Babies and Mirrors

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    What do babies think when they see themselves and others in a mirror?


    a) Who’s that cutie?:)

    b)I once heard that you should not put a baby in front of a mirror before they have a tooth because the baby will develop a stutter.


    c)It takes time for a baby’s eyes to develop, so in the first few months they probably wouldn’t even see anything in a mirror.


    It’s a superstition that’s brought down in a few (very few) Seforim as that their teeth won’t grow in, which experience tells us Pashtus isn’t true. It’s also a weird European superstition that a baby who sees its reflection before its teeth grow in will die within a year. That one isn’t true either.


    I always thought the “inyan” if true, is that babies shouldn’t look in the mirror before one year of age because their reflection can confuse them.


    According to a book I have (published by the American Foundation for the Blind), babies with typical vision reach 20/80 vision between 6 and 8 months. One of the activities suggested is to position an infant facing a mirror. By 7 to 8 months, the child should smile at his image and may even try to kiss it. I’d love to see that.

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