Avrahom Rosenberg Candidacy

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    The fact is Mr. Rosenberg got 27% which is one of the top 5 results of the GOP and Conservative parry candidates and top 6 including the democratic candidates, based on

    NY1 election results. He Was the top scorer in the Conservative parry races abroad. HE was top 21 in all of the NY1 results of all candidates for public Office. So tell me MR. Miller How do you Explain that if he had a 1 in 100,000 chance of winning according to MR. Miller. How is he not a winner. What do you guys have to say about he running , The fact is he was 19 years old and the youngest nominated candidate and got a strong percent of the vote 8003 votes to be exact.


    StateSen: Huh? Are you in the middle of a conversation with someone?

    Who is this Miller?

    Top 5 WHAT?



    Nice job Avi.


    top 5 of state senate votes, Mr miller wrote an article on yeshiva world saying Rosenberg chance of winning was 1 in 100000 abroad meaning all races in NY. so whose father are you in Yesodei Apushatayid

    d a

    It looks like our StateSenator copied his post from another blog…

    Anybody know if Joseph Hayon won?

    d a

    Please note: when I wrote my above post, StateSenator’s second post had not been posted yet.

    so right

    Avi, I’m trying to understand your ebonics.

    Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?

    The Republicans won at least 32 of the 64 State Senator races in NYS. You got 27%. What do you mean you are in the top 5? The top 32 won. You didn’t.


    state senator:

    you are avrahom rosenberg?

    so right

    is it true that his opponent’s middle name is “Hussein?”


    top 5 at out of the candidates of the GOP and Conservative party nominations that didn’t win. Popa bar abba, whats the difference who I am.


    also there are 62 state senators not 64 and there are 31 republicans not 32

    so right

    I’m still struggling with the ebonics.

    Of the approximately 31 GOP State Senate candidates that didn’t win, quite a few came real close and lost by a squeaker. They were just short of 50%. So your 27% was far far from the “top 5” losers.

    There are 31 confirmed Republican winner, which guarantees the GOP at least a tie, with 3 races still too close to call — which they are likely to pick up one or two (as they are ahead), and grab the majority.



    I admire your self confidence in running for office at your age. I think it is ok that you did not win. Winning was a really long shot, and you did very well, 27% of the vote.

    What are your plans now?


    I said top 5 based on the NY1 results of the NYC area for State Senate add it up. Well Finish College, and Created the Jewish Political Activism Committee/Jewish Republican Association. An I am writing hopefully a book on the campaign and what got me into politics,and why I ran for office.


    That’s quite impressive!


    I say Mr. Rosenberg should replace obama for president!


    Don’t assume Yesodei. Remember, Ohr Hachaim is right next door and has its own parent body.


    If only I could replace him, I was mainly collecting in yesodei. Thanks fabie



    Do you support outlawing abortion (except when the mother’s life/health is at stake)?

    Do you support eliminating same gender “civil unions”?

    Where was the yarmulka at the Sheepsead Bay civic association, when you spoke?


    the yarmulka was on my head i noticed when the video was playing i didnt see it it was on the other side of my head, i didn’t attended for it to not be seen in the video, A total side point which i dont agree with I believe Sheldon Sliver and Lieberman who are Orthodox dont were yarmulka. I believe we shouldn’t be afraid to were yarmulkas . yes and yes

    minyan gal

    StateSenator: I really think that you are stringing everyone on this thread along. You adopted this screen name but could not possibly have been the candidate. Your sentence structure is terrible and you cannot spell. I have seen your posts on this and other threads – terrible grammar and syntax. What kind of education do you have? You can fool some of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. Eych mir a candidate – oy vey.


    The candidate is an 18 year old college freshman.


    I have been told by someone in a position to know that Sen. Lieberman was told by his rabbi NOT to wear a yarmulke in public because people might mistake his public statements for that of a rabbi, which he is not.

    This may sound silly but when I travel outside the NY area to parts of the country where there are few Jews lots of people assume that the fact I wear a yarmulke means *I* am a rabbi, which I am not.


    “Do you support outlawing abortion (except when the mother’s life/health is at stake)?”

    I hope not! Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli z’tz’l, Rabbi Eliezer Waldenberg z’tz’l, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik z’tz’l, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, and Rabbi Levy Yitzhak Halperin permit an abortion when a fetus has a serious medical condition or genetic defect.


    No mainstream rabbi allows abortion for a fetus with a medical condition. (With the very daas yochid exception of Rav Eliezer Waldenberg zt’l who allowed 1st trimester on tay sachs.)


    Also, the halacha is stricter for goyim because they are governed by the sheva mitzvos and their murder is governed by the pasuk “shofech dam haodom…” in Noach, which includes fetuses.



    You are incorrect. Rav Soloveitchik z’tz’l permitted a Tay Sachs fetus to be aborted through the sixth month of pregnancy. Rav Aviner recentely permitted a Down’s syndrome fetus to be aborted. Rav Yisraeli z’tz’l and Rav Halperin have ruled similarly.


    I do not write all the articles on this screen name, my friends write a lot of them. Most are from me, though. Abortion is a very touch issue each person should contact their rabbi. to have abortions in the third trimester should definitely not be allowed.


    popa bar abba exactly



    The gemara in Sanhedrin 59 points out that there is nothing permitted to a Jew that is prohibited to a gentile. The difference is that gentiles may have penalties that may not be permitted in a Jewish court. Examples are that a gentile court may enforce a death penalty for theft or abortion, neither of which is a death penalty offence in Judiasm.

    Interestingly, abortion has never been treated as murder in common law or anywhere in the US under statutory law.

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