering spiritual and cultural values and
      teaching Hebrew as the national language;
    • Nurturing mutual Jewish responsibility, defending the
      rights of Jews as individuals and as a nation,
      representing the national Zionist interests of the
      Jewish people, and struggling against all manifestations
      of anti-Semitism;
    • Settling the country as an expression of practical
    • Encouraging recruitment and service in the Israel
      Defense Forces and the security forces and strengthening
      them as the protective force of the Jewish people living
      in Zion, as well as encouraging full National Service
      for anyone exempted in law from service in the IDF.

    You may notice there’s no mention of the centrality of G-d
    or the Torah in the life of the nation. If you’re cool with
    that, go ahead, check that checkbox & vote. If you’d
    rather go upstairs after 120 without having checked that
    box, no voting for you!


    When you vote for a Democrat you are agreeing with their platform. Ah but it’s for our Moisid you say.


    there is no statement of acceptance of kefira when you vote for anyone in the USA

    ☕️coffee addict

    From Ywn WhatsApp chat

    🚨 *NEW:* HaGaon HaRav Kalman Epstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Shaar HaTorah-Grodno, has announced his endorsement of Eretz HaKodesh in the upcoming WZO elections.

    For those unfamiliar, Rav Kalman founded Yeshiva Shaar HaTorah in Kew Gardens Hills, Queens, in 1974. His father, HaGaon HaRav Zelik Epstein ZT”L, served as Rosh Yeshiva until his petira in 2009. Over the past 50 years, Shaar HaTorah has produced thousands of Choshuva Bnei Torah, many of whom are now mechanchim worldwide.

    Just last week, Rav Kalman was featured on the cover of Mishpacha Magazine, where he addressed the urgent issue of the shidduch crisis.

    *Join a _YWN Live Alerts_ Community for Live Breaking News Updates!*

    ☕️coffee addict

    “When you vote for a Democrat you are agreeing with their platform“

    So if someone voted for trump because of his stance on Israel it means that he’s pro tariffs? Or that he’s pro Russia?

    Im sorry but life isnt all or nothing


    toonapish, thanks for the list.
    I am not really bothered by this list. Are you bothered by “unity of the Jewish people, its bond to its historic homeland Eretz Yisrael”, etc?

    Some of that is mushy, indeed, and it is not clear what it stands for.

    As to your concern about what is _not_ mentioned, this platform is to unity all Jews, and we do know that there are non-religious Jews, right? Are we not allowed to join them in discussing politics and security of millions of Jews in Israel?

    Note, btw, that the platform _does_ mention Torah – about as much as your wedding declaration “al dat Moshe veIsrael”. Platform includes:
    – by furthering Jewish … education, fostering spiritual and cultural values [das Yisroel]
    – Strengthening Israel as a Jewish … state and shaping it as an exemplary society with a
    unique moral and spiritual character [mussar] , marked by mutual respect for the multi-faceted Jewish people [ahavas Yisroel],
    rooted in the vision of the prophets [including Moshe]
    striving for peace [shalom] and contributing to the betterment of the world [tikkun olam, if you will]

    if this list is not enough, you should not get married under that vague declaration either.


    The very slight difference is that by voting republican, democrat, independent, green or anything else you aren’t joining a century-plus years old heretical ideological organization (WZO) that all gedolim across the board for over a century absolutely forbade joining, including Rav Elyashiv who banned the Shas party of the Israeli government from doing so about 15 years ago.


    @lakewhut is that actually true? I don’t recall signing that I agree with any if the party’s stances when I registered! TBH I actually registered Republican because I didn’t want to be part of such a party… but you’re not declaring that you agree with them, I don’t think, unless I’m mistaken.


    “There is a very slight difference “…lol. That’s Hakatan’s beating around the bush for ideological reasons. When one votes Democrat, or even if they are frum politicians in the Democrat party, they are endorsing the party that supports and implements agendas that are an abomination to Hashem, agendas that bought the mabel, it ison of the greatest chillul Hashem. The Democrat agenda is a million times worse than the WZO agendas listed above.

    Non Political

    I’m not voting because:
    1) My Rabbonim hold not to vote
    2) I can’t, in good faith, affirm allegiance to the WZO platform

    That being said, I would like to understand on what grounds joining the WZO is permitted. If someone on this forum received an actual hesber (not a silly tzu shtel to political elections) please share.



    Always do sure and always so wrong.

    There is no requirement that a Democratic candidate running for office be a supporter of the party platform.
    In fact a new platform is voted on at every National Party Convention for the purpose of electing a President.

    Candidates run for election in years when there is no platform.
    Some state parties have a platform, some don’t.

    A vote for a Democratic candidate I. A local election in no way means you are supporting a national platform (that doesn’t exist in 2025).


    I’m glad you detected the sarcasm. But, no, it’s not “beating around the bush” at all. Gedolim have stated long ago that it is forbidden to vote for toeiva, etc. But all of that, forbidden and disgusting as that is, pales in comparison to the abomination that is joining the WZO. Compare the two party platforms, Democrat party vs WZO Jerusalem Program. Also, the Democrat party is a government party in the US government, which is at its core a law-making institution rather than an ideological one. The WZO, on the other hand, is a heretical ideological organization. Therefore, no Jew has any business joining that organization.


    so those who actually looked at the platform – could you list things you agree with, and things you disagree with? this platform is helpful by defining a lowest common denominator that multiple groups signed to and making into into bullet points for us to analyze. What’s your score?

    non political> I would like to understand on what grounds joining the WZO is permitted.
    to answer this, we need to understand your objections to their platform.


    It’s a bit like avi schnall caucusing with BLM activists to try to get Yeshiva grants



    Thanks for the push to vote!

    Platform sounds fine

    Most items are ones that all frum yiden support (probably all besides the army one)

    With enough votes well add your missing provision too



    Thanks for the push to vote!

    Platform sounds fine

    Most items are ones that all frum yiden support (probably all besides the army one)

    With enough votes well add your missing provision too


    jews for z vs jews for j … which kefira will win the battle for yiddishe souls?


    Its important to remember that while most charedim hold not to vote for WZO, there are other shitas too. Mizrachi has stong roots in our torah as well. In fact many of the early charedim were against zionsim only because its secular and not because the idea of our won country is bad. It gets confuing because part of WZO debate is also that they are secular and not just the Zionist issue. So even if we we hold of zionsim we may not hold of WZO. Nevertheless mizrachi is also frum jews and lets not degarde them. They have sources form our torah and they have mesora form their gedolim too

    yankel berel

    jews for z vs jews for j … which kefira will win the battle for yiddishe souls ….
    jews for z is very far removed from jews for j


    Would you order pizza from a company of they don’t write “ברוך ה” on the box?

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